Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 620 Appropriate Talent Selection System

Chapter 620 Appropriate Talent Selection System
"I have the Jixia Academy in the state of Wu, which gathers three thousand scholars all the year round, preaching and solving doubts."

Qingji said slowly: "Officials are selected mostly from the Jixia Academy, or recommended by the court officials, so that the widows can appoint talents and make use of their abilities."

"However, there are still scholars in various counties and counties, which are not known to the public. They have the heart to become an official, but there is no way to become an official. Why?"

"The widow issued an order to seek talents in the early years, regardless of background, only talent."

"Do not avoid enemies by exercising externally, do not avoid sons by exercising internally, choose talents and do not choose children. This is the national policy of employing people in our country of Wu. It can be made by the ancestors and will not change from generation to generation..."

After a pause, Qingji looked around again, looking at the ministers and officials under his majesty's platform, and said in a clear voice: "Now the country is employing people, and the officials of Wu are the top of all the countries in the world, but they are still a little scarce!"

"The widow's intention is to establish a complete system of appointing talents and employing talents in our country of Wu, which is for the - investigation system!"

Up to now, Qingji finally plans to establish a complete talent selection system.


Because Wu State now has a vast territory, many prefectures and counties, and the total number of officials ranks first in the world.

However, Wu's demand for officials is still stretched.

Over the years, the state of Wu has been expanding outwards, destroying Yue and swallowing Chu, conquering Lingnan, and annexing the southwest...

The needs of officials have always been a major problem in Wu State for a long time.

It is undeniable that the country of Wu has the largest and highest institution in the world today——

Jixia Academy!

In Jixia Academy, there are countless scholars every year.

Three thousand is just an approximate number, because the Jixia Academy is divided into the School of Political Science, School of Law, School of Business, School of Medicine, and School of Engineering. Among the five schools, all scholars can read and write, or have multiple talents.

Therefore, the total number of scholars in Jixia Academy has been several thousand all year round.

Why is demand in short supply?

Some scholars are indeed indifferent to fame and wealth, and have no intention of becoming an official for the time being, and it is not easy to force them to celebrate taboos.

When scholars all over the world admired the academic prosperity of Jixia Academy and entered Wu one after another, the scholars may not really leave Wu to serve.

Lao Tzu, Confucius, Yan Ying, Jizha, Sun Ping, Sun Wu, Ji Ran, etc., there are many famous sages in Wu, who have made outstanding achievements in various fields and are admired by people all over the world.

As the so-called big waves wash away the sand, it is still unknown whether some scholars will be able to serve in Wu.

For Qingji, this kind of grand occasion is like "all the heroes of the world are in my pocket"...

However, the ensuing problem still appeared.

Some scholars were unrecognized for their talents and were not appreciated by the court officials, so they recommended them to Qingji.

As a result, some talents in Wu State were buried, or they switched to other countries as a last resort!
This is something Qing Ji cannot tolerate.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what the 'reporting system' is?"

As Dazai, Ji Ran asked curiously.

Hearing this, Qingji smiled slightly and said, "The procuratorial system, as the name suggests, is a system for selecting officials."

"The three local elders are required to select those who are over [-] years old, have practice, and can lead people to do good, and assist the local governor to implement administrative orders."

"All counties, counties, townships, and pavilions (villages) need to record their conduct, appearance, and age, and recommend talents according to certain standards."

"At the same time, the filial brother Li Tian rewards those who have the virtues of a filial brother and those who can work hard. Together with the three elders, they are the county officials who are in charge of education in counties and counties. Since then, they have become a fixed number..."

The lower-level officials are nothing more than the three elders and the head of the pavilion. They can be exempted from corvee service or given generous rewards to "set an example for the people" and become township officials.

It mainly depends on character, followed by appearance and age.

In ancient times, appearance was also an important evaluation criterion for being an official.

Qingji never judges people by their appearance.

It's just that this is a low-level township official, so let's not mention it for now.

"In addition, to promote the virtuous, the upright, the outspoken and the most admonishing. The court ministers, doctors, local county guards, and county magistrates all have the obligation to promote virtuous people for the country."

"The widow and the scholars will 'countermeasures'. There are four countermeasures: the immorality of the widow, the injustice of the officials, the inappropriate government, and the restlessness of the people!"

Qingji's set of probation system can be said to have imitated the probation system of the Han Dynasty, but not all of them.

There are many subjects in the examination and examination, covering all kinds of talents needed by the state of Wu, and the selection range is also wide, which provides more opportunities for talented scholars to advance to official careers.

Relatively speaking, the probation system is strictly enforced, and rewards and punishments are given to both the sponsor and the candidate.

The most important thing is that the combination of selection and examination provides a stage for fair competition for the candidates, so that truly outstanding talents have the opportunity to stand out.

If it is classified according to the standard of four subjects, there are filial piety, filial piety and honesty, filial piety, honesty and so on.

The Ariake Law Department focuses on "grammar".

"Talent" mainly includes subjects such as Youyi, Juju, Bravery and Art of War, Ming Yin and Yang Disasters, and Youdao.

But all subjects are based on "virtue" first, and in terms of learning, they are all-encompassing. Taoism, Legalism, Confucianism, military, farming, etc., can be used by hundreds of schools.

This is the chaju system introduced by Qingji, which is the biggest difference from the chaju system in the Han Dynasty.

The inspection and judging system advocated the art of Confucius, dismissed hundreds of schools, and only respected Confucianism.

The probation system introduced by Qingji presents a grand occasion of "contending among a hundred schools of thought".

In Wu State's procuratorial system, the first to bear the brunt is "challenge".

"Chalian" means inspecting honest officials, not "filial piety".

Those who are promoted as "clean officials" are mostly low-level officials. After being promoted, they will be promoted according to their original positions.

Those who are regarded as "filial and honest" generally enter the court as Lang officials, which is the main difference.

Generally speaking, honest officials are subjects for local governors to report to their superiors to make up for outstanding officials, while filial piety is a subject for prefectures to "tribute scholars" to the court.

Honest officials are limited to officials who fight for food to six hundred shi, while filial piety is open to all officials.

Incorruptible officials are generally relocated directly according to their rank (position), while Xiaolian generally has to enter the Three Departments as a "doctor".

Integrity and honesty can be done in a wide range of subjects, including county guards, public ministers and officials, while filial piety and honesty are limited to county guards...

Historically, there were no more than three systems for selecting talents and employing talents.

One is the Shiqing Shilu system, the other is the investigation system, and the other is the imperial examination system.

The Shiqing Shilu system has fallen behind and is not applicable to Wu.

The imperial examination system is too "advanced" and does not conform to the current national conditions of Wu.

If you take big steps, it is easy to pull the egg.

Qingji knew this truth well, so he chose the investigation system.

The nobles of this era are still quite ethical.

They can be fair and impartial in recommending talents for the country.

Furthermore, once a person recommended by him commits a crime and something goes wrong, the courtiers and officials who are the "recommended master" will not be able to escape, and they will be punished according to law!
(End of this chapter)

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