Chapter 53 Han Country
The Chu army is about to attack the state of Wu on a large scale. This news comes from Shimi Mou, and Qingji can naturally believe it.

Gain Shimimo has no reason to deceive Qingji!

Furthermore, the relationship between Wu and Jin is close, and the common enemy is Chu.

Jin is a big country, so there are naturally many secret workers in various parts of Chu!
Only Wu and Chu people dispatched troops and generals like this, but they couldn't find out in advance!

The news was so closed, Qingji really had to take it as a warning.

The enemy is almost at the door!

The news of the Chu army's invasion was reported to Qingji by Jin people!
How does this make sense?
Having said that, Qingji was still able to stabilize his mind, calmly, and continued to receive envoys from various countries.

Seeing Qingji's demeanor and calm appearance, Shi Mimou secretly praised him in his heart!


At this moment, there was a chaotic sound of horseshoes in the distance.

"Step aside!"


Following a burst of jumping around, shouting of curses, and the sound of whips being whipped, a team of fifty or sixty people broke into the venue abruptly.

The Wu people who were watching the ceremony at the side were all dispersed by this team. The whips were waving from time to time, and sometimes they were beaten on the people's bodies.
Including Qing Ji, everyone looked around and saw that this group of uninvited guests were wearing simple animal skins, plate armor, braids on their heads, and a pheasant feather. They had dark complexions and a strong figure!
Like savages coming out of the depths of the mountains, they galloped on horses, brandishing the leather whips and bronze swords in their hands, and opened a path from the crowd.

This sudden change instantly made the atmosphere of the venue tense!
Seeing their own countrymen being beaten, the people of the nearby state of Wu were all very indignant, rolled up their sleeves, and moved closer to the barbarian team.

This barbarian team broke into the center of the venue all the way, that is, under the altar, in front of King Wu Qingji!

Immediately, the soldiers of the Wu army in strong and sharp clothes stood in front of Qingji in uniform, and the nearby soldiers also surrounded these barbarians without any explanation.

A team of archers had knelt down on one knee, opened their bows and set arrows, aiming at the group of barbarians who refused to accept the king.

Just waiting for Qingji's order, thousands of Wu army soldiers can strangle these barbarians one by one!

"You are Wu Wang Qingji?"

At the front of the team, the "barbarian" in charge reined in the horse's reins, and with a "chirp", looked down at Qingji from a high position, and asked loudly.

Obviously, judging from the attire, only Qingji was the only one who could wear the princely uniform in the entire venue!
However, facing the barbarian leader's loud questioning, Qingji just kept a cold face and did not answer.

Because of the appearance of this group of barbarians, at least a dozen innocent Li Shu were flogged and wailed endlessly!
This is something Wu Wang Qingji cannot tolerate.

Then look at those youths from the Wu country who are full of blood in the venue, they all glared at this group of uninvited guests, as if they wished to cut these people into pieces!
If it wasn't for the armored soldiers at the meeting place holding their spears to block them, the scene would have been in chaos due to the riots of the Chinese people.

At this moment, Qingji looked at the group of savages in front of him expressionlessly, his eyes full of murderous aura.

These people are obviously here to mess things up!

Seeing that Qingji did not speak, the barbarians in the head thought they had frightened Qingji, so they couldn't help but sneered, and said with their nostrils upturned: "Hahahaha! I heard that Qingji is the number one warrior in the Wu Kingdom. , the divine power of fighting leopards!"

"Looking at it today, it's nothing more than that!"

The accompanying soldiers all laughed loudly, and their laughter and demeanor were full of sarcasm.


At this moment, Jizha, who has always been gentle and refined, couldn't help being furious, and angrily yelled at the barbarian in charge: "You are so rude, don't you think that there is no one in my country of Wu? Wu Ge is not good?"

Even Ji Zha was so annoyed, it can be seen how much the Wu subjects present hated this group of sudden barbarians.

However, these barbarians were not afraid of the spears and arrows of the generals of the Wu army!
The leader was dressed in expensive clothes and had such an arrogant attitude. He even called himself a "widow". Qingji thought that he should be the king of a country.

Belonging to a vassal entrusted by Zhou Tianzi, but definitely not the vassals of the Central Plains countries!
After all, the culture of the Central Plains has a long history and respects etiquette, so such a vulgar and rude monarch must not be born.

"I don't know who I am?"

Qingji asked lightly.

"Haha! Good question!"

The man laughed loudly, and said with his head held high: "The widow is King Gandang of Han! Hearing about the ceremony of King Wu's crown, I'm here to congratulate you!"

King Han?

Qingji was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses.

The so-called king of Han is just Hanzi, just like Wu and Chu, he is a viscount prince entrusted by the Zhou royal family. He is a viscount externally and a king internally!
If there is no self-confidence, how can a mere viscount country become king with arrogance?
It is worth mentioning that the country of Han comes from Huaiyi, that is, the lineage of Dongyi, and there are certain differences in cultural customs from the Huaxia country whose roots are Zhengmiaohong.

During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the tribes on the eastern seaboard were called "Dongyi", and Dongyi included Huaiyi (South Huaiyi).

When the newly established Zhou Dynasty advanced to the lower reaches of the Great River (Yellow River), the Huaiyi tribe rising in the lower reaches of the Huai River and the coastal areas became a strong resistance force. The war between the two sides lasted for three years, and finally the Zhou Dynasty won!

Since then, Huaiyi has been under Zhou's military control.

Most of the Huaiyi tribes living north of the Huai River migrated to the Jianghuai River Basin, except for a few who became vassals of Lu.

During this period, a group of Huaiyi came to Yangzhou, west of Huainan Jiangbeihai.

At that time, the terraces on the north bank of the great river (Yangtze River) faced the river in the south, and there were streams in the north to provide water, which was suitable for living together. These Huaiyi established a tribal country - Qianguo.

The country of Qian is the country of Han!
The present state of Han is a neighbor to the state of Wu.

Han State borders Huaiyi, a small country surnamed Ying in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River in the north, faces the sea in the east, and faces Wu State across the river in the south!

As neighboring countries, war broke out between Wu State and Han State.

"Guanzi Xiaowen" records: In the past, when Wu Gan (Han) fought, he was not allowed to enter the army before he (chèn).The son of the country slammed his teeth, and then entered, and he became the leader of Qian (Han).

The state of Wu attacked the state of Han. According to the regulations of the state of Han, youths who had not yet had their deciduous teeth were not allowed to join the army to fight.

For this reason, all the children in Han country had their deciduous teeth pulled out and entered the military camp, staged a tragic "Broken Teeth Joining the Army", and made contributions to the country!
It shows that the state of Han is at a critical moment of life and death. Facing the mighty state of Wu, it has no choice but to violate the ancestral system and even violate human nature by sending underage children into the army.

On the other hand, all the people of Han State are soldiers, fighting against the enemy, which may have indeed deterred Wu State to a certain extent, and had a slight effect.

However, the country of Han is small and has few soldiers after all, their strength and persistence are short-lived, in this world of great strife, after all, it is hard to escape the fate of subjugation!

(End of this chapter)

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