"Datis, I have accepted this gauntlet."

"Go back and tell Darius that at noon tomorrow, the enemy and our two sides will each have [-] elite soldiers and will fight on the north bank of Jiduanshui."

Qingji said flatly, "Let him wash his neck and wait."

"Your Majesty!"

Sun Wu, Fan Li, Wu Ming and other generals present wanted to dissuade Qing Ji, but Qing Ji waved his hand and interrupted.

When Datis heard this, he couldn't help but smile, and said: "Your Majesty King Wu, if that's the case, I will take my leave!"

When Datis left, seeing that everyone was puzzled, Qingji said slowly: "There is a change in Hanzhong County. Wu Zixu came to report that a batch of grain and fodder was passing through Danshui, and Kunlun was in charge of escorting it." Slaves create rebellion, kill food supervisors and soldiers, and then become bandits."


Hearing this, all the generals could not help but change color.

Sun Wu frowned and asked: "My lord, I wonder if the food and grass can be recovered?"


Qing Ji squinted his eyes and said, "After all, it is within the territory of our Wu State, and those rebellious Kunlun slaves cannot escape very far. Of course, it will take a certain amount of time."

"Our army can't wait."

The Persians have run out of food and grass, so why not the Chinese Allied Forces?

It is very difficult to transfer grain, fodder and supplies from the Central Plains, especially from the mainland of Wu to the Western Regions, which is thousands of miles away.

This time the battle against the Persians was at the turn of winter and spring, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow, the roads were difficult, and there was very little food and grass that could be successfully sent to the front line.

Qingji admits that he made a mistake this time.

In order to save time and effort, Qingji temporarily recruited 10,000+ Kunlun slaves to serve as civilian husbands to escort food, fodder and supplies. It was unexpected that the Kunlun slaves would break out in rebellion at this juncture.

In the past, the State of Wu often conscripted Kunlun slaves to serve as labor servitors, and was responsible for escorting food, fodder and supplies.

Never had an accident.

Why did things go wrong this time with the Persians?

The reason is probably that the Wu Kingdom has fought too frequently against the land of Bashu and the Persians in the past year, resulting in almost all the soldiers and horses in Nanjun, Nanyang and Hanzhong counties.

There were too few soldiers in charge of supervising the transportation of grain, fodder and supplies, which caused the Kunlun slaves to develop a heart of resistance.

Furthermore, it may be that Qingji raised the food treatment of Kunlun slaves before Qingji, so that they can eat half full...

The reason why Qingji decided to have a fair confrontation with Darius I now was because of the unsustainable food and grass.

After the Battle of Wulei, the Chinese Allied Forces still had 7 to [-] horses and tens of thousands of Persian prisoners of war.

This is an astronomical figure for people to eat horse chews every day!
Qing Ji wanted to collect food locally, but it was impossible, because the countries in the Western Regions were ravaged by the war and their livelihoods were difficult. They were already short of food and clothing. If the Chinese coalition forces robbed food again, it might cause civil uprisings.

Moreover, that is still a drop in the bucket rations, completely unable to feed so many people.

This time, the severance of food, fodder and supplies is not painful to the Huaxia Allied Forces.

It's just that it's not easy to support those Persian prisoners of war...

For the current plan, Qingji had no choice but to choose a quick battle, kill Darius I in one battle, and completely wipe out the Persian army, in order to achieve a complete victory and return to the dynasty.

"Father, the battlefield is dangerous. My son thinks that father should consider it carefully, and don't act emotionally."

Young Master Hong bit the bullet and persuaded.

However, Qingji just smiled slightly and said, "Wu Hong, when I was fighting on the battlefield and was dubbed the 'No. [-] Warrior of Wu', you hadn't blossomed yet."

"Darius did have some literary and martial arts, but in terms of bravery, I am confident that he can be crushed."

"In the battle of Duan Shui, let the Habayashi Army, Huben Army and the trapped camp fight."

"Three thousand Wu Guorui soldiers, against three thousand Persian guards, is there any reason for them to be invincible?"

Qing Ji at this moment is full of confidence.

This is not ego.

Because, his self-confidence comes from his own strength.

Qingji's personal bravery, in his early years, was called "the world's number one warrior" by the world, unmatched by anyone.

As for the three elites of the Wu Kingdom, all of them can fight one against ten, or even one against a hundred.

