Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 569 Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 569 Top of the Food Chain

"dash forward!"

"Kill the elephant soldiers!"

Qingji made a decisive decision and issued such an order.


Faced with the violent impact of more than 50 elephants, Wu Jun was in a panic.

A single step on an elephant's hoof can crush a soldier of the Wu army to death and turn him into meat paste.

A flick of the elephant's trunk can also knock a Wu army soldier into the air, causing him to vomit blood, and the whole person flies out.

If you don't die, you will also be disabled!
As a last resort, Wu Jun's soldiers could only passively climb onto the elephant's body, trying to attack the elephant soldiers on the elephant's head.

However, all this is in vain.

Because the war elephants of the Ailao people are equipped with solid wooden boxes, if Wu Jun shoots, the soldiers on the elephant's back will hide in the boxes, and the elephant's skin cannot penetrate.

So at the beginning, the Wu army suffered heavy casualties, and the battle was very difficult.

Even if the generals of the Wu army wanted to climb up, it would not be too easy.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the Wu army's formation, the Ailao people and the Dian people on the opposite side spread their feet and charged towards the Wu army's phalanx.

These war elephants, like armored vehicles, made it impossible for Wu Jun to deal with them for a while.

At this time of haste, even Sun Wu and Wu Zixu have nothing to do.


"Ming Jin withdraws troops!"

As a last resort, Qingji could only issue an order to retreat in order to minimize his own casualties.


After returning to the Wu army camp on the side of the Lancang River, Qingji summoned Sun Wu, Wu Zixu, Goujian and other generals of the Wu army to the main tent of the Chinese army for discussion.

"Elephants are huge animals with long curled trunks. After being tamed, they carry people to fight. They are very powerful."

"Especially the deafening cry, which is a huge deterrent to people and war horses. No matter in size or voice, it is superior in momentum."

Qingji said slowly: "If our army wants to defeat the enemy, we must defeat the elephant soldiers of the Ailao people."

"What is the strategy of the second and third sons to defeat the elephant soldiers?"

Hearing this, the Wu army generals present couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If there is no way to defeat the war elephants of the Ailao people, it is indeed an extravagant hope for the Wu army to destroy the Ailao country and incorporate the Ailao country into Wu's territory.

After a long time, Goujian was the first to stand up, bowed to Qingji and said, "My lord, a prisoner is stronger than a war elephant."

"Since that's the case, why don't our army use our strengths to avoid weaknesses, send people to rob the camp, enter Ailao City, and take their war elephants for my use?"

Hearing this, Qingji just shook his head and said: "Goujian, what you can think of, the people in Ailao may not be able to think of it."

"This Ailao City is certainly not a fortified city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it is not something that our Wu army can easily capture."

Steal the war elephants of the Ailao people?
Gou Jian really dared to think.

However, the ideal is plump, but the reality is very skinny.

Qing Ji also didn't want to hit Gou Jian's enthusiasm too much.

After Goujian retreated, Sun Wu pondered for a moment, and then said: "My lord, those who first go to the battlefield and wait for the enemy are lost, and those who go to the battlefield later and pursue the battle will be exhausted. Therefore, those who are good at fighting are good at others, but not at others."

"Whoever can make the enemy come to him will benefit him; whoever can prevent the enemy from coming to him will harm him."

"Thus the enemy can work if he is lost, he can be hungry when he is full, and he can move when he is safe."

"I think that maybe in tomorrow's battle, we can dig a few trenches and traps behind our army's phalanx. If the war elephants get stuck, they won't be able to get out easily."

"In this way, the war elephant can be broken."


What Sun Tzu quoted was a section of the art of war in "Sun Tzu's Art of War: Fiction and Reality".

It means: Whoever arrives at the battlefield first, holds the battlefield firmly, and waits for the enemy calmly, will gain the initiative; whoever arrives at the battlefield later and rushes into the battle will be passive and tired.

Therefore, those who are good at commanding battles must be able to successfully mobilize the enemy without being mobilized by the enemy.

It must be able to make the enemy automatically enter the preset area, because the small profit has lured him; it can prevent the enemy from reaching the predetermined area, because it creates difficulties for the enemy.

When the enemy is well rested, try to make him tired; when the enemy is well-fed, try to make him hungry.

When the enemy is still, it can try to make the enemy move.

Generally speaking, Sun Tzu's strategy is quite pertinent.

Wu Jun can do it.

It's just, how much casualty price will Wu Jun pay?

Qing Ji didn't speak, just sat on the commander's seat, closed his eyes, and said calmly: "If you can take what the enemy relies on, the enemy will be subdued; if you can catch the enemy's surprise, the enemy will be defeated."

"Always use your strengths to attack your weaknesses, and don't use your strengths to attack your strengths. Don't let the easy go for the difficult, and don't know yourself and forget the other."

What Qingji said was similar to Sun Wu's Art of War.

If you can seize the conditions that the enemy relies on, the enemy will submit; if you can strike the enemy by surprise, the enemy will be defeated.

Always use my strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, and don't use my weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths. Don't abandon an easy-to-solve enemy to seek a hard-to-solve enemy. Don't only think about yourself and ignore the understanding and research of the enemy.

Unknowingly, Qingji and Sun Wu also discussed the art of war...

However, this just proves that the two already have a way to deal with the war elephants of the Ailao people.

Elephants have been used many times in ancient and modern China and abroad, and have been used in wars.

Qingji knew that there was a "Elephant Breaking Formation", which was specially designed to deal with war elephants.

When it comes to breaking the "elephant array", none other than Deng Zilong, the hero of the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, the Burmese army relied on [-] soldiers, especially the mighty "elephant soldiers" and cavalry, invincible, and the people were devastated, endangering the southwestern border of Ming Dynasty.

Deng Zilong showed that the enemy was weak. As soon as the enemy army arrived, the fire crossbows were fired, and the sharp arrows rained...In an instant, the "elephant soldiers" were in chaos.

Of course, that was in the Ming Dynasty, and there were firearms and artillery, which is not comparable to the current Wu army.

But Qingji thought of another method, specifically to deal with the war elephants of the Ailao people.

"Second and third sons, do you know the natural enemies of elephants?"

"Natural enemy?"

Everyone was at a loss, expressing puzzlement.

What natural enemies can such a giant elephant have?
You must know that elephants are at the top of the food chain. Generally speaking, it has no natural enemies, only lions and tigers will attack old orphan elephants.

However, this does not mean that elephants are invincible and have no natural enemies.


Qingji had already thought of this kind of animal, and it seemed that he could restrain the elephant.

At least, no matter how bad the lion is, it can also make the elephant panic.

So Qingji did what he said, and after he drew a blueprint, he ordered the soldiers of the Wu army to make a model of the lion overnight, making sure that it was lifelike, and the more the better.

The lion soldier retreats from the elephant, this battle example still exists in history.

Qingji vaguely remembered that Zongxi did it once during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Even though the elephant is the largest land animal on earth, it is extremely heavy and powerful.

It is dismissive of animals in general.

However, it is afraid of lions.Smart military strategists can seize this point to subdue the "elephant soldiers"!
(End of this chapter)

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