Chapter 627
"What the censor Zhongcheng said is absurd!"

As soon as Deng Xi's words fell, Kong Qiu, the highly respected Prime Minister of the Right, immediately came out and reprimanded loudly: "The ancient system is an ancient system after all, how can we follow the rules?"

"Especially on such a big event as Li Chu!"

"Furthermore, the former King Shoumeng's will was to change his father's death and his son's successor to his brother's and his brother's. Now the king's heir is for his father's death and his son's succession. How can it be generalized?"

Confucius openly refuted the patriarchal system?
This made the monarchs and ministers of the Wu Kingdom quite surprised.

You know, Confucius had been advocating the ritual system before, trying to restore the "Zhou Li".

However, Confucius has never been a person who follows the rules and is pedantic.

This time, for the sake of his favorite student, Gong Zihong, Kong Qiu was going all out.

Letting go of my old face, I must fight for the crown prince for Gong Zihong!
"Ha ha!"

Censor Zhongcheng Deng Xi smiled contemptuously and said, "Prime Minister You, don't you find it ridiculous?"

"Prime Minister You is a well-known generation of celebrities in the country. He is well-educated and well-read in poetry and books. Don't you know that abolishing the elders to establish the young, and abolishing the sons to establish the concubine are the way to bring disaster?"

"How can Prime Minister You not know the principle of patriarchal clan system?"

Deng Xi bit to death the principle of the patriarchal system of abolishing the concubine and establishing the concubine.

From the son of heaven, the emperor, down to the ministers, officials, and scholars, their titles, fiefs, and official positions are all inherited from father to son.

This kind of inheritance principle is generally based on the eldest son of the first son born to the wife as the heir. If the inheritance right of the eldest son is abolished and the right is transferred to other sons other than the eldest son, it is called abolishing the eldest son and establishing the young.

In the past dynasties, it is not uncommon to abolish the elders and establish the young, and abolish the sons and establish the concubines.

For example, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty abolished the prince Liu Rong as the king of Linjiang, and established Liu Che, the king of Jiaodong, and later became Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

For example, Tang Taizong abolished his eldest son Li Chengqian and established Jin Wang Li Zhi, who later became Tang Gaozong.

For example, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty abolished the prince Yang Yong, and established Yang Guang, the king of Jin, and later became Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty.

Kangxi abolished the prince twice and established Yongzheng...

There are good and bad, and so on.

However, the reason why these accomplished emperors abolished the elders and established the younger ones was because the son was really capable and extraordinary.

The hereditary system of the throne has been established in the Xia Dynasty, but there are also differences between "father dies and son succeeds" and "brother ends up with brother".

It was not until the last years of the Shang Dynasty that the system of heir succession was fully established.

From the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the succession system of the heirs and elders was established, which is "the elders are not the virtuous, and the nobles are not the elders", thus further completing the patriarchal system.

The patriarchal system is the inheritance law of the slave-owner aristocratic class, and it is also the succession law.

To implement this inheritance law, we must first strictly distinguish the relationship between the concubine and the concubine.

For example, the son of heaven is passed down from generation to generation, and each son of heaven is the eldest son who inherits the father's throne and becomes the second generation son of heaven.

His mother, younger brother and concubine brothers were enfeoffed as princes, and they were called "Xiaozong".

The princes of each generation are also the second-generation princes from the eldest son and stepfather, and the ancestors are regarded as "dazong".

His younger brothers were granted the title of Doctor Qing, and they were called "Xiaozong".

The Qing doctor in each generation is also the eldest son and the stepfather is the second generation Qing doctor. The first ancestor is regarded as the "Dazong", and his younger brothers are "shi" and "Xiaozong".

The eldest son of a scholar is still a scholar, and the rest of the sons are common people.

The princes are Xiaozong to the emperor, but they are Dazong in their own country.

Doctor Qing is the Xiaozong to the princes, but he is the Dazong to his own clan...

Therefore, every great clan must be the direct descendant of the first ancestor, while the small clan is either the ancestor of the ancestor, or the great ancestor of the clan, or the ancestor of the clan, or the father of the clan, and for the great clan, they are all concubines.

