Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 560 Crossing the Wanda Mountain

Chapter 560 Crossing the Hundred Thousand Mountains
The moon star is thin, and the black dragonfly flies south.

In Wu Jun's central army tent, Qingji was summoning a group of Wu Jun generals to raise the tent to discuss matters.

The bloody battle during the day made Wu Jun's generals realize that these Luoyue people were not easy to deal with.

Conventional tactics can't deal with these Luoyue people who don't pay attention to martial arts and are good at guerrilla warfare.

"Your Majesty."

As the general of Zhennan, Sun Li, who has fought against the Yue people all the year round and has rich experience in jungle warfare, stood up, bowed to Qingji and said: "My concubine thinks that a large-scale encirclement and annihilation campaign against the Luoyue people will not work. "

"In the past, ministers and concubines led troops to suppress Fu Lingnan, and they were often annoyed by Baiyue people's tactics."

"For this reason, the concubine summed up a tactic, which is to divide the troops to lure and annihilate the enemy."

"Show the enemy to be weak, and then encircle and destroy them."

"In terms of consumption, the Luoyue people cannot be compared with my Wu army."

This is not possible, what Qingji wants to fight is a war of annihilation, and a quick victory is needed.

Seeing that Qing Ji didn't adopt her strategy, Sun Li sighed secretly again, and said, "Your Majesty, maybe you can capture the thief first and capture the king first."

"As far as I know, the Luoyue people in Xiangjun are mainly headed by the 'Xiong King' of Wenlang Kingdom."

"It is said that this is an ancient country that has existed for more than [-] years, and the previous rulers were all titled 'Xiong Wang'."

"Xiong Wang divides the country into fifteen divisions, called Jiaozhi, Yueshang... the subjects belong to Yan. It is called Wenlang, and the capital of the king. The prime minister is called the raccoon marquis, and the general is called the raccoon general."

"Wenlang Kingdom can be regarded as the largest country in Lingnan, even Cangwu Kingdom, Fulou Kingdom, Huandou Kingdom, Diaoti Kingdom and Dan'er Kingdom are all inferior."

"Now Xiang County and even the Yue tribe in Hanoi have elected the King Xiong of Wenlang Kingdom as the leader to fight against our Wu army's crusade."

"Hezhong may have [-] people, so it should not be underestimated."

For this Wenlang country, Qingji still has heard a little bit.

It is said that the Wenlang Kingdom was established in 2879 BC, but Qingji doesn't quite believe it.

According to legend, the third grandson of Shennong is Emperor Ming, and his son is named Emperor Yi.

When Emperor Ming was touring the south, he met a fairy Wuling in Wuling, and the two gave birth to a son, named Luxu.

Lu Xu was born with intelligence and wisdom, which made Di Ming especially fond of him, and he intended to pass on the throne directly to him.

But Lu Xu did not dare to obey his father's order, so Emperor Ming still passed the throne to Di Yi, and named Lu Xu King of Jingyang, governing the south, and the country was named "Red Ghost Country".

This is the historical origin of Vietnam.

King Jingyang later married the goddess Long, the goddess of the Dongting Lord, and gave birth to a son, Chonglian, who became Lord Raccoon Dragon.

Lord Raccoon Dragon often lives in the water mansion, and when the people call for something, he will show up to help.

He taught the people to farm and grow mulberry, and formulated etiquette, standardized human relations, and spread civilization to the local area.

Queen Raccoon Dragon married Emperor Yi's granddaughter, Yuji, and gave birth to a hundred sons, who are said to be the ancestor of Baiyue.

However, Mr. Raccoon Dragon and Mrs. Ji belong to the species of dragon, and the other is the species of immortal (immortal). Mr. Raccoon Dragon believes that the two "fire and water are incompatible with each other, so it is really difficult to merge", and they should be governed separately.

Therefore, he decided to take the fifty sons back to the water mansion, and leave the fifty sons for the concubine to establish a country on the ground.

