
Hearing that Qingji was going to entrust him with a heavy responsibility, Bu Shang couldn't help but gasped and was shocked.

This is the Shangqing of the Shu Kingdom, the ruling minister, equivalent to the existence of the Dazai of the Wu Kingdom!
How can Qingji trust in appointing a brat from Bu Shang?
As soon as Qing Ji's words fell, even Prince Heng and Fan Li beside him couldn't help but look astonished.

"Your Majesty, I really don't dare to be a minister!"

Bu Shang hastily declined.

However, Qingji still patted him on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Bu Shang, if the widow says you can do it, you can do it. Aspirations don't come when you are young!"

"Your talent is well known. What you lack is experience and an opportunity."

"During your tenure as Shangqing of the Shu Kingdom, you did not care about the internal affairs of Shu. However, the preparations for the construction of Dujiangyan must be done properly!"

"Sir, please obey the king's orders."

Bu Shang smiled wryly, and reluctantly agreed.

Hearing this, Fan Li, Sun Wu and the others couldn't help but gasped, feeling extremely shocked.


The Achaemenid dynasty and the Chinese kingdoms were originally only separated by the Western Regions, Yiqu, and the territory of the Komidians, but now they have been opened up by the Persians...

Wu's second westbound caravan was besieged by the Persians in Loulan City!

Thanks to the unimpeded Silk Road, the country of Wu has made a lot of money over the years, so much so that in the minds of some businessmen from the Western Regions and Western regions, the country of Wu from the far east is a place full of gold!
Such a rich country, how could the Achaemenid dynasty, which claims to be the most powerful empire in the world, not covet it?
"Wu Fan, be safe and don't be impatient."

After learning of this situation, Qingji immediately summoned Sun Wu, the national lieutenant, Fan Li, the official censor, Wu Zixu, Prince Heng, and Prince Fan in the small palace of Louchuan.

Qingji, who had just arrived in Qianzhong County, suddenly received an urgent report——


Wu's second westbound caravan had a size of 3000 people.

There is no room for inadvertent celebration and caution.

something unexpected may happen any time.

Because at this time the Achaemenid dynasty of the Persians was indeed unprecedentedly powerful.

Wu Zixu said worriedly: "Your Majesty, my country of Wu and the Persians have no enmity in the past, nor have we had any enmity in the past, and there were business contacts in the past. Why did the Persians invade our caravan of Wu?"

Since Qingji thinks highly of him, how can he refuse again and again?
This time, Bu Shang was forced by Qing Ji to become a water conservancy engineer...


It's a big deal!

Qingji just didn't expect the Persians to come so soon.

Qing Ji said slowly: "My country of Wu wants to send troops to go on an expedition. When we enter the Western Regions, we must pass through the territories of the Qin people and the Xirong. How could they easily agree to excuse us?"

The time has entered the 20th year of Wu Wang Qingji, that is, 494 BC, the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

In fact, as early as when Qingji first sent a westbound caravan to open up the Silk Road, he had already guessed that it might lead to an expedition by the Persians.


Qingji sat on the majesty's platform and asked Jiao Hua to pass on the battle report in his hand.

Upon hearing this, everyone present could not help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Qing Ji frowned and said, "About three months ago, the westbound caravan that returned home was attacked by the Persians in Dawan Kingdom."

"In an expedition of thousands of miles, the Persians are really not afraid of never returning!"

"Second and third sons, this is Wu Ming's request for help from the widow."

Before Qingji could speak, the Grand Sima Wu Zixu who sat at the bottom pondered for a moment, then got up and said, "Your Majesty, I don't think you should rashly send troops and fight every now and then."

"Is there any logic in what the robbers did?"

After Qingji annexed the states of Ba, Chong, Xiyan, and Pingzhou in one go, and forced the state of Shu to pay tribute, he planned to continue going south to inspect Minzhong County, Lujiang County, Cangwu County, Nanhai County, Xiang County, Guilin County, Jiaozhi County, Qianzhong County, and Dian County.

"Furthermore, just to rob a caravan, why did the Persians mobilize so many troops and move tens of thousands of people into the Western Regions?"

"It's Erchen who is impulsive."

Qingji actually doesn't care much about the affairs of Shu.

"A reckless view!"

Looking at it this way, the Wu Kingdom business traveler who is now besieged in Loulan City has suffered heavy losses, but there are only more than 1000 people.

Qingji didn't speak.

Gong Zifan gritted his teeth, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Father, if they don't agree to make excuses, they will even take care of Qin and Xirong together!"

"Yin Xi was seriously injured, and more than a thousand people died. Wu Ming had no choice but to lead his troops into Loulan City in order to protect himself. However, the Persians chased after him and besieged Loulan City, with no less than 5 troops. "

Therefore, a "Prime Minister of Shu" like Bu Shang can only be a mere decoration.

That is, the nine southern counties.

Are the ambitions of the Persians really that big?
But, if this is not the case, why would the Persians have so many soldiers and horses at every turn?

Qing Ji scolded Young Master Fan, and said, "This is a major national event, and it is very different from killing on the battlefield. Even if a few people raise an army of [-] to march west, not to mention Xi Rong, I am afraid that even the people of Qin will not be able to pass this test!"

Gong Zifan got up immediately and said: "Father, my son is willing to lead his troops to rescue Loulan and bring back my westbound caravan from Wu Kingdom!"


There are many scholars, merchants, and soldiers among them. The main purpose is to strengthen the economic and cultural exchanges between Wu State and Western countries, to enhance Wu State’s influence through the Silk Road, and to sell tea, porcelain, silk and other items to earn money for Wu State. Be full.

Young Master Fan quickly admitted his mistake, but he was still unconvinced, and said: "Father, Wu Ming and the others are now besieged by the Persian army in Loulan City, how can my country of Wu do nothing?"

Qing Ji said indifferently: "The Persians are greedy for my Wu country to make a fortune through the Silk Road these years, so it is not surprising that they want to snatch it."

"Now Wu Ming and the Loulan people are defending the city and sending people to ask for help."

"The widow has already received news earlier that the Persian army went on an eastward expedition and conquered the Komidians, and now it is not surprising that they are now invading the Western Regions."

"However, some people speculate that the purpose of the Persians may not only be the countries of the Western Regions, but also spy on my heart in China!"

"I don't know much about the Persian Achaemenid Germany, but I do know that this is a powerful and big country. In terms of comprehensive national strength, it is no less than my Wu country!"

"Although the Persians are going on an expedition of thousands of miles, they may not be able to catch them. However, my Wu country's westbound caravan was besieged in Loulan City for a long time. Counting the time, it took several months."

"If there are more twists and turns, I am afraid that before the reinforcements rush to the Western Regions, Loulan City will have fallen, and Wu Ming and the others will either die or be captured... If this is the case, wouldn't it be a waste of time and money?"

Hearing this, Qingji squinted his eyes and asked, "Zixu, are you letting me swallow this breath?"

"Please be patient, Your Majesty."

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