Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 464 The title of genius doctor Bian Que

Chapter 464 The title of genius doctor Bian Que


After Bo Tong left, Qingji looked at Ah Qing again, and saw that she opened the bag she had been carrying all along, looked at the things inside, and her face was full of rejoicing.

Qingji took a closer look and saw that it was all gravel, so he couldn't help chuckling and said, "Miss Aqing, isn't this a pile of stones? How do you treat them like treasures?"

"This is baby."

Ah Qing pursed her lips and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know. My master Mr. Bian Que said that this yellow naphthalene sand and saltpeter are both medicines that can cure diseases and save lives. How could they not be treasures?"


Qingji was stunned for a moment, and Sun Wu who was sitting on the side asked with great interest: "Mr. Bian Que, a genius doctor who is well-known in the Central Plains, is your master?"

"I met Mr. Bian Que once. How is he?"

Ah Qing nodded slightly and said: "So you know your tutor. General Sun, to tell you the truth, your tutor is still staying in Suiguo. If you have time, you can visit him."

"Very good."

Bian Que?

Qingji was quite surprised. He remembered that Bian Que, a miracle doctor in history, should be from Qinyue, from the Warring States Period.

When he was young, he studied medicine from Changsang Jun, and passed on his medical skills to the forbidden prescriptions, and he was good at various subjects.

Gynecology in Zhao, ENT in Zhou, and Pediatrics in Qin, are well-known all over the world.

Li Yan, the doctor of the Qin Dynasty, was not as good as he was and envied him, so he made people assassinate him...

Is this a fallacy, Bian Que is a figure in the Spring and Autumn Period?
Seeing Qingji's puzzled look, Sun Wu said, "Your Majesty, this Bian Que's name is Chen Huan, and he's from Chen Guo."

"Because of his superb medical skills, he was regarded as a miracle doctor, so the world borrowed the name of 'Bian Que', the miracle doctor of the Yellow Emperor from ancient mythology, to call Chen Huan."

Hearing this, Qingji suddenly realized, nodded and said, "I see."

This Bian Que is not that Bian Que!
"Bian Que" is a general term for those with superb medical skills in ancient times.

According to the legends of the ancients, a healer who heals the sick and saves the patient will bring health and happiness wherever he goes, just like a magpie bringing good news.

Bian Que is obviously a name, and Chen Huan can get the title of "Bian Que", presumably he has very good medical skills.

It is not known to the princes, but it is well-known among the people of the Central Plains.

However, at this time, Qingji's focus is not on Bian Que for the time being.

Qingji looked at the pile of amber-like crystallized stones in Ah Qing's bag, the so-called yellow navel sand and saltpeter.

Not to mention saltpeter, isn't this Huangnao sand just sulfur?

You know, gunpowder is a mixture of sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal.

The production process is not complicated, the only difficulty lies in the formula.

A long time ago, Chinese ancestors had a certain understanding of these three substances.

As early as the Neolithic Age, people knew charcoal and used it as fuel when firing pottery.

During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, charcoal was widely used in metallurgy.Charcoal has less ash than firewood and is stronger, making it a better fuel than firewood.

Sulfur exists naturally and was mined by people in ancient times.

People are often exposed to sulfur in life and production, such as the smell of sulfur released by hot springs, and the pungent and unpleasant smell of sulfur dioxide released during metal smelting, which will leave an impression on people.

The earliest nitrate mastered by the ancients was the soil nitrate in the corner of the wall and under the root of the house.

The chemical properties of saltpeter are very active and can react with many substances.

Its color is not much different from some other salts, and it is easy to make mistakes in use, but people have mastered some methods of identifying saltpeter in practice.

Whether it is saltpeter or sulfur, they were generally used as medicines in ancient times.

"Fan Zi Ji Ran" records: saltpeter comes out of the Long Road.

It can be seen that in the Spring and Autumn Period, Huaxia had already used saltpeter for people's livelihood.

Aren't Fan Li and Ji Ran the current ministers of Wu?
Gunpowder was invented by ancient alchemists. From the Warring States period to the early Han Dynasty, the emperors and nobles indulged in the fantasy of being immortals and immortality, and drove some alchemists and Taoists to refine "elixir". During the refining process, the formula of gunpowder was gradually invented.

It was not until the Tang Dynasty that black gunpowder really appeared, and it was widely used in warfare during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

Qingji was born in Jiangmen and a graduate of a famous military academy, so he naturally knew how to make gunpowder.

It's just that the final bomb and its explosion effect are still unknown.

If I hadn't come across sulfur and saltpeter today, I would have almost forgotten that I could make gunpowder by myself after traveling through the years and following the customs for a long time!

"Miss Ah Qing, where did you get the yellow nawt sand and saltpeter?"

Qingji asked curiously.

"By the Qingfashui River, there is a lot of yellow naosha. As for saltpeter, it is also everywhere in caves or rock walls in the mountains."

Ah Qing replied honestly.


After learning that Suiguo had a lot of saltpeter and sulfur, Qingji didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately ordered a thousand soldiers to collect these two minerals everywhere.

No matter how effective the final black gunpowder is, Qingji must give it a try!

With the city, on the top of the city.

Chu Wang Xiong Zhen supported the crenel with one hand, looked at the coalition army camp in the distance, couldn't help frowning, his face was full of hesitation.

"Great Sima, the coalition forces have not changed anything during the past few days except for moving the camp under Suicheng. Could it be that Qingji is planning a bigger conspiracy, or is planning to capture him without a fight?"

Based on Xiong Zhen's understanding of Qing Ji, the latter is not someone who just sits and waits to die.

Shen Zhuliang, who was standing aside, was also puzzled.

"Your Majesty, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The enemy army has been standing still for many days, neither retreating nor attacking the city. Could it be that Qingji still has a backup? The Wu army has a second grain transport team, which is rushing to anywhere on the way?"

Shen Zhuliang was not sure either.

"Look, Da Sima, so many military tents in the enemy camp are connected together, what are they doing?"

Xiong Zhen was condescending, pointing at the vast stretches of military tents in the coalition camp, he was very puzzled.

It can't be that the coalition army lacks even the most basic tents, and then hundreds of soldiers are crowded together to sleep, right?

Shen Zhuliang had already seen this unusual tent a few days ago, and he couldn't understand it.

What kind of tricks will Qingji use?
"The minister also doesn't know."

Shen Zhuliang shook his head and said.


At this moment, there was a burst of shouting and killing in the city suddenly.

"what happened?"

Xiong Zhen was taken aback and asked hastily.


A small school hurriedly came to Xiong Zhen and said: "My lord! Something is wrong! The enemy... the enemy has come in!"


Xiong Zhen was suddenly struck by lightning, never imagined how the coalition forces from outside the city came in.

"The enemy army came out of the tunnel!"

Shen Zhuliang suddenly realized.

He once heard a little bit that when the Wu army conquered the capital of Han State in the past, they used tunnel warfare!
(End of this chapter)

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