With such elite soldiers and strong generals, why should Qing Ji be afraid?
If Qingji wins this battle, the Western Regions will be peaceful for at least ten years!

At this time, Fan Li's eyeballs flickered for a moment, and he suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I think the Persians are at the end of their battle."

"However, they still have the power to fight. At least if they desperately break through, Darius may not be able to successfully break out of the encirclement under the cover of his guards."

"Why did Darius insist on a head-to-head confrontation with the king? There is something strange, and the king must guard against it."

Hearing this, Qingji stroked his chin, and said thoughtfully, "Fan Li, you mean that it was fake for Darius to go to battle, and it was real for him to break out of the siege."

"The reason why he sent a war letter to the widow may be to deceive others and create the best time for himself to escape?"



Qing Ji nodded slightly, expressing his agreement.

After all, the heart of defense is indispensable!

"Hei Fu, Wu Ming."

"Chen is here!"

"The two of you will immediately lead an army of [-] to the Dawan Kingdom and garrison on the banks of the Syr Darya. If you see the remnants of the Persian army, immediately strangle them!"


Qing Ji must take precautions before they happen.

As the saying goes, ten will surround it, five will attack it, and double it will divide it.

The current strength of the Huaxia Allied Forces is only three or four times that of the Persian Army, and some troops have to be allocated to guard the prisoners of war. The strength of the troops is already stretched.

Therefore, Darius I wanted to break out of the siege, whether it was difficult or not, it was not easy to say.

It's just that Darius I was already scared of being beaten, and became cautious, so he wanted to use a battle to determine the outcome and break out of the encirclement.


At this time, Young Master Fan said: "The Persians are already poor and desperate, why does the father really want to fight Darius in a dignified manner?"

"From my son's point of view, why doesn't my father follow up with heavy troops in tomorrow's battle, and wipe out all the remnants of Persia on the front line of Jiduanshui?"

Gong Zifan's claim is that he does not emphasize martial ethics.

Although, when dealing with foreigners like Persians, Qingji can use deceit and conspiracies.

However, when the war has progressed to this point, Qingji really needs a fight between pure forces, so that Darius I can be convinced of his defeat, and it will also allow Wu to consolidate his absolute dominance in the Western Regions!
"Wu Fan, remember, conspiracies and tricks are ultimately difficult to be elegant."

Qing Ji said indifferently: "After this battle, whether the huge Persian kingdom will be destroyed, or whether it will fall apart and fall into civil strife, no one knows."

"Of course, the widow must subdue and scare the Persians, so that they will be afraid of the Wu army from now on, and they will not dare to march eastward and take half a step in the Western Regions!"

And to achieve this level, Qingji will inevitably have to kill.


The next day, on the north bank of Jiduanshui, [-] Wu Guorui soldiers and [-] Persian elite soldiers formed two huge phalanxes and confronted each other.

Only by the momentum and the order of the phalanx, Qingji could realize that the elite Persian soldiers on the opposite side were indeed powerful.

If Qingji guessed correctly, the elite Persian soldiers on the opposite side should be the strongest troops of Darius I in the legend——

Thousands of Undead Army!
When Cambyses II, the former king of Persia and the king of the Quartet, was conquering Ethiopia, Mahakubai, the commander of the imperial guards under his command, unfortunately died in battle.

As the confidant and cousin of Cambyses II, Darius I was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Palace Guards, and Darius I held military power, which also provided favorable conditions for him to establish the Immortal Army later.

Afterwards, Cambyses II died mysteriously, and the Achaemenid dynasty fell into civil strife. Darius I, who was in charge of the military, killed the fake younger brother of the usurper Cambyses II, Bardia, and was crowned king. .

Darius I himself formed an army of [-] immortals, the most elite army in the country.

If there is a vacancy in personnel, there will be backup personnel to fill it up quickly, and the scale of ten thousand people will be maintained from beginning to end, so it is called "the army of ten thousand people who will not die".

Under the leadership of Darius, this undead army once swept across the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. Three of the four ancient civilizations have been included in the territory of the Persians and were conquered by him.

As the core force in the fighting army, the Ten Thousand Undead Army can be said to have made great military exploits for Darius I.

Historically, the Undead Army has always been the core force of the Persian army and has been rampant for 200 years.

But in the end, he met a powerful opponent, that is another powerful emperor who appeared 200 years later——


Now, the undead army that Darius I was proud of had only a few thousand people left, which was worthy of a battle.

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