Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 454 Battle with the Qin-Chu Allied Forces

Chapter 454 A Battle with the Qin-Chu Allied Forces

In the eleventh year of King Qingji of Wu, that is, in May 503 BC, the coalition of princes headed by Wu State made great strides all the way. After capturing Yingdu, they divided their troops and occupied a large area of ​​Chu State's land west of Han River.

More than [-] cities, including Jiang, Xi, Jiang, Bai, Huang, Baiju, etc., were all captured by the coalition forces.

However, the remaining main force of the Chu State has not been wiped out, and the king of Chu, Xiong Zhen, still exists in the world.

After the fall of Yingdu, Xiong Zhen fled westward under the protection of a group of nobles and guards.

Xiong Zhen, who abandoned the capital for refuge, can be said to have gone through hardships and obstacles, and has seen the dangers of the human heart.

When he was crossing the Han River, one night when he was sleeping in the open, he encountered robbers.

The robber attacked Xiong Zhen with a dagger, but fortunately, Xiong Zhen was unharmed because a nobleman jumped on him desperately, but the nobleman fell into a coma due to a serious shoulder injury.

In the darkness and panic, the escaped Chu king Xiong Zhen and his party fled to Yun.

However, Xiong Zhen almost died in Yun.

Yun Jun is Xin, and his younger brother You Huai and Chao. Dou Huai wants to kill King Zhao and avenge his father, but Dou Xin categorically stops him.

Xin Hechao then escorted Chu King Xiong Zhen and his party to flee to Sui State.

After hearing the news that Xiong Zhen had taken refuge in Sui State, Shen Zhuliang also led the Chu army to station in Sui and Junxiang areas, built fortifications, strengthened the city defenses, and prepared to stand there and wait for reinforcements.


Zhangtai Palace.

Qingji sat high on the majesty's platform, and sitting below were the great Sima Sun Wu of Wu, Wu Zixu, the royal historian, Fan Li, the governor of millet, and Tingwei Bosong.

Everyone had a serious look on their faces.

"Your Majesty, Tian Rangju sent people to report, and the Chu people set up king banners everywhere to calm people's hearts, recruit stragglers, and organize a war of resistance."

Sun Wu frowned and said: "The main force of the Chu army, the king of Chu and Shen Zhuliang, is now in Suiguo, and the number of soldiers and horses under their command should be no less than [-]."

"Furthermore, there are boat masters from the state of Chu haunting the north and south of the Han River. If we fail to win the first battle and destroy the main force of the Chu people, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles, and our Wu army will be in danger of being deeply trapped in the Chu land!"

Hearing this, Qing Ji squinted his eyes and said, "Chu is now divided into east and west, and my goal has been achieved."

"The mere remnants of the Chu army, I didn't think it was a worry. After my Wu army retreated, I just let Baigong's victorious Chu army stick to it."

"Of course, I just got the report from the Black Ice Terrace. Qin people are going to send troops to rescue Chu."


As soon as this remark came out, Sun Wu and Wu Zixu couldn't help but change their colors and were shocked.

Qin Guo actually wants to intervene in this war?
The coalition of princes headed by the state of Wu won successive battles and even captured Yingdu of the state of Chu.

However, at this time, Qin sent troops to rescue Chu, which would make the direction of this war confusing.

After all, the Wu army has not even wiped out the main force of the Chu army, and with the addition of a Qin army of tens of thousands, Wu has no advantage.

"The people of Qin took Zipu and Zihu as their generals, and with five hundred chariots, they would pass through the Wu Pass and save Chu."

"I don't worry that the Qin army and the Chu army will join forces, but I am afraid that the Qin army will turn around and attack our Wu army from the flank."

Qingji still vaguely remembers how the Wu army failed in the historical battle against Chu——

The Qin division was in and out of Fangcheng, and the Chu division was haunting the north and south of the Han River. The Chu people supported the Qin division and the Chu division and hindered the Wu division, and the Wu division was at a loss.

