Probably in the spring of 652 BC, Xian Yu attacked Xing State, and the next year he conquered Wei State, Xing Jun fled, and Wei Jun was killed.

Under the banner of "respecting the king and fighting the barbarians", Duke Huan of Qi united the forces of Song, Cao, Xing, and Wei to defeat the Xianyu people, and only then saved Xing and Wei from extinction.

By this time, the main enemy of Xianyu was the State of Jin, and the State of Jin had adopted a strategy of first eating the tribes belonging to Xianyu, such as Gu, Fei, and Qiuyou, and finally eliminating Xianyu.

In 530 BC, Jin general Xun Wu (Zhongxing Wu) entered Xiyang, the capital of drums, through Xianyu, but did not destroy the drums.

In August of that year, Jin destroyed Fei and captured Miangao, the king of Fei, and the old land of Fei belonged to Jin.

In the winter of the second year, Duke Zhao of Jin learned that the border of Xianyu was empty, so he led a large army under the command of Xun and Wu to break through the city of Xianyu.

Afterwards, Xun Wu led an army to attack Gu again, and captured the monarch Yuanda, making Gu a vassal state of Jin.

Six years later, the drum was completely destroyed.

In the autumn of 507 B.C., Xianyu sent troops to Jin Guoping, defeated the Jin army, and captured the Jin warrior Guan Hu, avenging Jin's revenge for destroying fat and drums and occupying Zhongren City...

As far as Qingji knew, in the second year after the Pingzhong War, the people of Xianyu founded the country in Zhongren City, which was safe to defend.

It was not until 296 BC that Zhongshan was destroyed by Zhao!
During this period, the national destiny of Zhongshan Kingdom went through ups and downs. The country was subjugated several times, and it was miraculously revived again and again.

"My lord, for a long time, the people of Xianyu have been the confidants of Jin, Wei, Qi, Yan and other countries. Maybe they can stir up the situation in the Central Plains."

By bartering, the people of Zhongshan used good horses to trade weapons and military supplies with Wu, and in the end it was Wu who set the price...

How can you not be tenacious?
"If Zhongshan is allowed to rank among the vassals, what will it do for Wu?"

Qingji said meaningfully: "My country of Wu's policy towards foreign countries has always been to make friends from afar and attack close to them."


As for whether there will be a legacy of raising tigers, this is not something Qingji has to worry about.

"This person from Xianyu was born in Rong and Di, and also from a foreign race. I am afraid that the Emperor Zhou will not recognize the status of the Xianyu people. The princes will abandon Zhongshan Kingdom, please think twice!"

"I don't care about the matter of making Zhongshan a vassal, but let Zhongshan strengthen its army..."

The only thing worth celebrating is the horse!

Later, Wei Wenhou sent generals Le Yang and Wu Qi to lead the army. After three years of hard work, they finally occupied Zhongshan.

It is close to the Hetao area, with luxuriant water and grass, and is rich in war horses. This is the biggest reliance of Zhongshan Kingdom!

Historically, the Zhongshan Kingdom has experienced three stages of development: Rongdi, Xianyu, and Zhongshan. It has been at war with Jin and other Central Plains countries for a long time. It was once regarded as a confidant of the Central Plains countries. event.

The place where Zhongshan Kingdom lives is probably the area around Shanxi and Hebei in later generations, or even to the south of Mount Heng.

According to the information given by the Black Ice Platform, before the start of the Great War in the Central Plains, the State of Jin issued an emergency mobilization order to recruit soldiers and form a new army.

Fan Li immediately agreed.


This is exactly why Qingji values ​​Zhongshan Kingdom.

What Qingji cared most about was naturally Wu's interests.

"Uncle Shao."

After the founding of the nation, the national power of Zhongshan State was even stronger than that of Wei State and Yan State.

Zhongshan is not a weak country.

Qingji is just making arrangements in advance.

"Although Zhongshan is far away from our Wu country, it is better to have contacts."

