At this time, Qingji was condolences to the wounded soldiers of the Wu army in the wounded barracks.

In the huge camp, howls could be heard endlessly.

Some soldiers had their thighs broken and had to use crutches to lean on them.

Some soldiers were blinded by arrows and had to be wrapped in bandages.

Some soldiers were seriously injured, and it seemed that they could not be saved...

Wu Jun has a relatively complete medical security.

Thanks to the medical school of Jixia Academy, many doctors are trained for the state of Wu every year, so medicine is also prevalent in the state of Wu.

Whenever Wu Jun went out on an expedition, he would always follow a lot of doctors to heal the wounded and rescue them from the hands of the ecstasy messenger.


Wu Zixu, who was following Qingji, sighed and said, "Your Majesty, I have been a general for decades, but I have never experienced such a tough battle."

"The landform of Shu is complex, but it is almost the same as the south and southwest of Wu State."

"In the past, when I conquered the lands of Baiyue and Baipu, although the people were rebellious and fearless, they didn't know the art of war or the art of building, so they didn't have a strong camp waiting for our army to capture."

"Relying on the steep terrain, the Shu people guarded the pass by the mountains. It can be said that one man is in charge of the pass, and no one can open it."

"If we use conventional tactics, we don't know how much time and price our army will have to spend to break through the obstacles of the Shu army and destroy the country in one battle!"

Hearing this, Qingji nodded slightly to express his agreement.

The Shu people are indeed not comparable to the Baiyue and Pu people in the south.

The Kingdom of Shu is more like a combination of the countries of the Central Plains and the Southern Man. It has both natural advantages and numerous passes.

Now that Qingji wants to destroy Shu, it is not a short-term achievement.

The most important thing is that Wu Jun has missed the favorable opportunity.

This is also understandable.

After all, after the Wu army broke through Yuyi, in less than two months, they drove straight in and annexed the four kingdoms of Ba, Chong, Xiqian, and Ping in one go.

In the same way, it also gave the Shu people a chance to breathe and react.

"Your Majesty."

At this moment, Fan Li, the official censor, came over with a memorial, handed it to Qingji, and said, "Wuyi urgent report!"

Hearing this, Qingji took a look at the battle report and couldn't help frowning.

"The Ba people rebelled and robbed our army's food and grass in the Wu Gorge area, and burned our army's food ships. More than half of the army's food was looted."


Hearing this, the ministers present couldn't help being dumbfounded and shocked.

Such a thing, in fact, had been expected by Wu Guojun and his ministers, but it was impossible to prevent it.

Because the Ba people are rebellious, they are definitely not reconciled to subjugate the country like this, and it is inevitable for them to rise up and resist.

Now with the fall of the Ba Kingdom, some stubborn Ba people have fled into the deep mountains and old forests to fight guerrillas, and have repeatedly harassed the Wu army's food roads.

If there is a little carelessness, Wu Jun may end up in the situation where "a clever woman can hardly cook without rice", and has to retreat because the army ran out of food and grass.


After learning that the grain and grass of the Wu army had been looted or burned in Wu Gorge, Qingji immediately summoned the royal historian Fan Li, Guowei Sun Wu, Da Sima Wu Zixu, Prince Heng, Gongzi Xi, and Gongzi Fan in the tent of the Chinese army. .


Young Master Fan stood up first, and bowed to Qing Ji, who was in the commander-in-chief, and said, "The Ba people are evil-hearted! My son please order me to lead an army alone to wipe out the rebellious Ba people, so as to ensure that our Wu army can continue to supply food. !"

Hearing this, Qingji squinted his eyes and asked, "Wu Fan, you want to wipe out the Ba people who caused rebellion. But, do you know where they are?"

"This... I don't know yet."

Gong Zifan is commendable for his ambition.

However, if Wu Jun attacked rashly, he might be ambushed by the Ba people, causing certain casualties.

The key is not worth the candle!
"Controlling violence with violence is never a long-term solution."

Qing Ji looked at Wu Fan meaningfully, and said, "The widow's extermination of Pakistan is not simply about occupying his land. Wu Guo should own his people."

"It's easy to kill one Ba, ten Ba, but if it's a hundred, a thousand, or 1 Ba, is it easy?"

"Killing can't solve the essence of the matter, it will only increase the hatred of others towards oneself. If you can't solve Badi once and for all, why kill it?"

Young Master Fan hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Father, my son has been taught."

For the remnants of the Ba Kingdom, Qingji had to choose to exterminate them all, and to have an inhuman massacre.

Or, Qingji can only use the policy of Huairou to influence and assimilate the Ba people.

And Qing Ji is naturally more inclined to the latter.

After all, Ba Kingdom belongs to a branch of "Zhuxia" and has a certain cultural foundation.

Qingji also wanted the land of Bashu to become Wu's rear granary and a frontier base for conquering Qin.

Compared with the "nine counties in the south" of Southwest and Lingnan in the poor and white state of Wu, the land of Bashu has a certain foundation for agricultural development, and it also produces copper, iron, salt, and silk tea.

If the State of Wu wants to manage Bashu, there will be a lot of benefits but no harm!
That being the case, how could Qingji easily destroy Badi?

The most important thing is the human heart!
If Wu Jun kills a Ba people, there may be tens of thousands of Ba people who will stand up and rise up to resist.

At that time, the state of Wu may fall into an endless civil war in order to suppress the rebellion in Badi...

"Father, then shall I watch the Ba people looting grain on the river like this?"

Gong Zixi asked rather puzzled.

"Of course not."

Qing Ji waved his hands and said, "The food, fodder and supplies of my country of Wu are not endless. If you want to rule Pakistan, the first thing is in people's hearts."

"Now that the Ba Kingdom is destroyed, people's hearts are in turmoil. Although there are many people who are determined to restore the Ba Kingdom and expel our Wu army, there are also people who are greedy for power and wealth."

"To deal with the Ba people, attacking the heart is the most important thing."

"This... father, how do you attack your heart?"

Qing Ji smiled lightly, and said: "There are some dignitaries in the Ba Kingdom who are greedy for profit. We can use them temporarily to rule Pakistan. Why do we need Wu Guo to bother?"

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

Everyone couldn't help admiring.

It is indeed a good way to use Ba to treat Ba, at least at this stage.

The terrain of Pakistan is relatively complicated, and there are mixed fish and dragons. Wu Jun can't tell who is loyal and who is traitor.

With the help of the dignitaries of the original Ba Kingdom, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

Throughout the ages, there has never been a shortage of "traitors".

Among the Ba people, there are naturally many "Ba traitors".

It only needs the dignitaries of Ba to act as the leading party and become Wu's minions and eyeliners. Are you still worried about not being able to put down the chaos in Badi?
"Father, my son is willing to sit in Badi to ensure that our Wu army's food and roads will not be lost, and the chaos in Badi will be quelled!"

Young Master Fan took the initiative to ask Ying to say.

Hearing this, Qing Ji glanced at Young Master Fan, then set his eyes on Young Master Xi, and said slowly, "Let Wu Xi go."

"Wu Xi, after you arrive in Jiangzhou, you can win over the dignitaries of the original Ba Kingdom, and promise to take the post of Dafu Yishou, and form a new army based on the descendants of the Ba Kingdom, and strictly control it. in your hand."

"You, do you understand?"


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