Chapter 448
After entering Chu Palace, Qingji did not immediately go to see his old lover Meng Ying.

Instead, he immediately summoned Grand Sima Sun Wu, Yushi Dafu Wu Zixu, Zhisu Neishi Fan Li, and Tingwei Boshun to Zhangtai Palace for discussion.

Although the Wu army has broken through Yingdu, it has not completely defeated the main force of the Chu army, and even let the king of Chu, Xiong Zhen, escape.

The war is not over yet!
In history, Chu State was almost destroyed by Wu State, but finally recovered within a year. What is the reason?

First, Qin sent troops to rescue Chu.

Chu State was defeated and had no choice but to face the mighty Wu State, so he thought of Qin State.

Shen Baoxu, an important minister of Chu State, asked Qin State for help. At first, Qin State was unwilling to participate in this matter, but Shen Baoxu resorted to a unique trick, crying day and night at the city wall, without eating or drinking for several days.

This is the "crying Qin Ting" in history.

In the end, the monarch and ministers of Qin State were moved, and Duke Ai of Qin dispatched five hundred chariots to rescue Chu State and attack Wu army.

Second, the State of Yue sent troops to attack Wu.

King Yun of Yue often heard that the king of Wu was stationed in Yingdu, and the country was empty, so he sent troops to attack Wu.

Such taking advantage of the fire and looting also made Wu Wang Helu very angry and had to draw troops to deal with it.

Third, civil strife broke out in Wu.

After defeating Chu State, King Helu of Wu stayed in Chu State to search for King Chu Zhao. Helu's younger brother Fugai took the opportunity to escape and return to the country, proclaiming himself king.

This made He Lu very depressed. He was fighting on the front line, but the backyard was on fire!

When Helu heard the news, he abandoned Chu and returned to Wu to attack his younger brother Fugai.

Fourth, Wu Jun is unpopular in Chu.

In the original history, after the Wu army captured Yingdu, they massacred the city, burned, killed and looted everywhere, which aroused the hatred of the Chu people.

After Wu Zixu entered Yingdu, he even found the tomb of King Chuping, opened the coffin and flogged the corpse three hundred times...

Now the Wu Kingdom under Qingji's rule is facing a different situation.

Because there is no possibility of civil strife in Wu State, and Yue State has long been destroyed by Wu State, there is no such trouble.

What Qingji had to worry about was the sending of troops by the Qin people and how to win the hearts of the Chu people.

Regardless of the fact that Qingji's purpose is to divide Chu, the state of Wu wants to support Bai Gongsheng as the king of Chu, and govern the cities in the east of the defeated state of Chu.

However, this is only in name!

The real ruler of the "Eastern Chu Kingdom" is the Wu Kingdom, and it is Qing Ji, not Bai Gongsheng!
The reason why Qingji supported Bai Gongsheng and established an Eastern Chu State was only to make the local Chu people have a sense of belonging to a greater or lesser extent, so that they would not be stubborn to the end.

"Second and third sons, I entered the capital of Ying today, and I noticed that the people of Chu were showing resentment towards me, Jun Wu. Why? It's nothing more than a world feud."

Qingji looked around for a week, looked at Sun Wu and other four ministers present, and said slowly: "Of course, my intention is to let Wu and Chu contract as a family, regardless of each other."

"One or two generations, decades of time may not be able to eliminate this kind of resentment. However, I can wait."

"I have always believed that the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. I want to win the hearts of the people of Chu, why do you teach me?"

Hearing this, Sun Wu and the others couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Fan Li thought for a moment, then bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, I think it's not difficult to win the hearts of the Chu people."

"I've been walking all this way. What I have seen and heard are the Chu people with yellow and thin faces and hungry faces. Why? It's because the Chu people have fought repeatedly, the food and grass are not enough, and they are repeatedly recruited from the country!"

"In Yingdu and its nearby cities, Li Shu's family has no food left, and there are few adult men in every household, and most of them are old and weak women and children. This shows how tragic the Chu people are in this national war. .”

Hearing this, Wu Zixu frowned immediately, and asked, "Fan Neishi, what do you mean to use the rations of my Wu army to buy the hearts of the people of Chu?"



Wu Zixu snorted coldly, and said, "Let's not talk about whether the Chu people can buy it and really submit to my Wu country, or they won't be a hindrance to my Wu army. How can my Wu army's military rations be used for other purposes?"

Wu Zixu is really a ruthless person.

Wu Zixu, Fan Li, and Bo Tong were all aristocrats from the Chu state, and they were out-and-out Chu people.

It's just that both Wu Zixu and Bo Tong's family were assassinated by Chu State, and then they were forced to flee to Wu State.

These two people have a deep hatred with the Chu State, and they wish that the Chu State would be even more desolate.

Therefore, as soon as Wu Zixu's words fell, Bo Tong at the side agreed, "What the Yushi doctor said is very true."

"The land of Chu has not yet been included in the territory of our country of Wu, the main force of the Chu army is still there, and the king of Chu, Xiong Zhen, is still on the run. It would be too absurd to help the people of Chu at this time!"

Obviously, Bo Tong and Wu Zixu were on the same front.

They think that Chu people are not worthy of pity.

Fan Li shook his head, bowed to Qing Ji who was on the majesty's platform, and said, "Your Majesty, God has the virtue of loving life."

"As far as I know, the people of Chu in Yingdu and its surrounding areas don't have much food left in their homes. I'm afraid Chu will starve and starve to death before the autumn harvest, with their bodies lying on their pillows."

"If Your Majesty wants to take the hearts of the people of Chu, it is the most suitable time to buy their hearts with military rations."

It's not the benevolence of Fan Li's wife, but the fact that it is true.

The state of Wu had been preparing for this battle for half a year, and the food, fodder and supplies had already piled up like a mountain, which was innumerable.

It can be said to be a small effort to take part of it to help the hungry Chu people.

As the saying goes, if you are rich, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you will be good for yourself!

Qingji is not a stingy person either.

These Chu people, old and weak, women and children, did not pose any threat to Wu Jun.

It doesn't matter if you help out or celebrate the taboo.


Qing Ji nodded slightly and said, "Fan Li, you will be fully responsible for the matter of feeding the hungry people with military rations."

"In addition, inside and outside Yingdu, as well as in various cities occupied by our Wu army, post safety notices, ordering all troops and horses not to disturb the people, and those who violate military laws will do so!"

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Sun Wu and Fan Li quickly praised.

The army of a country breaks through the capital of the enemy country, burns, kills and loots, which can be seen everywhere in the past dynasties.

Since ancient times, soldiers and bandits have been a family. The reason why soldiers actively attack cities and seize land is that they can loot houses everywhere and make a fortune when they are victorious. Officers and soldiers often loot people's homes when suppressing rebellions.

After a series of fierce battles, it was basically bloody. When the city was broken, it was impossible to know how many surrenders and resistances there were in the city. It was normal to continue to slash and kill with knives and plunder along the way.

Therefore, military disasters have always been the greatest suffering for the common people.

In the past dynasties, the army relied on killing to build its prestige. Wherever it went, it was killing, blood flowed like rivers, and looting caused disasters.

However, in the Spring and Autumn Period, such tragic events were rare.

Because of this, the army that dares to attack civilians and kill them must be an army of evil, a division of tigers and wolves, and will be condemned by the people of the world.

Maybe, as the overlord, Jin will organize a coalition of princes to retaliate.

In the name, it is "Hanging people and punishing crimes"!
(End of this chapter)

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