Chapter 669
Qingji came to the altar, knelt and sat there, staring ahead, with a meticulous expression on his face, like a sculpture...

The country of Wu is holding a suburban sacrifice, that is, the ceremony of the suburban sky.

The Suburban Ceremony is one of the most solemn ceremonies of this era.

It originally belonged to a kind of nature worship, but in the Xia and Yin Dynasties, "Heaven" has changed from a natural attribute to a "heaven" that combines natural attributes and social attributes.

Heaven is not only the "supreme god" of society, but also the source of the legitimacy of Zhou people's kingship.

The Festival of the Suburb not only reflects human beings' awe of the heavens, but also reflects people's root tracing of where they came from.

The sky not only refers to the God Hao who is high in the clouds, but also includes the mountain belief that "there is heaven above the earth".

This is an activity of offering sacrifices to heaven, earth, sun and moon.

Worship to heaven in the southern suburbs, the time is the winter solstice, the emperor must go in person.

The place of sacrifice is in the northern suburbs, and the time is the summer solstice. The emperor will go there personally or send someone to go.

The sun is worshiped in the eastern suburbs, and the moon is worshiped in the western suburbs.

Collectively referred to as Jijiao.

The places of worship are the Temple of Heaven, the Temple of Earth, the Temple of the Sun, and the Temple of the Moon.

The son of heaven has the right to worship the famous mountains and rivers in the world, and the princes will sacrifice to them when they are in their land, but they will not sacrifice to their land.

In other words, whether to sacrifice or not to sacrifice depends on whether you have your own territory...

Throughout the ages, the principle of relentless worship in destroying countries is to leave a piece of land for the destroyed monarchs, allowing them to continue their ancestral temple sacrifices, ensuring that the inheritance will not be lost, that's all.

Sacrifice is a cumbersome activity, but it consumes money and manpower.

However, with the current national power of the Wu Kingdom, the human, financial and material resources used for sacrifices are just a drop in the bucket.

Just like offering sacrifices to the heavens, Qingji's sacrifice to the land this time also uses the three animals sacrificed with the head of an ox, the head of a pig, and the head of a sheep.

This is the so-called "gift of the prison"!
The Tailao Ceremony is the etiquette of the ancient emperor's sacrifice.Cattle, sheep, and hogs are all prepared as "Tailao".

In this era, the sacrifices used by the monarch or the emperor must be kept in prison before the sacrifice, so this kind of sacrifice is called prison.

According to the different types of sacrificial collocations, there are too many prisons and few prisons.

Shao prison only has sheep and hogs, but no cattle.

"According to the heaven and imitating the empress, the emperor and the earth are only: between the heaven and the earth, the breath is always in the air."

"Beyond yin and yang, it is created by Zhentao. When it moves, it announces the benevolent wind, and when it is still, it contains the posthumous virtue. It guides the destiny of the sky and controls the spirit of the earth."

"The brilliance of the stars in Shangzhao, the magnificence of the following mountains and rivers. The source of the common ancestors was salted in the fifth and third, and Kuang was not born in the sixth and ninth..."

"There is Wu's heir to celebrate the taboo, here is the prison, worship him personally, beg the gods to bless you, keep the peace forever, the melons will continue, the humanities will flourish, the old will be safe, the young will be strong, and the mulberry farmers will be abundant..."

Qingji took a sacrificial oration made from a silk script and recited aloud: "Although our people are stupid, we are devout in our hearts. Don't forget God's kindness, every kindness will be repaid."

"Three prostrations and three worships, burn the watch to turn the sincerity. The whole country, the whole country, sincerely pay homage. The god is alive, come and enjoy it!"

"Fu Wei!"

"Shang Xiang—"

More than a thousand characters of the sacrificial oration were eloquent, and after the recitation of the celebration, a solemn music sounded under the altar.

There are more than ten kinds of musical instruments, such as chime bells, xun, flute, drum, qin, se, pipe, sheng, xiao, etc., under the ensemble of musicians, they form a kind of notes that reverberate endlessly.

Accompanied by the music, more than 20 witches put on animal clothes and gowns, pretending to be birds, tigers, phoenixes and other animals. There are still words in it.

Such a great dancer, paired with classical music, has no sense of disobedience...

Houtu is the goddess of the earth believed by the ancients because of their worship of the land. She controls the fertility of yin and yang, and dominates the mountains and rivers of the earth.

Land is the source of human survival, and we cannot do without food, clothing, housing and transportation.

For thousands of years, people built temples and statues to offer sacrifices to the earth mother and the earth in order to survive and achieve the goal of having enough food and clothing to live and work in peace and contentment, in order to bless and eliminate disasters and bring auspiciousness and prosperity.

Worshiping and worshiping the mother of the earth, the queen land, has become an extremely pious religious belief of the people of the past dynasties...

The "she" in the national synonym Sheji refers to Houtu, which began when Emperor Xuanyuan went to Fenyin to worship Houtu.

The monarchs of all dynasties will inevitably worship the Houtu, praying for good weather and good harvests in this year and the coming year.

Qingji is now offering sacrifices to Houtu, which is actually offering sacrifices to "Sheji".

She, the god of land in ancient times, is named according to its location: Eastern Qingtu, Southern Red Soil, Western White Soil, Northern Black Soil, and Central Loess.

The soil of five colors covers the surface of the altar, which is called the five-color soil, which actually symbolizes the country.

Therefore, the place, day and ceremony of offering sacrifices to the land are all called "she".

Ji, refers to the god of five grains, especially the original Xi, that is, the land god who can grow five grains, this is the god of agriculture...

From the emperor to the feudal lords, anyone who has land can set up a community, and even villagers can set up a community to worship the land god.


On this social day, Qingji was busy for most of the day. From the outskirts of the city, he went back to the altar on the side of the palace to worship the God of Valley, the God of Agriculture and other gods. Finally, he came to the Taimiao to pray to the ancestors of the Wu Kingdom for peace.

This is not over yet.

Finally, Qingji also needs to divide the gizzard meat used in the sacrifice to the officials in the court one by one.

The so-called "gizzard meat" is actually pork, tasteless and difficult to swallow.

This is definitely something that officials and officials dream of.


Because it's a courtesy.

Historically, Duke Ding of Lu did not share the sacrificial meat with Kong Qiu after the sacrifice, and the latter left the state of Lu in a fit of anger.



The behavior of disregarding Confucius' flesh and blood shows that Lu Dinggong has already alienated Kong Qiu and let him retreat in spite of difficulties...

According to the rules, without a certain status, a courtier cannot enjoy gills with the monarch.

After the She Day, all the countries in China, including Wu, entered the busy spring plowing season.

As the king of a country, Qingji was not idle.

In addition to dealing with daily government affairs, Qing Ji still does not forget to tinker with some small inventions in his spare time to comfort himself, or occasionally go out for private visits to observe the people's sentiments.

"Fish is on sale! Fresh, lively fish that just came online this morning!"

"Rouge gouache! Excellent rouge gouache!"

"Don't miss it when you pass by! Pheasant soup! Fresh and delicious pheasant soup!"

"Weapons! There are good weapons here! A must-have for home and travel!"

"Swords, guns, halberds, axes, forks, shields, bows and arrows, everything!"

In the bustling bazaar in Jinling City, there was a lot of people and bustling.

Street hawkers keep shouting there, just to attract passers-by to buy goods at their stalls.

A dazzling array of products, people can not help but linger...

At this time, Qing Ji, accompanied by Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, came to the market to hang out together.

To be precise, they are going to the fair...

(End of this chapter)

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