Chapter 630

Yan Ying's ability is beyond doubt.

It's just that Yan Ying was "defrauded to enter Wu" back then, and Yan Ying had to move his family to Wu to settle down under unavoidable circumstances.

Even so, the elderly Yan Ying has no intention of becoming an official in the Wu Kingdom.

Therefore, Qingji could only shelve Yan Ying and give him the position of "Caibao" so that Yan Ying can take care of himself for the rest of his life.

Over the years, Yan Ying, like Ji Zha and Sun Ping, has retreated to the second line, but it's not that he doesn't care about world affairs.

Yan Ying served as the master of the princes, preaching, receiving karma and solving doubts, and occasionally went to Jixia Academy to give lectures. In his later years, he accepted many disciples, and he can be regarded as a generation of masters who founded a sect.

Yan Ying became the originator of the "Famous School" among the hundreds of schools of thought.

What is a "famous person"?
Also known as litigators, defenders, inspectors, and criminal masters.

Deng Xi, the imperial censor of the state of Wu, belonged to the legalist school and the famous school, and belonged to the Xingming School among the famous schools.

The famous "debater" is famous for his rigorous logical thinking.

Deng Xi, Ji Ran, Fan Li, Wen Zhong, etc. are actually famous scholars, because they have a lot of academic knowledge and have involved in all of them.

It is true that Yan Ying did not make any suggestions for the celebration of Ji. Governing the country is indelible in terms of culture and education.

Therefore, Qingji still respects Yan Ying and "executes the teacher's ceremony" to Yan Ying.


Qingji looked at Yan Ying, who was gray at the temples, with wrinkles on his face like ruts, old and black, and could not help but sigh, and said, "Yanzi, life is like rushing water. Let's go."

"Isn't it a pity?"

Hearing this, Yan Ying smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty's words are wrong."

"Who has never died in life since ancient times? If the ancestors of the Wu Kingdom, Taibo and Zhou Zhang, lived forever, the king may be like a rising and fighting ordinary people, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, or having the opportunity to fight the enemy bravely for them and make contributions to the country... "

"In this world, is there anyone who can live forever?"

"Old minister, already an octogenarian old man, even if he dies, he will have no regrets."

Yan Ying's heart is indeed extremely open-minded.

He can face death calmly and accept everything that is coming.

With such a peaceful mind, perhaps this is the secret of Yan Ying's longevity?

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

Yan Ying is optimistic by nature and treats life and death indifferently.

He said that all people are mortal, regardless of the benevolent, the sage, the greedy, and the unworthy. Therefore, he never suffers from death or mourns death, and regards birth, old age, sickness and death as the law of nature.

He has always maintained an optimistic and generous mood, and his physical and mental health prolongs his life.

Yan Ying assisted the three princes of the Qi State, and has always been diligent and honest in politics.

He manages the country impartially and selflessly. When relatives, friends and bureaucrats ask him to do things, those who are legal will do it, and those who are not legal will refuse.

He never accepts gifts, but he refuses everything from rewards and houses to cars, horses and clothes.

Not only that, but Yan Ying often gave his own salary to relatives, friends and hard-working people.

Yan Ying's life was very frugal, and he ate "food from millet" and "vegetable moss", which can be described as "meager food".

In short, it is simple and light food and vegetarian food.

He walks the talk and walks the talk!
"Don't take what you are right, refute others' wrongs, and make a humble speech to avoid blame, and you are righteous."

Qing Ji slightly nodded his head and said, "Yan Zi is indeed easy-going and generous. Yan Zi, I want to choose the crown prince. I don't know what Yan Zi thinks, among the princes of my widow, who can take on this important role?"


Yan Ying obviously didn't realize that Qingji would ask such a question.

However, since it was the monarch who spoke, how could Yan Ying avoid talking about it?
"Does Your Majesty want to hear the truth, or lies?"

"Of course it's the truth."

"If it's true, the old minister thinks that it's good for the king to make the son Hong the heir apparent."

Yan Ying said slowly: "Young Master has the style of a virtuous monarch, with both talents and virtues, and is widely praised in the court and the public."

"The old minister has already predicted for the King that if Gong Zihong succeeds to the throne, he will work hard to rule, and the country of Wu will surely usher in great rule, benefiting all people, and increasing the country's strength day by day."

After a pause, Yan Ying said again: "If Young Master Heng inherits the great power in the future, I'm afraid he will be like a great king, forging ahead, expanding the territory, and ignoring the life and death of the people..."

Hearing this, Qingji said angrily and amusedly, "Yanzi, are you beating around the bush to teach me a lesson?"

"The old minister dare not."

Yan Ying also winked at Qingji humorously.

In fact, Yan Ying was quite dissatisfied with Qingji's military expansion over the years.

Having lived in Wu country for so long, Yan Ying has already regarded this place as his second hometown.

Because, no matter what, the Yan family has already settled down in Wu Guoan's family, and they share the same relationship with the country.

Share weal and woe!

How could Yan Ying not care about the rise and fall of the Wu Kingdom?

This is linked to the interests of the Yan family.

"Yanzi, the opinion of the widow coincides with yours. It's just that since ancient times, abolishing the heirs and establishing the concubines is the way to bring disaster..."

Qing Ji shook his head and said: "Young Master Honglue is more worthy than Young Master Heng. If he succeeds to the great position in the future, he will definitely accomplish a lot."

"However, the widow regards Young Master Hong as the crown prince, so where do you place Young Master Heng and the queen?"

Is it necessary for Qingji to dethrone Queen Ji Kui, change Li Rumeng, and let Gong Zihong become the eldest son?
Can such a thing really convince the public?

"That depends on whether the king wants stability or great benefits."

Yan Ying said leisurely.

In fact, Yan Ying didn't intend to get involved in the matter of establishing a reserve in the state of Wu.

As the saying goes, give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

If Qingji made Gong Zihong the crown prince, no matter how bad he was, he would be able to keep his capital and interest, and he would not lose money.

If Prince Heng is established as the crown prince, either the country of Wu will flourish and complete the unfinished business of celebrating Ji, or the country of Wu will fall into a situation where it will never be restored...

"If the widow wants to make the son permanent heir, what should I do?"

Qingji asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Yan Ying said slowly, "It's all right."

"As for the worry in the king's heart, the old minister may figure out one or two things..."

"In this regard, the old minister just wants to tell the king that Wu Guo has a big family and a big business, and he can't make a fuss."


Yan Ying is worthy of being Yan Ying, he hit the mark!
For example, in the State of Qin during the Warring States period, after the reform of Shang Yang, there were Qin Xiaogong, Qin Huiwen King, Qin Wuwang, Qin Zhaoxiang King, Qin Xiaowen King, Qin Zhuangxiang King, these six generations of monarchs laid a solid foundation for Qin King Yingzheng to rule the world. .

However, have they not made mistakes?
The Qin kings of all dynasties made many mistakes.

"Horizontal success is the Emperor of Qin, vertical success is the king of Chu", this sentence can be recited before Qin destroyed the six kingdoms.

It's not because the king of Qin and Chu made no mistakes, but more importantly, it comes from the geographical characteristics of Qin and Chu, which has a higher fault tolerance rate.

In the battle between Yan and Ying, Chu State lost its capital, but the next year, the Chu army counterattacked and defeated the Qin army.

In the battle of Min, Pang Xuan penetrated Shangdang, Hedong, and Hexi in one go, and pushed it to the side of Xianyang, but the Qin State was still alive and kicking the next year.

In the world of life-and-death struggles, no one will not make mistakes, and the ultimate victor survives by making mistakes...

(End of this chapter)

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