"The widow knows that the enmity between Zheng and Xu has a long history. However, it is better to resolve the enemy than to end it. The purpose of the widow to preside over the Xu Tian alliance this time is to mediate the battle between Zheng and Xu. I wonder if Zheng Bo agrees?"

When Qing Ji said this to Ji Sheng, the implication was to make Ji Sheng lose face.

Do not!
Due to the strength of Wu State and the attitude shown by Qingji, Zheng Jun, who was supposed to destroy Xu State's soldiers in a short time, also retreated not long ago.

Ji Sheng, like Gui Yue, originally wanted to annex a small country to strengthen his own national power when Wu Guoshi had just established hegemony and had no time to look north.

However, Qingji doesn't allow it at all!

"I respect you."

Ji Sheng smiled bitterly and had no choice but to agree.

Although he is young, he also knows that his arms cannot hold back his thighs!
Facing the powerful Qing Ji and Wu Guo, Ji Sheng could only keep quiet, keep a low profile, and when the time was right, he would report revenge again.

Even though Ji Sheng was supported by Qing Ji, Ji Sheng will never forget the "Xin Zheng's Shame"!
The capital of the State of Zheng was once captured by the Wu army, and all the rare treasures and valuables in the Zheng Palace were looted by the Wu people...

This is undoubtedly a great shame for Ji Sheng and Zheng Guo.

This time, Qingji offended Song, Wei, and Zheng in one go in order to protect the three kingdoms of Dun, Xu, and Cao.

However, Qingji didn't mind.

Because he knew very well that after Wu State dominated the world, these three Central Plains powers were bound to confront Wu State openly and secretly.

That being the case, why should Qing Ji be too polite?

At this time, Zhao Yang, who was sitting not far away, saw that Zheng Bo, Song Gong, and Chen Hou were all "sanctioned" by Qing Ji, and couldn't help beating drums in his heart and muttering.

He knew that the person Qingji would "sanction" next would be himself.

However, Zhao Yang waited and waited, but only got a meaningful look from Qingji.

What's the point?

The princes present were also very surprised.

It stands to reason that among the princes who participated in this alliance to eliminate soldiers, the person who committed the most crimes was none other than Zhao Yang.

Zheng Boji won and swallowed promises but failed, Chen Hou Guiyue destroyed Dun State, and Song Gongzi Luan attacked Cao State.

The three of them failed in the end and were admonished by Qingji. Why didn't Zhao Yang, who killed the king and usurped the throne, get any punishment from Qingji?

It stands to reason that Zhao Yang is the one who should be thrown into the boiling bronze cauldron.


Night falls.

At this time, Zhao Yang's sleeping tent was still brightly lit.

Zhao Yang sat across the table with his two senior officials, Dou Ji and Shi An, discussing countermeasures worriedly.

Because not long ago, Zhao Yang received a personal letter sent by Qingji.

Qingji invited Zhao Yang to go fishing on the bank of Xushui.

How can this not worry Zhao Yang?
"There will be no good meeting."

Zhao Yang sighed and said: "Dou Ji, Shi An, in your opinion, is the widow going to this invitation to celebrate Ji?"


Dou Ji hurriedly dissuaded him: "My lord, Wu Wang Qingji is like a poisonous tiger, killing people at every turn. Thinking about the time when Jin Dinggong and Qingji met in Luoyi and were assassinated at Diaoyutai, Qingji must have sent the assassin to do this."

"Wu Zixu, who is beside Qingji, is good at using tricks and assassination techniques that can't be put on the table. Wu Zixu is also very good at it."

"Zhuan Zhu, Yao Li and other assassins are all discovered by Wu Zixu. He may not find an assassin for the King of Wu to kill you..."

This is exactly what Zhao Yang is most worried about.

"If the widows don't go to the meeting, not to mention causing Qingji's unhappiness, Qingji may not take the opportunity to make trouble, and bring the crime to Zhao Guo."


Dou Ji and Shi An looked at each other, but they were speechless.

Shi An thought for a moment, then frowned and asked: "My lord, in my opinion, King Wu may not dare to kill you."

"How to say?"

"Although the state of Wu has established hegemony now, the center of gravity of the people of Wu has always been in the south, not in the north. If you die as the king, there will be chaos in the state of Zhao, and even the chaos of the Six Jin Dynasty will cause the princes of the Central Plains to fight again."

Shi said dejectedly: "This is probably not a situation that Wu's monarch and ministers would like to see."

"Qingji needs a stable state of Wu, a stable Central Plains, and a stable northern kingdom."


Zhao Yang agrees with Shi An's statement.

Anyone with insight can see that Qingji is unwilling to let the state of Wu fight again.

However, in order to maintain Wu's hegemony, Qing Ji had no choice but to take the lead in the Xu Tian alliance this time.


The next day.

On the shore of Xushui, on the Diaoyutai, Qingji sat with Zhao Yang.

Not far away, there are all soldiers in solid clothes.

However, Qingji seems to have no intention of killing Zhao Yang at all.

After putting a big carp into the bamboo basket, Qingji glanced at Zhao Yang and said with a smile, "Zhao Yang, I have not misunderstood you."

"Your courage is appreciated by everyone. But, don't you worry, this time you will come and go?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang said shyly, "Marquis Wu is just joking. Marquis Wu is Fang Bo, a well-known figure all over the world, and now the country of Wu is a hegemonic power. How can he do despicable things?"

"If you don't go back today, Marquis Wu, you may attract criticism from the world."

"It's not a pity for the widow to die, but he shouldn't cause Wu Hou a bad name."


Qing Ji chuckled lightly and said, "Mr. Zhao is like this, isn't he just deceiving himself?"

"Everyone in the world knows that Zhao Ji is a monarch supported by the widows, and a prince conferred by the Son of Heaven."

"And you, Zhao Yang, are only Zhao Ji's courtiers, yet you dare to offend your superiors, kill the king and usurp the throne. Isn't it a traitor for such actions?"

"Throughout the ages, the rebellious ministers and thieves have been punished by everyone! The widow threw you into a cauldron to cook and kill you at yesterday's meeting. I believe that the princes will applaud and applaud without any objection."

Qing Ji is not aimlessly.

There was no righteous war in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the ritual and music conquests came from the princes.

In this era, the ceremony has long been broken.

However, everything has a certain bottom line.

As the king of a country, the most intolerable thing is the following things.

In the past, all the assassins of the king's bureaucrats were assassinated, and He Lu succeeded to the throne. This belonged to the king who killed the king and usurped the throne, and obtained the throne illegally.

Therefore, vassal states such as Jin, Wei, Song, and Lu all funded Qingji, who had fled, and helped Qingji successfully return to Wu, drive away Helu, and set things right.

There is also an incident in which Zhou called for killing his brother to stand on his own feet.

Zhou Yu joined forces with the fugitive Wei people to attack and kill Duke Huan of Wei. Zhou Yu then proclaimed himself king.

But Zhou Yu's fate is also embarrassing.

In the end, Shi Que, Minister of the State of Wei, joined forces with Lord Chen Huan of the State of Chen to kill Zhou Yu...

Shi Que, who killed his relatives righteously, even killed his own son Shi Hou!

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