Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 671 Distilled Wine Technology

Chapter 671 Distilled Wine Technology

Seeing the shopkeeper bragging about himself, before Qingji could speak, Zheng Dan, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling, "Shopkeeper, isn't this pheasant soup just pheasant soup? What's so strange?"

"It's not that I haven't drunk it before. Ordinary people can drink it!"


The storekeeper looked unconvinced, and said: "Young lady, I dare not agree with you when you say that!"

Seeing the clothes Qingji, Xi Shi, and Zheng Dan wore, as well as the aura exuding from their bodies, the store owner knew that the three were either rich or noble, and had a lot of background.

However, on the issue of "pheasant soup", the store is still stubborn and decided to argue.

"How can the ordinary pheasant soup be compared with the 'pheasant soup' in our shop?"

The shopkeeper snorted and said: "My pheasant soup is an exclusive recipe, the taste is authentic, and it was created by Keng Keng more than 1000 years ago!"

"Gentlemen, you are blessed. In the past, the pheasant soup created by Huang Keng was dedicated to Emperor Yao, and he even cured Emperor Yao's serious illness. He was rewarded by Emperor Yao and went to Xuzhou to establish a country!"

"How could it not have a great history?"

As soon as they heard that the "pheasant soup" was related to Emperor Yao and Peng Zu, both Xi Shi and Zheng Dan couldn't help being interested, and their eyes lit up.

Huang Keng, that is, Peng Zu.

Legend has it that Peng Zu is the great-great-grandson of Emperor Zhuanxu, who is good at nourishing Qi and can adjust the tripod. He is the ancestor of Chinese cooking.

He used the delicious pheasant soup, that is, pheasant soup, which he prepared himself, and offered it to Emperor Yao for consumption, which cured his disease. Emperor Yao granted Pengcheng to him, so later generations called him Pengzu...

Pheasant soup is an ancient culinary food, stewed with pheasant and millet (later changed to barley).

According to legend, Emperor Qianlong passed by Xuzhou on his southern tour and tasted the pheasant soup. He felt that the taste was extremely delicious, so he named it "the best soup in the world".

When the shopkeeper brought up a pot of pheasant soup, Qingji took a sip, and it was really delicious.

Is there any special seasoning?

But since this is someone else's unique formula, it's not easy for Qingji to ask.

"My lord, the taste of this pheasant soup is really good, not inferior to the dishes in the palace, even slightly better."

Zheng Dan quietly leaned into Qingji's ear and said, "Why don't you call this cook into the palace and serve as the imperial cook?"

"It's not impossible."

Qingji nodded slightly.

He himself is not a typical foodie, but if he can eat delicious food and drink spicy food, why not?
"Shopkeeper, from your accent, are you from the Central Plains?"

Qingji asked with interest after drinking a bowl of pheasant soup.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper nodded and bowed his head and replied: "A gentleman is really well-informed."

"I used to be from Chaoge of the Kingdom of Wei, but two years ago, because of the war, my whole family moved to the Kingdom of Wu, and now I am from Wu!"

"I see."

Chaoge can be described as the main battle area of ​​the Central Plains War.

The Fan family and Zhongxing family are being besieged by the Jin army in Chaoge, and the armies of Qi, Weilu and other countries are also eyeing Chaoge.

Not to mention Chaoge, the lands of the Central Plains countries are not very peaceful.

Therefore, Wu Guo can take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune in war, and can also recruit a large number of refugees from the countries of the Central Plains by virtue of various policies to benefit the people.

"How is life in Jinling?"

"Very good."

The shopkeeper looked sad and said: "Gentleman, I'm telling you the truth. I have heard about it in my early years. The country of Wu opened rice paddies to seal the frontier and gave preferential treatment to foreigners."

"I thought it was just hearsay, not enough to win the trust. However, the war caused my family to relocate, and it was Jinling who came to join relatives..."

"For merchants like me, the Wu government will not give free land, farm tools, and houses for free, but it has also solved the housing problem for me."

"When I first came to Jinling, there were more than a dozen members of my family, and I didn't live on the streets just now."

After a pause, the shopkeeper said again: "With my skills and the unique recipe of this pheasant soup, I was able to gain a firm foothold in Jinling and settle down here."

"The government treats merchants like me with a policy of lending money, and repays it without interest for three years. Alas, this is really..."

Thinking of all the past, and thinking of his current life, the store owner was stunned for a while.

This is what Qingji needs to know.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and the four peoples are divided into industries.

However, Qingji treats the "four peoples" equally.

Merchants in this era are still moral, and they will not excessively squeeze ordinary people and common people to take "unjust gains".


After returning to the Wu Palace, Qingji began to fiddle with the invention of perfume, soap and soap.

Beauty is a woman's nature.

Throughout the ages, no one is more willing to spend money on himself than a woman.

Therefore, Qingji had a flash of light in his mind, and he already had a plan.

Cosmetics are powerless and difficult to develop, but Qing Ji can develop ordinary perfume, soap, soap and so on.

Just do it!

Qing Ji immediately ordered Jiao Hua and other eunuchs and eunuchs in the palace to collect a large amount of spices, as well as flower petals of gardenias, osmanthus, peonies, azaleas, roses, etc. Start to fiddle with yourself.

It is worth mentioning that celebrating Ji needs to improve the technology of distilling alcohol a lot first.

After further distillation, Qingji can extract the ethanol needed to make perfume.

Qingji has already prepared enough raw materials, and the rest is how to make perfume.

Because the manufacture of perfume is relatively simple, the blending spice and ethanol are blended in a certain proportion so that the essence can be evenly dissolved in ethanol.

However, since generally no solubilizing agent is used and the fragrance is only dissolved in ethanol, the amount of ethanol used should be determined after fully considering the solubility of the fragrance.

Qing Ji vaguely remembers that when making perfume, the concentration of ethanol varies from 75% to 95% according to the preparation requirements of various perfumes. The greater the amount of essence used, the higher the concentration of ethanol.

Therefore, this needs to go through Qingji's repeated experiments before it can be finally formulated!

Thanks to the prosperity of various agricultural and mulberry industries in Wu, the planting of flower gardens has also been widely promoted in Wu.

Qing Ji is not without raw materials.

What is missing is the purification process for distilled wine!

Distilled wine is an alcohol solution obtained by fermentation. Using the difference between the boiling point of alcohol (78.5°C) and the boiling point of water (100°C), the original fermentation liquid can be heated to between the two boiling points, and high-concentration alcohol can be collected from it. and aromatic ingredients.

The manufacturing process of distilled wine generally includes four processes of crushing of raw materials, fermentation, distillation and aging. This kind of wine has a high degree of alcohol because it has been purified by distillation...

If Qingji were to experiment alone, the progress would obviously be extremely slow. Fortunately, Wu Liquor is now well-known all over the world. Qingji might as well let a professional master winemaker to refine the technology of distilling liquor for him.

(End of this chapter)

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