Chapter 712
"Promise him."

Qingji waved his hand and said, "There are good horses and cattle from Zhongshan, the more the better. I will entrust you with full responsibility for this matter."


Yang Hu agreed immediately.

With Yang Hu's shrewdness and ability, he definitely won't let Wu Guo suffer in this matter.

Qingji needs to use the rising Zhongshan Kingdom as a "shit stirrer" to mediate with the Central Plains countries so that Wu Kingdom can benefit from it.

Unconditional aid?
That doesn't exist.

Zhongshan is barren and mostly barren, but there are abundant water and grass, and flocks of cattle and sheep.

What Qingji valued was the horses and cattle of Zhongshan Kingdom.

Not to mention horses, Wu Guo can form a powerful cavalry force.

Cattle can be used as farming cattle, which ushered in a vigorous development of Wu's agriculture.

"Uncle Qin, what about Uncle Qin and Marquis Yan?"

Hearing this, Bo Tong quickly replied: "Your Majesty, the people of Qin are willing to increase their trade with Wu."

"According to what Uncle Qin said, he intends to barter cattle, sheep, and horses from Qin for salt, silk, porcelain, tea, and paper from Wu, and the demand is huge."

Qing Ji squinted his eyes and said, "If the conditions are right, agree to him."


Why are the needs of Qin people different from those of Zhongshan people?

In Qingji's heart, he already had the answer.

He had already learned from the Black Ice Terrace that Qin State saw the huge profit margins in trade with Western countries, so it planned to conduct direct trade with Western countries through the Silk Road, so as to make a lot of money.

However, Qin State does not have the ability to produce "luxury goods" such as silk, salt, porcelain, tea and paper, so what can we do?
What the people of Qin can do is to increase business ties with Wu, so as to obtain the products that Wu has been monopolizing for many years, and then sell them to earn the difference...


Qin State now intends to act as a "middleman" in order to enrich the country and strengthen the army.

But is it really reliable?
Whether it's reliable or not, Qingji doesn't know.

It's just that Wu Guo can take this opportunity to monopolize Qin's economic lifeline!
When it comes to doing business, Qin people are far behind Wu people.

"Your Majesty, the Marquis of Yan also intends to establish trade relations with Wu, like Qin and Zhongshan. The only things Yan can afford are cattle, sheep, and horses. Souvenirs."

Bo Tong frowned and said, "Your Majesty, I don't think my country of Wu needs so many horses."

"Not to mention cattle and sheep, after all, mutton can be used as food, and cattle can be used as farming cattle. This horse... my country of Wu has obtained a large number of war horses. If they are all used to equip chariots, wouldn't it be a surplus?"

Hearing this, Qingji chuckled lightly and said, "Bo Tong, who told you that those thousands of war horses will be used as military chariots?"


"The use of horses is up to the widow."


Fan, Zhongxing, Zhao, and Qin, Yan, and Zhongshan donated to Wu, or traded with Wu. There are thousands of horses now, but they will surely exceed ten thousand in the future.

All used to equip military vehicles?


Not to mention whether the state of Wu has such a strong national power that it can own thousands of military vehicles.

For now, Qingji is more eager to form a cavalry unit equipped with stirrups and horseshoes!
At that time, the country of Wu, which has absorbed the most war horses in the world, will be able to form an army of cavalry capable of sweeping the world!

"Bo Tong, from your point of view, how is the Marquis of Yan?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Marquis of Yan is a mediocre person from the perspective of a minister."

Bo Tong replied: "The reason why Yan State participated in the disputes among other countries this time is probably because the Jin State is destroyed and the world structure changes, which is not good for Yan State, so I want to enter the Central Plains to find out."


Qingji thought for a while, the Marquis of Yan at this time, Ji Zai, was probably the Duke Jian of Yanqian in history.

This person is the No.30 monarch of Yan State, the son of Yan Pinggong.

