Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 575 The Power of Indoctrination

Chapter 575 The Power of Indoctrination
Inside the Fengtian Hall, Qingji was wearing a black and red-striped mian suit, a flat sky crown on his head, and a Longyuan sword in one hand, sitting on the Majesty's altar.

Qingji looked around for a week, looked at the ministers and officials below, and said slowly: "Second and three sons, in recent days, I have received reports that the conflicts between the old Wu people and the new Wu people have intensified in all counties of Wu County. Fight, even fight."

"This is no longer a fierce battle between families, but a vicious and bloody battle between villages and villages, villages and villages!"

"If we don't control it and come up with a proper countermeasure, I'm afraid the situation will be unstoppable and cause civil strife in our country of Wu..."

Qing Ji is not scaremongering.

The so-called new Wu people were actually forced by Qingji to migrate from [-] households in Dian County, Qianzhong County, and Jiaozhi County, or more than [-] people, to Wu County to enrich the population.

As for the old Wu people, they were the native Li Shu of the Wu Kingdom.

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, Shen Xi, the imperial servant who was a minister of the old family of Wu, couldn't help standing up, holding a wat in his hand, bowed to Qingji on the majesty's platform, and said, "Your Majesty, Nanren is rebellious and rebellious by nature. It is their honor to be relocated to our Wu County, the native country of Wu!"

"However, my country of Wu made these untouchables escape from the poor mountains and rivers, so that they can rely on their children and support them in their old age, but they don't think about gratitude, and instead they repeatedly attack and hurt people. They really deserve to die!"

"I believe that the king should punish those southerners who don't repent and use force to violate the ban. It is best to exile them for hard labor and build a new Lingnan road or a southwestern official road for Wu."

"As a punishment, as a warning to others!"

As soon as this remark came out, before Qingji could speak, Shaofu Beili and the senior doctor Hu Yong and other ministers immediately agreed and said: "What the servant said is very true!"

"My lord, don't do good because it's too small, and don't do evil because it's too small!"

"Southern people living in Wu are always a hidden danger! Please move them to Yuzhang County, Sishui County or Nanyang County and other counties, instead of staying in the mainland of Wu!"

"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"


Qingji still didn't speak.


At this time, Deng Xi, who had been promoted to Yushi Zhongcheng, came out, and after bowing to Qingji, he said loudly: "Your Majesty, let the more than half a million new Wu people live in Wujun, it is for my national policy of Great Wu. How can it be abolished because of a temporary dispute?"

"Since Your Majesty's second reform, people in Wu have respected the public and abided by the law, are brave in public wars, and are afraid of private fights!"

"It's just that the new Wu people have just settled in Wu, and it's understandable that they can't adapt to Wu's laws!"

"National policy, can it be changed day by day?"

Hearing this, Shen Xi blushed, pointed at Deng Xi's nose and yelled, "Deng Xi! You villain! How dare you instigate the king to do this kind of thing?"

"The southerners are not 15, not 50! They are [-]!"

"With the strength of Wu County, how many Li Shu are there? It's only 60 people!"

"At the end of the day, is Wu County the Wu County of my country of Wu, or the Wu County of the southerners?"

When Deng Xi heard this, he just sneered and said, "This servant's words are wrong."

"You keep calling the new Wu people 'Southern people'. What is your intention?"

"Is it discriminating against people from Xinwu?"


Shen Xi was stunned for a moment, then he waved his sleeves indignantly: "This old man didn't say such a thing! Don't slander me! Slander this old man maliciously!"

"Hehehe, is it?"

Deng Xi smiled contemptuously, and then turned to Qing Ji and said, "Your Majesty, no matter if you are from old Wu or new Wu, they are all His Majesty's subjects, and they are all Li Shu of my Wu Kingdom."

"Why can't the king treat everyone equally?"

Equal treatment?
To be honest, it's not that Qingji hasn't thought about this issue.

As the king of a country, as a high-ranking person, Qing Ji must naturally be fair and just.

It's just that in Qingji's heart, the old Wu people are the most important.


Because the old Wu people have lived here for generations and share weal and woe with the royal family of Wu.

The old Wu people are the foundation of the Wu Kingdom, the foundation of their lives.

As for the new Wu people, it may not be impossible to become the foundation of the Wu country in the future, but in a short period of time, there will be little effect...

Deng Xi said again: "Your Majesty, if, as the eunuchs and the Shaofu said just now, all the new Wu people were dispersed and divided into Yuzhang County, Sishui County, Nanyang County and other counties, how can it be possible?"

"Without the intimidation of elite soldiers and strong generals, wouldn't the rebellious Xinwu people take advantage of the situation to rise up, or become bandits?"

"The consequences will be even more serious!"

"Your Majesty, please be careful!"

Qingji also knew the seriousness of the problem, so he wanted to contain it as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse.

"Deng Xi, do you have any countermeasures?"

Qingji wanted to hear Deng Xi's opinion.

After Deng Xi heard this, he was silent for a while, and then continued: "Your Majesty, I think that the [-] households of the new Wu people can be dispersed, and the households are used as a unit to live among the households of the old Wu people!"

"At the same time, take the township as a region, restrict any new Wu people from leaving the country, and don't let the private fight continue, and the blood of Li Shu will not stop!"

Qing Ji frowned and said, "Deng Xi, if that's the case, I'm afraid the Xin Wu people will rebel and cause trouble."

"Your Majesty, if you stop and stop, you will be subject to chaos!"

Deng Xi said seriously: "Scattered resistance is ultimately easier to deal with than a massive rebellion."

"If Your Majesty wants to tame the new Wu people, it may be too slow to rely on the assimilation of the old Wu people, and it may not be effective."

"Therefore, the king should give more kindness to benefit the local area and the new Wu people, and then set up official schools in all townships and counties, so that there is no distinction between education and education, so that the children of the old and new Wu people can receive education, know the law and abide by the law !"


Deng Xi's last countermeasure made Qing Ji slightly nod his head in agreement.

The power of enlightenment is an invisible sharp blade, killing people without blood, but the effect is excellent.

Just like what Deng Xi said, since we want to integrate, we must educate the new Wu people.

In the previous second reform, Qingji established a relatively sound legal system in Wu State, and the results were remarkable.

The most important thing is that after many years of communication, Li Shu under the rule of Wu State can basically know the law and abide by the law, and dare not break the law casually.

The new Wu people have just been naturalized and don't know Wu Fa yet.

What's more, they all speak different languages, and they can't communicate with each other verbally, they can only speak with strength.

In this matter, it is the old Wu people who suffer the most.

On the one hand, the old Wu people were hostile to these barbarians who "invaded" their own land, and on the other hand, they suffered losses because they obeyed the law and were timid to fight privately.

You must know that the Wu people are full of blood, and they will fight if they disagree with each other. This was a common occurrence in the past, and it is well known all over the world.

It's just that after the establishment of the rule of law promoted by Qingji in Wu, the people of Wu can know the law and abide by the law, and dare not commit many illegal and criminal acts.

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(End of this chapter)

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