Chapter 595

The time has entered the 18th year of Wu Wang Qingji, that is, 496 BC, the third month of the lunar calendar.

In the territory of Wu State, the spring plowing and agricultural work have basically been completed, and they are waiting for death.

Qing Ji, who had been plotting against Chu State for half a year, was full of ambition and finally issued the order to attack Chu State.

In this battle, the state of Wu does not talk about martial ethics, but it is fighting for the sake of non-declaration against the state of Chu!

Without a name, and without showing any signs in advance, Wu Guohui sent troops to attack Chu.

However, all of this is a peaceful atmosphere created by Wu State to interfere with Chu people's sight.

This time to attack Chu, Qing Ji's ambition was to launch a war to destroy the country, so he sent out all the best.

Qingji led the expedition in person, commanding [-] powerful troops from the state of Wu, starting from Jinling City, and at the same time recruiting civilians from nearby counties such as Tiaonan County, Nanyang County, and Lujiang County, serving as a logistics supply team of more than [-] people.

It's just to ensure Wu's logistics supply work without any problems.

The scale of this national war is also extremely rare.

Wu's army is divided into the front army and the rear army. The rear army is the [-] powerful troops led by Qingji himself, and the front army is the [-] Wu elite soldiers who have quietly rushed to Suidi and Junxiang.

One hundred thousand soldiers of the Wu army attacked Chu mightily!

Not to mention the [-] soldiers, there are thousands of large and small warships, and thousands of grain transport ships, which appeared on the river almost on the same day.

start sailing!
In addition to the warships that can't be seen at a glance, the state of Wu also has a thousand military chariots at every turn, advancing by land and water, aiming to destroy Chu.

What is the concept of a thousand chariots?
You know, in the battle of Chengpu in the past, the military chariots that the Jin army put on the battlefield were only seven hundred...

Of course, the number of military vehicles may not be enough to prove the combat effectiveness of the army.

But fighting and fighting on the plains, military vehicles are still the mainstay.

And when Qingji led the army to advance by land and water, and sent troops to Chu State in a mighty way, Sun Wu, who was far away and on the front line of Junxiang, began to dispatch troops and generals, preparing for an unprecedented blitzkrieg.

In one battle, Yingdu was defeated!



On the huge Jianghan Plain, chariots galloped.

Looking around, there are Wu Jun generals and soldiers wearing crimson robes everywhere.

In order to increase the mobility of the army, in addition to the military vehicles, the Wu army is all soldiers who are good at fighting in the mountains.

These soldiers lived among the high mountains all year round, and it was not a problem to travel long distances, and they still had spare energy.

After undergoing special training by Sun Wu and other generals, the foot strength of these Wu soldiers is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Quick! Speed ​​up!"

Standing on the military chariot, Sun Wu held the hilt of his waist in one hand, waved his big hand, and shouted at the generals of the Wu army who were on their way: "My lords!"

"Keep working harder! After reaching Hanshui, you can take a rest!"

"Speed ​​is victory!"

"Don't give Chu people any chance to breathe!"

At this time, even the soldiers who were panting from exhaustion and whose feet were numb still gritted their teeth and caught up.

After special training, their endurance is no longer generally strong.

At least know some ventilation skills.

It is about five or six hundred miles from Suidi and Junxiang to Yingdu. Even if the soldiers of the Wu army travel day and night, if they march in a hurry, it may take a day and a night to reach the destination.

If you don't march in a hurry, you can reach Yingdu from Suidi and Junxiang in about three or five days.

This is bound to be a tedious process.

It's just that all the soldiers are very clear in their hearts.

They had to race against time, and before the people of Chu could react, they fought and captured Yingdu!
The moon star is thin, and the black dragonfly flies south.

After a long journey during the day, [-] soldiers of the Wu army finally arrived at the banks of the Hanshui River.

After a short rest, under Sun Wu's order, the Wu army officers and soldiers who had prepared for a long time began to build bridges to supply military vehicles to cross the Hanshui River.

Once Wu Jun crossed the Hanshui River, the vast hinterland of Chu State, including Yingdu, would be exposed to their vision...

There is no danger to defend!


The next day, Chu Gong Xiong Zhen, who didn't know that the disaster was imminent, was still on the edge of a farmland on the outskirts of Yingdu City, condolences to the farmers, and inspected the status of spring plowing by the way.

Over the years, under Xiong Zhen's diligent rule, not only the people's livelihood has been restored, but also the grains are plentiful, and there is surplus food every year.

In order to avenge the state of Wu, Xiong Zhen hanged himself like a virtuous king and asked his orphans, restraining himself and avoiding the slightest slack.

The subjects of Chu State have also felt Xiong Zhen's determination and trust the king very much.

If Xiong Zhen had such a benevolent and dignified appearance at the beginning of his succession to the throne, or at the beginning of his personal administration, how could the state of Chu be reduced to being bullied by the Wu people, losing the city and land, and being forced to become a minister and pay tribute?
For Xiong Zhen, this is undoubtedly humiliating.

For the subjects of Chu State, it is also humiliating.

Therefore, the whole state of Chu is striving to become stronger and forge ahead, trying to find a suitable opportunity one day to defeat Wu in one fell swoop, regain the lost ground, and avenge their shame!

Just as Xiong Zhen was sitting under a big banyan tree, chatting happily with a group of farmers, talking and laughing, suddenly a chariot galloped towards him.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

On the military chariot, a schoolboy ran up to Xiong Zhen, scrambling and scrambling, and said in horror: "My lord! Something is wrong!"

"What's the panic?"

Xiong Zhen couldn't help frowning, very displeased.

The little school replied with a mournful face: "Wu Jun! It's Wu Jun! Wu Jun, who is all over the mountains and plains, is coming towards Yingdu!"


Xiong Zhen suddenly changed color, with an expression of disbelief on his face, he stepped forward and grabbed the junior officer by the collar, and said angrily, "Are you lying about the military situation?"

"Well, why did Wu Jun suddenly appear in Yingdu? In the hinterland of our Chu country?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The little school was taken aback, and replied tremblingly: "My lord, it's true! There are Wu troops everywhere, I don't know there are countless thousands of them!"


Xiong Zhen was not dazzled by anger.

Xiong Zhen, who had calmed down, had already realized that Wu Jun might have really appeared on the boundary of Yingdu, and he was about to approach the city!
At the junction of Wu and Chu, the nearest end is Suicheng and Junxiang. If you march in a hurry, it may not be impossible to reach Yingdu in one day and one night.

It's just that this is really incredible!
Heavenly Soldier?
Realizing that something was wrong, Xiong Zhen didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took a military chariot and led a group of guards to return to Yingdu City to meet the enemies coming from afar.


When Xiong Zhen rushed back to Yingdu, it was too late!

A large number of generals and soldiers of the Wu army have entered the city of Yingdu in military chariots.

Inside and out!

In the city, there are already many internal agents of the Wu State who are responding to these Wu army officers and soldiers.

For a moment, Xiong Zhen was heartbroken, like falling into an ice cellar!

Could it be that my great Chu country is about to perish?
(End of this chapter)

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