Chapter 452
"How dare Wu Zixu be so rebellious?"

Hearing what Bo Tong said, Meng Ying, who was standing beside Qingji, couldn't help staring at his beautiful eyes, his small cherry mouth slightly opened, and said with an expression of disbelief.

You know, digging graves and whipping corpses openly is in itself a matter of disgrace to the world.

Putting this matter on an ordinary person will inevitably cause the other party's blood to splatter five steps, and since then forge an endless blood feud that is difficult to resolve.

What's more, King Ping of Chu is the king of a country?
King Ping of Chu has a close relationship with Meng Ying.

King Ping is the previous king of Chu, the father of Chu King Xiong Zhen (King Chu Zhao), and the husband of Meng Ying.

The hatred between Wu Zixu and King Ping of Chu has a long history, and it has nothing to do with Meng Ying.

At that time, Wu Zixu's father, Wu She, was the court teacher and think tank of Prince Mijian, and Wu She was involved in the vortex of the battle for the throne.

Originally, Xiong Jian could take the position automatically, but a beautiful woman from Qin State changed the direction of history and changed the fate of Chu State——

That was Meng Ying.

Of course, Chu Ping Wang Mi Qiji was not a good bird.

Chu State has long had a tradition of killing kings and usurping the throne.

As far as Qingji knew, so far, four kings of Chu became kings through conspiracy.

The first place is Chu Wu Wang Xiong Tong.

King Wu of Chu killed his own nephew and came to power.

After Xiong Tong came to power, after a series of iron-blooded tactics and heroic battles, the state of Chu was unprecedentedly strong, so he asked Emperor Zhou to raise the title of Lord Chu.

After being rejected by Zhou Tianzi, he proclaimed himself king in a rage.

This act of his opened the precedent for the princes to claim the title of king, and this king of Chu, who killed the king, cared about the country all his life, and finally died on the journey.

The second place is Xiong Yun, king of Chu Cheng.

King Cheng of Chu killed his elder brother and came to power.

At that time, King Cheng of Chu was deeply trusted and loved by the Chu people. His elder brother Xiong Yu was afraid of him after he came to power, so he wanted to kill him.

The king wants the minister to die, but the minister has to die?


The rebellious Chu people have never been able to sit still and wait for death.

King Chu Cheng resolutely launched a palace change, killed his elder brother first, and became the new King of Chu.

What's interesting is that King Chu Cheng, who killed the king, was also killed by his own son in the end——

Chu Mu Wang Shangchen, he was also the father of the famous and blockbuster King Chu Zhuang.

King Chu Mu was established as the prince at the beginning, and he was the logical successor of King Chu Cheng. He didn't need to embark on the road of regicide.

However, King Cheng of Chu vacillated in the later stage and wanted to change the prince many times. King Mu of Chu felt that his status was threatened. After careful consideration, he decided to kill his father and ascend the throne directly.

Therefore, Prince Shangchen led troops into the bedroom of his father, King Chu Cheng.

When he arrived at King Cheng's bedroom, King Cheng was lying on the bed, and bear paws were being cooked in a cauldron not far away. King Cheng might have expected this day long ago, so he didn't resist, just begging his son to let him finish eating bear paws. palm.

Unexpectedly, the last wish was not fulfilled. King Chu Mu raised his sword and fell, directly ending his father's life and becoming the new King of Chu at the same time.

Later, under the influence of Central Plains culture, this situation improved a lot.

But later Prince Wei of Chu Ling and Qiji of Chu Ping also rose to power through regicide.

After all, it is not easy to change the tradition of these years.

King Ping of Chu is the son of King Gong of Chu.

After the death of King Gong of Chu, Qiji's eldest brother, son Zhao, succeeded him as King Chukang.

Qiji has five brothers in total. The eldest brother is King Chukang, the second brother is King Lingling, the third brother Zibi, and the fourth brother Zixi. Qiji is the youngest.

The five brothers are all deeply loved by the elder brother King Chukang.

After the death of King Chukang, Xiong Yuan, the son of King Chukang, succeeded him as Chu Jiaao.

It's just that the good times didn't last long. Qiji's second brother killed Chu Jiaao and proclaimed himself king, the Lingwang of Chu.

Therefore, Qiji's three brothers fled to the state of Jin.

Later, Qiji rebelled and supported Zibi as the king of Chuchu, but not long after, the Chuchu king and Ling Yin Zixi committed suicide, so Qiji ascended the throne and changed his name to Xiongju, and became Chuping King.

This experience is quite similar to that of Wu Guo.

But the state of Wu is brother and brother, and the elder brother passes the throne to the younger brother.

The state of Chu committed a rebellion, killed the king and seized the throne!
Can't be compared.

"Your Majesty, we must stop Wu Zixu from doing such treasonous things."

Meng Ying hurriedly said to Qingji.

It's not that she has much affection for King Ping of Chu, and she doesn't want to see King Ping of Chu's grave being exhumed and flogged. It's just that if Wu Zixu did such a thing, the people of Chu would definitely go berserk.

And Wu Zixu's behavior not only caused him to be criticized, but also dragged Wu into the water and intensified the hatred between Wu and Chu.

Qingji naturally also thought of this.

"Where is Wu Zixu now?"

Bo Tong on the side quickly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, when I came here, someone had already told Wu Zixu the location of King Chuping's tomb. Wu Zixu must have been there by now..."

Hearing this, Qingji didn't say much, after boarding the army chariot, he sent people to drive to the place where the tomb of King Chu Ping was located.

As the widow of King Ping of Chu, Meng Ying knew where her bones were buried, so she took the initiative to lead the way.


To the west of Yingdu, on a mountaintop full of green pines and cypresses, Wu Zixu had already found the tomb of King Chu Ping under the guidance of the old man of Chu Palace.

However, he did not dig up King Chu Ping's body and whip him to vent his inner hatred as Qingji and others expected.

It is true that Wu Zixu hated King Ping of Chu so much that he wished he could be chopped into pieces.

However, if a person is dead, what can he do?

At this moment, a team came galloping.

The leader is none other than the king of Wu——Qingji.

Meng Ying, Fan Li, Bo Tong, and a group of guards in military uniforms all rode behind Qingji in military chariots.

Qingji immediately walked up to the top of the mountain step by step, and he could see Wu Zixu standing there in a daze at a glance.

Standing beside Wu Zixu were not fully armed soldiers, but a group of men dressed in black, with bird feathers on their heads, and colorful faces painted on their faces.

They are local shamans, shamans responsible for sacrifices, prayers and other activities in places like Chu.

I saw these witches standing in front of the tombstone of King Chu Ping, dancing, shaking the mysterious musical instrument similar to a rattle in their hands from time to time, pausing every step, and still muttering words in their mouths.

Anyway, most people should not understand their mysterious language.

This is a language that can communicate with ghosts and gods, and normal people naturally cannot understand it.

"Your Majesty."

Seeing Qingji who had already come in front of him, Wu Zixu hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Zixu, what are you doing?"

Qingji asked rather puzzled.

"Reporting to the king, the minister is taking revenge on Xiong Ju (King Chu Ping)."

That's it?

Qingji was quite puzzled. According to historical records, shouldn't Wu Zixu "excavate King Chuping's tomb, uncover his corpse, whip him three hundred times, and then die"?
(End of this chapter)

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