Like most of the monarchs of the Yan Kingdom, Ji Zai's deeds are unknown.

Like the Qin Kingdom, the Yan Kingdom is located in a corner of Kyushu, where it lives with the Rong and Di, and has always been a relatively mysterious country.

Compared with the once dominant Qin State, Yan State is more low-key and mysterious.

The ancestor of the Yan State was the eldest son of King Wen of Zhou, Zhaogong Jishi. After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou enfeoffed Zhaogong in the land of Yan and established the State of Yan, a vassal state under the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The land of Yan granted by Duke Zhao is in the wild of Mount Yan, and the country of Yan was named after Mount Yan.

However, Zhao Gongxi did not go to Yandi to seal it. Instead, he sent his eldest son Ke to manage Yandi, and he stayed in the capital Haojing to continue to assist the Zhou royal family.

The ninth generation below Duke Zhao has no name, no posthumous posthumous title and no year, and the posthumous posthumous title below Yan Huihou has a year but no name.

Probably in the seventh century BC, Yan State expanded to northern Hebei and western Liaoning, annexed Ji State, and established Ji as its capital.

However, the good times did not last long.

Shan Rong successively went south to attack Zheng, Yan, Qi and other countries. When Yan Huanhou was forced to move his capital to Linyi to avoid the intrusion of Shan Rong.

Shan Rong invaded Yan State on a large scale, and Yan Zhuanggong was defeated and asked Qi State for help.

At that time, Duke Huan of Qi was in power in the state of Qi, and Duke Huan of Qi launched a massive counterattack against Shan Rong with the call of "respect the king and fight against the barbarians".

When Duke Huan of Qi attacked Shanrong, he also destroyed Guzhu and Lingzhi at the same time, and finally he was able to preserve the country of Yan.

Duke Zhuang of Yan was very grateful to Duke Huan of Qi, and he did not hesitate to treat him with courtesy, and personally sent Duke Huan of Qi into Qi territory.

Duke Huan of Qi then cede to Yan the land where Duke Yan Zhuang went, and ordered Duke Zhuang of Yan to restore the government of Duke Zhao, and pay tribute to the Emperor of Zhou as in Chengkang.

Since then, the relationship between Qi and Yan has been very harmonious.

In the generation of Duke Yan Hui, who wanted to get rid of the great officials and use his confidant Song, the doctors jointly killed Song, and Duke Yan Hui was frightened and fled to the state of Qi.

So Qi and Jin organized a large army to crusade against Yan State and escorted Yan Huigong back.

Unexpectedly, Duke Yan Hui died as soon as he returned to the country of Yan, and the people of Yan embraced the new king, Duke Yan Mourning.

This Duke Yan Mourning is Ji Zai's great-grandfather.

The time when the Yan Kingdom really rose to prominence was during the Warring States period when King Yan Zhao...

Regardless of the fact that the country of Yan is not small at this time, in fact, the country of Yan has a vast land and few people, and its national strength has always been relatively weak.

"Your Majesty."

At this time, Fan Li said: "The Son of Heaven has decided to send an uncle to the King, and promised that the six families of Han, Zhao, Wei, Fan, Zhi, and Bank of China will be divided into Jin Dynasty, and they will be ranked as feudal lords together with Zhongshan Kingdom, and all of them will be Viscounts. "


Qing Ji did not have any surprises.

After all, the Zhou royal family has received so many benefits this time, and with the support of the overlord Wu Guo, how could they not agree?

Now, what Qing Ji has to consider is how to get rid of Zhao Yang, so that Handan Ji can logically replace Da Zong with Xiao Zong and establish Zhao Guo.

If Zhao Yang is not eliminated, Qingji is really worried.

Because this person has the style of a hero, and there are many famous ministers and talents under his command. Once Zhao Yang seizes the opportunity to compete in the Central Plains and annex several countries, it will be difficult for Wu to drink horses from the Yellow River and ensure his hegemony. ...

(End of this chapter)

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