According to the provisions of patriarchal law, "there is a clan that will not move for a hundred generations, and a clan that will move for five generations."

Because there can only be one ancestor of Dazong, it is impossible to have two.

So big will always be big.

As for the Xiaozong, due to the result of the multiplication of the race, the family was separated, and more and more people set up a new family, and the number of Xiaozong continued to increase. Generally, some descendants had to be separated in the fifth generation.

The so-called "gentleman's luster, beheaded for five generations" is nothing more than this.

For example, the eldest son of King Wen, King Wu, is Dazong, and the other sons of King Wen, who were enfeoffed as vassals, such as Duke Zhou, are Xiaozong.

Although the relationship between King Wu and Duke Zhou is blood, although they are brothers, politically, it has become a relationship between monarch and minister.

Therefore, only King Wu has the privilege of offering sacrifices to King Wen, and Duke Zhou is not qualified to do so.

Only under the command of King Wu can the Duke of Zhou participate in the ceremony of King Wen.

This is because King Wu is the eldest son of Duke Zhou.

This is what the so-called "a concubine who does not worship his ancestors knows his ancestors" is exactly what it means.

After the Duke of Zhou was enfeoffed to the State of Lu, he was the ancestor of the State of Lu, also known as Biezi.

According to the regulations, "the successor is called Xiaozong", so Zhou Gong's son Boqin and his direct descendants became Xiaozong to Zhou Tianzi.

But in the country of Lu, he inherited his ancestor Duke Zhou, that is, he inherited "Bie Zi".

According to the stipulation of "Biezi is the ancestor, and the successor is the clan", Boqin is also the Dazong.

The other sons of Duke Zhou who were enfeoffed as Doctor Qing, that is, Boqin's younger brothers, became Xiaozong again to Boqin.

By the same token, in the State of Lu, only Boqin and his direct descendants had the privilege of offering sacrifices to the Duke of Zhou, and only under his leadership could Boqin's younger brothers participate in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Duke of Zhou.

The same is true for the relationship between the Qing doctor and the scholar, the Qing doctor is the Dazong, and the scholar is the Xiaozong.

In the patriarchal system since ancient times, it is divided into monarchy and patriarchy.

The patriarchal clan system is the succession law of officials and officials, and has nothing to do with the princes of the emperor.

Therefore, the separation of monarchy and patriarchal system is considered, and the successor system of the son of heaven and princes belongs to the monarchy, and the successor system of Qing officials is the clan system, and the patriarchal system refers to the latter.

Therefore, there is a saying that "princess dare not ancestor the Son of Heaven, and officials dare not ancestor princes".

Goujian and Deng Xi repeatedly emphasized the patriarchal system, which means forcing Shenxi, Beli, Kongqiu and others to recognize the legitimacy of Wu Heng, the eldest son, becoming the crown prince and inheriting the throne of King Wu in the future.

"Abandoning the heirs and establishing the concubines, the way to bring disaster? Absurd!"

Kong Qiu retorted: "Why don't you choose a worthy man to be the crown prince?"

"In today's great battle, the king of a great country, wouldn't he choose a wise and wise king?"

"Young Master Hong has a benevolent and magnanimous character, and he is virtuous and virtuous. People in the country call him a virtuous man!"

"Tasted in the army, killed many enemies, widely praised by soldiers."

"Handling government affairs is an exhaustive strategy. It can be said that you have a long-term strategy to drive the universe, drive a military chariot to defend against the enemy, and have both civil and military skills. Who can match it?"

"If the king takes Gong Zihong as his heir, then the state of Wu will surely prosper, dominate the world, unite the princes of the nine princes, and be the son of heaven!"

"My Majesty please enlighten me!"

"My minister agrees!"

Zeng Dian, Zilu, Shen Xi, Beli, Zhu Yong and other officials immediately came out to express their agreement.

The ministers of the Confucian school headed by Kong Qiu have completely mixed up with the ministers of the old family of Wu.

The biggest reason is that the ability displayed by Gong Zihong is too strong.

Moreover, Gong Zihong is a kind and virtuous person, while Gong Ziheng, like Qing Ji, is relatively "mean and ungrateful"...

(End of this chapter)

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