The land of Chu State is vast and has a vast strategic depth, which is the advantage of Chu people.

Qingji was not afraid to fight head-on with the Qin-Chu coalition forces, but what he was afraid of was that the enemy would resort to guerrilla warfare and exhaust the Wu army.

This strategy was originally used by Wu State to deal with Chu State, but now it can be reversed!

The state of Qin dispatched five hundred chariots this time, how many troops did it have?

No fewer than tens of thousands of people!
In this era, a military vehicle is a combat unit.

However, military vehicles are divided into attacking vehicles and defending vehicles.

An attacking chariot consisted of four horses, a chariot, three soldiers on the chariot, and about [-] people for flank protection.

Like the Chu army, the Chu army is equipped with one hundred infantry on the battlefield in an attack chariot, which is more than the seventy-five soldiers in the Central Plains.

One soldier, including three armored soldiers.

In addition, there are twenty-five servants in a guard car, which belong to the attack car.

In this way, the total strength of the Chu army was one hundred and twenty-five.

Twenty-five people are one liang, two liang one is partial, and two partial one is dead.

There is a team of two, and five people are a team.

Death, Pian, Liang, and Wu are the structural levels of the Chu army's annual soldiers.

The situation of Wu State is basically the same as that of Chu State.

Because Wu and Chu are located in the south and are not rich in war horses, there are more soldiers in the chariots.

The state of Qin is located in the western corner of the country, where it lives with Rong and Di, and is famous for raising horses, so there are many war horses.

Qingji speculated that the strength of the Qin army's chariot configuration should also be more than fifty, and there may be a small amount of cavalry.

No less than [-] soldiers and horses!
If he fought the Qin army on the plain, Qingji would feel a little guilty.

"Your Majesty, why don't you end the matter of defeating Chu?"

After pondering for a moment, Fan Li bowed to Qingji and said, "The coalition forces have captured nearly half of Chu's cities and lands, and the land is quite rich, much better than the cities and towns in the west of Chu."

"Your Majesty's purpose in launching this battle is to divide Chu. Now that the purpose has been achieved, why bother to fight to the death with the Chu people and the Qin army?"

Hearing this, Qingji shook his head and said, "Young Uncle, do you want me to send envoys to discuss peace with the people of Chu?"


"However, if you are the king of Chu, and you are Shen Zhuliang, are you willing to stop here and make peace with my country of Wu?"


Fan Li looked a little embarrassed.

In this matter, he was indeed ill-considered.

At this time, it is undoubtedly the best choice to cease fighting and negotiate peace with Chu.

But how could the people of Chu agree?
How can we let it go?

Chu State's vast territory, the eastern part is well developed, it can be said to be fertile and densely populated.

However, the western part of Chu State is vast and sparsely populated, and many places are still barren, and the people are tough, so they may not be able to obey the orders of the King of Chu.

Not to mention the support of the Qin army now, even if there is no support, the people of Chu will not give up, and they will fight Wu Guo desperately!

Because once the city and land in the east are lost, Chu State will no longer have the power to stand up.

From then on, it can only be reduced to a second-class country, which may have more than self-preservation, but not enough progress!
"Your Majesty's intention is to fight the Qin-Chu Allied Forces?"

Bob asked curiously.

"I am not afraid that Qin and Chu will join forces, but I am afraid that they will fight on their own and attack our Wu army from the side."

Qing Ji said in a deep voice: "The Qin people have five hundred chariots, and they will definitely not give up this advantage."

"The intention of the widow is to take the first step to capture Suiguo, wipe out the main force of the Chu army, capture the king of Chu alive, and then fight the Qin people!"

Qing Ji knew very well that Wu Jun was far inferior to Qin Jun in terms of maneuverability.

This is a very cruel reality.

If the battlefield is placed in the wilderness, or if the Qin army is pursued without authorization, the Wu army can only be led by the nose in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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