The name of the country is "Wenlang", and the leaders are all called "Xiongwang". This is the origin of Wenlang.

The territory of Wenlang Kingdom reaches the South China Sea in the east, Bashu in the west, Dongting Lake in the north, and the Fox King Kingdom (Champa) in the south.

The domestic territory is divided into fifteen counties including Yueshang, Jiaozhi, Zhuyuan, Wuning, Fulu, Ninghai, Yangquan, Luhai, Huaihuan, Jiuzhen, Rinan, Zhending, Wenlang, Guilin, and Xiangjun. Separately governed by vassals.

In terms of administrative system, there is a prime minister under the king, called "raccoon dog marquis", and generals are called "raccoon dog generals".

The king's son is called "Guan Lang" (prince), and the king's daughter is called "Mei Niao" (princess).

The general official name is "Pu Zheng", and there are also servants and slaves who are called "Shao Shu".

Various identities are passed on from generation to generation from father to son, and this system is called "father way".

The territory of Wenlang Kingdom is so large, can Qingji believe it?
Can and can't.

Because the history is too long, it is impossible for Qingji to know how big the territory of Wenlang Kingdom is.

However, as far as Qingji knew now, the largest territory of Wenlang Kingdom only included the southern part of Xiang County, and perhaps a part of modern Yuenan also belonged to Wenlang Kingdom.

"My concubine, how do you capture the king first when you capture the thief?"

Qingji asked.

As the saying goes, don't use doubtful people, and don't doubt employing people.

For his beloved concubine Sun Li, Qingji is naturally trustworthy.

Sun Li has been in Lingnan for more than five years, and she knows the local situation better than Qingji.

"Your Majesty, you can send an extraordinary army to cross the [-] mountains and attack the capital of Wenlang Kingdom. If you succeed in the first battle, the Luoyue coalition forces here in Xiangjun will also collapse."

Sun Li took out another sheepskin map, put it on the table, and said slowly: "This map is the marching route from Xiang County to Hanoi Wenlang City drawn by my concubine after three years. "

"Wenlang country is not a small country of Quer. If the king wants to completely annex Hanoi and expand the territory, he must have this map to help him."

Sun Li was indeed thoughtful about Qing Ji.

The existence of Wenlang Kingdom is indeed a big threat to the six Lingnan counties of Wu Kingdom.

Wenlang country can be said to be an independent country, or it can be said to be a vassal state of Wu country, which is quite special.

Before that, even Sun Li didn't dare to provoke Wen Languo easily.


Qingji deeply agrees with Sun Li's proposition.

With the least cost, we can destroy the Wenlang Kingdom and completely conquer the Luoyue people. Why not do it?
However, here comes the problem.

Qing Ji wants to send elite soldiers across the [-] mountains, how easy is it?

"Second and third sons, who is willing to take Wenlang City for the widow?"

With a serious expression on his face, Qingji asked slowly after looking around for a week.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to go!"

Goujian immediately stood up and asked for a fight.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead my troops across the [-] mountains, and I will not pay back if I don't break Wenlang!"

Xiong Zidan followed suit and volunteered.

The generals of the Wu army present here are basically the younger generation, full of vigor and determination to forge ahead, so they all called for the battle one after another.

This made Qingji quite gratified.

However, it is not enough to have elite soldiers, but strong generals are also needed.

Shrewd and capable general!
After some deliberation, Qingji finally set his sights on Xiong Zidan.

"Xiong Zidan, if you want to cross the [-] mountains and destroy Wenlang City, how many elite soldiers will you need?"

"Three thousand, three thousand elite soldiers will do!"

Xiong Zidan said seriously.

Three thousand people?
Can Xiong Zidan really do it?
"it is good!"

Qingji chooses to believe in Xiong Zidan.

"The widow will deploy my Huben Army and Habayashi Army to you, and you can choose suitable soldiers from them. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Shiwan Dashan and go straight to Wenlang City!"


(End of this chapter)

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