Chapter 477
With a sincere expression on his face, Qingji looked at Bian Que on the side of the platform, and said, "Sir, there is a Jixia Academy in my state of Wu. Learning, whoever achieves something, will be famous and rewarded with money.”

"Students of Jixia Academy are not necessarily scholars. Generally speaking, medicine, agriculture, engineering, etc., all have their talents to the best of their abilities, and they all have their teachers to inherit!"

After a pause, Qingji said again: "What Mr. said just now, is willing to spend his whole life to heal more patients until death. The widow secretly thinks that with Mr.'s own strength, even if he is poor for a lifetime, he can heal more patients." how many people?"

"If you enter Wu and become an imperial physician, you can give lectures and discuss Taoism in the Jixia Academy. There will be hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of disciples!"

"In this way, sir, not only can he carry forward what he has learned all his life, leaving his name in history, but he can also indirectly treat more patients in the world, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Hearing this, Bian Que's eyes lit up.

If he was just hesitant and vacillating about Qingji's olive branch before, then now, Qingji's words completely dispelled Bian Que's doubts in his heart!
"Chen Xu, I would like to do my best for the king!"

Convinced, Bian Que finally bowed to Qing Ji.


Qingji nodded slightly.

In fact, he has long had the idea of ​​opening an additional medical school in order to train more doctors.

The medical and health conditions in ancient times were relatively backward. It's not that the rulers of all dynasties didn't pay attention to it, but they didn't know where to start.

Sometimes a fever and cold (infection with wind and cold) can kill a person.

For example, in this era, doctors are not a common profession.

The theory of ghosts and gods prevails!

Relatively speaking, not to mention the relatively developed Chinese countries, people in remote and barbaric areas still live a life of bare hair and blood.

Just like in ancient times, when people were sick, they would not seek medical treatment, but asked wizards to do it, sprinkle a little "sacred water", and just do it hastily.

As for whether the patient can survive it, it depends on his own good luck.

Qing Ji hated such incidents, even quack doctors.

Therefore, Qingji deliberately cultivated many doctors to treat more patients.

If possible, in the future, Qingji will set up a special "medical officer" in the army, that is, a hygienist.

Once a soldier is injured, he can get timely treatment without having to die painfully.

Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven.

This is a maxim believed by the ancients.

However, in many cases, although some wounded soldiers could be rescued, they died because their wounds were infected and they could not receive timely treatment.

In Qingji's view, this is a pity.

After all, the veterans who survived the battlefield are rare.

Walking through the gate of hell, they know more fighting skills!
Of course, there is another important reason why Qingji intends to cultivate a large number of doctors for Wu.

That is "gunpowder"!
The research and development of gunpowder has been put on the agenda by Qingji.

"Ah Qing, I, Wu Jun, ate the flock of sheep you raised before, and I paid for it on credit. Did your master tell you how much it will cost?"

Qingji laughed lightly.

Upon hearing this, Ah Qing said shyly, "My lord, my master dare not ask you for money."

"Hahahaha! What's the matter?"

Qingji waved his hand and said, "I promise you everything you say, so it's absolutely impossible to backtrack."

"Ah Qing, after a while, let Bo Tong go with you to meet your master. Money is essential, and he will buy you out by the way. In the future, you will follow Mr. Bian Que to study medicine in the country of Wu!"

"Thank you king!"

Ah Qing did not refuse.

Her master was originally a noble from Sui Kingdom.

Now that the Wu army has captured Suicheng and destroyed Suiguo, Ah Qing's master naturally dare not ask Qingji for money worth a flock of sheep.

But, he can refuse it, but Qingji can't refuse it!

Regarding this matter, regarding Qingji's reputation, there is no room for loss.


In the eleventh year of King Qingji of Wu, that is, in July 503 BC, after the strike between Wu and Chu, Wu State divided the original Chu land into Jing State and Chu State with Qingfashui as the boundary, and both of them were vassals of Wu State. country.

This has brought great changes to the pattern of the world.

The rise of Wu State is already unstoppable.

The princes of all countries are deeply worried about this.

Because at this time, the state of Wu had replaced the state of Chu and became the hegemonic power in the south.

It is conceivable that after the settlement of Chu State, the aggressive Wu State will definitely extend its claws to the Central Plains in the next step.

Among them, the country that is most worried about Wu's continued external expansion is Jin!

The capital of the Jin Kingdom, Xintian.

When Jin Gong Ji Wu heard about the alliance between Wu and Chu, she felt very worried, so she summoned the generals of the six ministers to the side hall for discussion.

At this time, the six ministers of the state of Jin were: Shi Yang, Zhao Yang, Xun Yi, Xun Yin, Wei Lu, and Han Buxin.

Wearing a mian suit and wearing a flat sky crown, Ji Wugao sat on the Majesty's platform, looked around, looked at Liuqing who was sitting below, frowned and said: "Second and third son, about the battle in Chu, there must be You have heard about it."

"I thought that the battle between Wu and Chu would inevitably fall into a tug-of-war, and both sides would suffer losses. I never thought that the people of Chu would be so vulnerable."

"Not to mention that Yingdu was captured by the Wu people, and the Chu masters were all lost. Now the Chu country has been divided into two, and they all pay tribute to the Wu country."

"The so-called Jing State is nominally a vassal state of Wu State, but in fact it is no different from Wu State's fiefdom."

After a pause, Ji Wu said worriedly: "Since Qingji took the throne, he has made great efforts to govern the country, and Wu's national strength has been growing day by day, and it has been expanding abroad all year round. It is invincible and invincible."

"Now that the state of Wu has the power to dominate Chu in the past, I am afraid that Qingji's ambitions will go north to fight for hegemony, which will not be good for our state of Jin."

Ji Wu's worries were not without reason.

Throughout the ages, starting from Duke Huan of Qi, every vassal state that has grown stronger has always hoped that "nine princes will unite, and the world will be ruled by one".

Qingji is no exception.

Moreover, the state of Wu obviously has the qualifications to compete with the state of Jin for hegemony.

Under the flag of Wu, there are eleven vassal states, together with the mainland of Wu and the six prefectures in south of the Five Ridges, in terms of territory, Wu seems to be the largest country in the world.

Of course, there are not many cities and lands that can really be absorbed by Wu.

Even so, in terms of national strength, Wu State is only stronger than Chu State when it was King Zhuang of Chu.

This made Jin's monarchs and ministers feel very uncomfortable.

Because the state of Wu was originally supported by the state of Jin to deal with the state of Chu.

Back then, Duke Jing of Jin gave Wu Chen thirty chariots (about [-] people), and Wu Chen went to Wu State himself to teach the people of Wu State to drive chariots.

This became the prelude to the decline of Chu State and the rise of Wu State.

The state of Jin just wanted to attack the state of Chu with the help of the Wu people. It never thought that it would be dominated by the state of Wu now.
This is something that the kings and ministers of Jin cannot tolerate.

(End of this chapter)

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