It's just that Duke Huan of Zhongshan restored the country, and the national power was at its peak. It is said that there are nine thousand chariots, and it is known as "the country of five thousand chariots".

After a pause, Qingji said slowly: "You will negotiate with Lord Zhongshan on behalf of the widow. From now on, the State of Wu will establish diplomatic relations with the State of Zhongshan, and we will communicate with each other commercially."


What Qingji expects is that the Zhongshan Kingdom will be able to gain momentum and disrupt the situation in the Central Plains, so that the Wu Kingdom can hide its strength and bide its time, and develop its national power peacefully.

Fan Li bowed to Qingji and said, "If my country of Wu is far away from the people of Xianyu, let them rise up and compete with Qi, Wei, Jin and other countries."

With Fan Li's personality and ability, he believed that he could win the greatest benefits for the state of Wu in the negotiations with Lord Zhongshan.

"Chen is here!"

Gold, fine jade, cloth, and silk are rare in Zhongshan.

Furthermore, the state of Wu does business with the state of Zhongshan.

Because there are mountains in Zhongren City, it is called "Zhongshan".

The coalition of princes led by Marquis Qi, including Qi, Song, Lu, Chen, Cao, Xu, Dun, Yan, and Zhongshan, is a nine-nation coalition with a total of about 20 horses. They will attack Handan from the north and the south, trying to encircle Zhao Yang. Leading the main force of the Jin army.

It can be said that Wu Guoyuan made friends with Zhongshan State, which is of great benefit.

In the barren Zhongshan country, what can be obtained?

The next day, Qingji led the army to the south and rushed to Yindi to join the [-] Wu army led by Sun Wu and Wu Zixu.

After the internal strife broke out in the Jin State, Zhongshan got a respite from the heavy pressure of the Jin State and began to intervene in the disputes among the countries.

Can Qingji recognize Zhongshan?
It's not impossible.

"The Zhongshan Kingdom can use good horses to exchange for the weapons and armor of our Wu Kingdom at a low price, as well as military supplies. If necessary, I might as well send people into the Zhongshan Kingdom to teach them how to fight."

Qingji never underestimated the Zhongshan Kingdom established by this barbarian.

How many soldiers and horses the Jin army had, Qingji is also unknown.

It's just that he didn't have to force Zhou Tianzi to confer a foreigner as a vassal.

Even later, the Zhongshan Kingdom has been learning the advanced civilization of China, and frequently participated in the disputes among the countries, but it has never been recognized.

On the front line of Huangchi, Marquis Qi, as Fangbo, also led his army across the great river (Yellow River), and then personally sat in charge of Chaoge.

Before Fan Li could finish speaking, Bo Tong, who was standing aside, frowned and said, "Let Fan and Zhongxing rank among the feudal lords, that's all."

"Furthermore, the land of Xianyu is rich in war horses, but the military equipment is slack, and our country of Wu can sell a lot of weapons and armor from them, as well as military supplies, so that the people of Xianyu can grow stronger..."

Because this is indeed a tenacious and legendary country.

During the hundreds of years of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, the Xianyu people (Zhongshan Kingdom) played the role of "shit-stirring stick".

Zhongshan country's origin has always been criticized by people.

Qingji has already planned to build a powerful cavalry force so that Wu can dominate the world and consolidate his hegemony.

However, this can be regarded as a win-win situation.


Therefore, Qingji estimated that the Jin army led by Zhao Yang would not be less than [-].

It may be more than [-] soldiers and horses.

Leaving aside the Battle of Handan, the battle that Qingji will command is the Battle of Jiangdu.

Fifty thousand Qin troops marched out of the Guandong, and after crossing Taolin Sai, they rushed to Yindi to join forces with Wu Jun.

On the part of Zheng State, Zheng Boji Sheng personally led an army of 5000 people, with [-] military chariots. After crossing the land of Wang Ji of the Zhou family, he rushed to Yindi and successfully joined forces with the Wu army.

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