
Facing Qing Ji who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Young Master Fan hastily lowered his head like a child who has made a mistake.

"Fan'er, what were you doing just now?"

"My son... my son is relieved."

Young Master Fan replied awkwardly.

In other words, in this era, there are generally fewer latrines, and only some wealthy families have them.

As for the defecation and defecation of ordinary Lishu, it is generally resolved on the spot.

It is indeed indecent for Gongzi Fan to find a place to pee at random, but in this wartime, how can he still pick and choose to find a toilet?

It is worth mentioning that the toilets in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods were relatively simple, and even the toilets of princes' houses were nothing more than digging a hole and burying a large bucket.

The top is covered with thatch, so it is also called "thatched pit" or "latrine".

This "pit toilet" can be said to be the ancestor of the Chinese toilet.

The folk toilets are mostly built on the pigsty, with a roof and a urinal connected to the pigsty inside...

Qingji said with a smile: "Fan'er, in this icy and snowy world, if you relieve yourself immediately, won't you be afraid of freezing your words?"

"Father was joking."

Young Master Fan said with a dry smile: "Although the weather is dripping into ice, my words are not so fragile..."

"Wait. Fan'er, what were you talking about just now?"

"My son's words are not so fragile."

"last sentence."

"This damn weather is dripping into ice..."

"There is."

Qingji's eyes suddenly lit up, and an idea came to his mind.

what idea?
The idea of ​​breaking Jinyang City!

Qingji immediately summoned the generals to the main tent of the Chinese army and began to give orders.

Under Qingji's order, the coalition soldiers who were still asleep got up with yawns and continued digging outside the city with shovels and hoes. On top of the piled up earth hill.

Naturally, such a large-scale action could not be concealed from the soldiers of the Zhao army defending the city.

Even so, they saw what the coalition forces did, but they were very puzzled in their hearts.

"What are they doing?"

"Do you want to dig ground? Huh, what a wicked heart!"

"I've heard that Wu Jun often used earth-digging to attack the city, and it was successful. But Jinyang is not Jiangnan. There are mostly sandy soil here, which is difficult to accumulate!"

"Let's report to the Lord first!"

Not long after, Zhao Yang got the report from his subordinates, and immediately came to the top of the city to watch.

Through the fine snow and the dim light of the fire, Zhao Yang could vaguely see that the coalition soldiers outside the city were piling up mountains of earth.

Although Zhao Yang knew about Wu Jun's tactic, the environment in Jinyang could not have allowed the coalition forces to really pile up the mountains.

That being said, Zhao Yang knew that Qingji was a man of many tricks and was good at deceit, so he had to guard against him.

Zhao Yang immediately dispatched a hundred military chariots to rush out, trying to prevent the coalition forces from continuing to dig the ground.

However, Qingji had already guarded against Zhao Yang's move, so he had already sent Xiong Zidan and Goujian to fight.


Between the black lights and the blind fire, the two armies fought.

In the wilderness, the chariots galloped, the warriors shouted, and from time to time there were miserable screams.

All the soldiers who were thrown off the chariot, no matter whether it was the coalition army or the Zhao army, would be trampled to death by horseshoes.

Even those soldiers who are responsible for assisting military vehicles in combat will inevitably be knocked away by horseshoes.

What awaits them will also be a mortal end.

After a fierce fight, the Zhao army was repelled, but failed to stop the coalition's digging.


The next day, tall and straight earth mountains stood outside Jinyang city one after another.

On the earth mountain, dotted with ice, mixed with a little frost and snow, it looks extremely solid.

Bed crossbows one after another were placed on the hill.

The crossbowmen of the Wu army in light armor had already drawn their bows and arrows, opened their crossbows, and waited for Qingji's order, and then the chaotic arrows would be fired together...

At the front of the phalanx of the coalition forces, a total of [-] trebuchets have been loaded with stone bombs and are ready to go.

At this time, Qingji stood on the military chariot, slowly pulled out the Longyuan Sword from his waist, and looked ahead, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

With a sound of "shua", Qingji finally drew his sword out of its sheath, pointed the tip of the sword at the opposite Jinyang City, and said loudly, "Let go!"

Following Qingji's order, countless stone bullets and crossbow arrows were thrown in the direction of Jinyang City.

The densely packed arrows, like locusts crossing the border, spread across half of the sky.


The powerful stone bombs smashed into the rammed-earth solidified city wall, creating large pits one after another.

The gravel is splashing!

Some unlucky soldiers of the Zhao army were even hit by stone bullets, and blood was splattered immediately, leaving their bodies on the spot.

Even if it is resisted with a shield, it cannot withstand the violent impact of the stone bullet.

The human shield is shattered!


When the rocks pierced through the sky, the sky filled with crossbow arrows poured down.



The screams were endless.

The penetrating power of the crossbow arrows is very strong. Once it hits a person's body, even if it is a soldier in armor, blood and flesh will fly all over the body, and there will be wailing wailing.

In a short while, the huge wall of Jinyang City was smashed into a large area of ​​potholes, crumbling.

Facing the powerful arrow rain offensive of the coalition forces, the soldiers of the Zhao army defending the city were all terrified!
The most important thing is that the coalition forces not only have extremely lethal trebuchets, but also the crossbows can be placed on the earth hills, condescendingly shooting Zhao soldiers...

At this moment, the soldiers of the Zhao army on the top of the city seemed to be living targets!

Regarding this, Qingji just wanted to say: the truth is only within the range of the crossbow!

Under the dense arrows of the Wu army, the soldiers of the Zhao army who defended the city died pile after pile, just like cut leeks, they were cut off one after another!

Seeing the completely suppressed enemy army, Qingji finally gave the order to attack.

The coalition forces used 1000 people as an echelon, and launched attacks from one direction of Jinyang City in turn.

Of course, the first to bear the brunt were the armies of Han, Zhao, Wei, Zhi, Bank of China, and Fan Liuguo.

Wu Jun is acting as a "mercenary" this time, and there is no need to die in Jinyang City.

Although, Qingji's doing so is very likely to cause the dissatisfaction of the Six Jin monarchs.

However, the situation is stronger than the people.

They are dissatisfied, but dare not speak out, or openly oppose Qingji...

"Hold on!"

"No retreat!"

"Anyone who retreats half a step will be deemed to have run away! Immediately beheaded!"

"Fight the arrows!"

On the top of the city, Zhao Yang still personally supervised the battle, wielding a sharp saber, beheaded several deserters, and even killed three or four short-sighted enemies under the cover of a group of personal soldiers.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a crossbow arrow struck.


Blood-stained robe!
Zhao Yang was shot in the arm by an arrow.

The powerful impact of the crossbow even pierced Zhao Yang's arm!

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