Chapter 82
After the domestic war basically ended, Qingji did not stop Wu's external expansion.

Qingji ordered Grand Sima Sun Ping to be the chief general, secretly dispatched troops, and transported a large amount of food, fodder and luggage to Zhenzi, so as to deceive people's eyes and ears, and attack Chu unexpectedly.

At the same time, Qingji took Sun Wu as the general, led [-] soldiers, mixed with civilian husbands and healthy women, and falsely claimed [-] soldiers and horses. Xing's lost ground!
This overt and dark military action made it impossible for people to distinguish Qingji's true intentions.

Qingji also let out rumors that he will soon lead the imperial conquest to crusade against the country of Yue!

This time, everyone thought that Qingji was determined to win the land lost in the south of Wu Kingdom, otherwise why would he go to the south himself?


Zide Hall.

Qingji is receiving Fan Li.

At this time, Fan Li was still a young man of no more than twenty-four years old, with a heroic appearance, and although he was dressed plainly, he couldn't conceal the elegance that emanated from the inside in his gestures!
Qing Ji admired such a Fan Li.

After all, Fan Li is a rare all-around talent in history.

He was a statesman, military strategist, strategist, economist and Taoist scholar in the late Spring and Autumn Period, Prime Minister and General of the State of Yue.

Those who can be crowned with the title of "family" are all masters of a generation, that is, great talents who are proficient in a certain field, and Fan Li's series of titles shows how versatile he is.

It is worth mentioning that Fan Li was also an early business theorist in China and one of the pioneers of Chu Studies. He was honored as the "Sage of Shang" by later generations and one of the Five Sages of Nanyang!

Qing Ji vaguely remembered that Fan Li in history defected to Yue State together with Wen Zhong because he was dissatisfied with the dark government of Chu State at that time and non-nobles were not allowed to be an official.

He helped Goujian rejuvenate the country of Yue and destroy the country of Wu. He was ashamed of Kuaiji, achieved hegemony, and was named a general!

After achieving fame, Fan Li retreated bravely, changed his name to Chiyi Zipi, and roamed among the seventy-two peaks.

During this period, Fan Li became very rich through doing business three times, scattered his family wealth three times, and then settled in Taoqiu in the Song Dynasty, calling himself "Tao Zhu Gong".

In later generations, Fan Li was also entitled to the Temple of Wucheng King in the Tang Dynasty, and was posthumously named one of the sixty-four generals (Sixty-Four Generals of the Temple of Wucheng King). During the Song Dynasty, Fan Li was also entitled to the Temple of Wucheng!
Such a great talent is very rare throughout the ages, how could Qingji not entrust him with a heavy responsibility?
"Sir, I want to make the country rich and the army strong, so why do you teach me?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Qingji asked Fan Li straight to the point, wanting to test the depth of the latter.

Qing Ji knew that Fan Li was a well-known talent in history, and had a talent that was known throughout the world, but how could he know how talented Fan Li is now?
Knowledge will always increase with the increase of experience, and Fan Li, who is still young, must not be able to reach that level.

But Qingji didn't dislike him either, he just wanted to test Fan Li's talent!

"Since your majesty talks about making the country rich and the army strong, let me try to say, if the country is not rich, how can we strengthen the army?"

Fan Li replied neither humble nor overbearing: "If you talk about the sharpness of armored soldiers, look at all the countries in the world, don't say that there is no country that can compete with Wu, but Wu Ge is really the best in the world, and no small country would dare to follow."

"In terms of national strength alone, Wu is far inferior to Jin, Qi, and Chu, and even slightly inferior to Song, Wei, and Lu."

Fan Li told a fact!
A very cruel fact!

In terms of national power, Wu State does not reach the ranks of first-class countries, but it is definitely a military power!
It has been six hundred years since Tai Bo, the ancestor of the Wu State, went to the land of thorns and barbarians, overcame thorns and thorns, and ate rice soup and fish. few.

However, in terms of national power, the state of Wu is not as good as some countries in the Central Plains!
For example, the territory of the State of Song is not as large as one-third of that of the State of Wu, but its advantage lies in its rich land, large population, and developed commerce!
In terms of the foundation of hegemony, Song State is better than Wu State.

Fan Li changed the subject and said: "That's why, Your Majesty wants to enrich the country and strengthen the army, and dominate the world. I think that the Majesty should stop foreign wars as soon as possible, rest with the people, encourage farming and mulberry, and accumulate national strength."

"What should a widow do?"

"Your Majesty should know a truth. If the price of Futiao (sell) grain is too low, it will damage the farmers' profits. If the farmers are damaged, if they don't work hard to produce, the fields will be ruined!"

Fan Li said slowly: "If the price of grain is too high, it will damage the profits of merchants. If merchants are damaged, the turnover of grain will be difficult, and no one will engage in business. Where will the country's money and taxes come from?"

"Taking Wu State as an example, if the grain price is as low as [-], it will harm farmers, and if it is as high as [-], it will harm merchants. Within a range of ten, it will be beneficial to both farmers and merchants!"

"Wouldn't it be beneficial to the country if we could make things evenly distributed like this?"


Hearing Fan Li's good policy for governing the country, Qing Ji couldn't help nodding his head slightly, quite agreeing.

Low grain hurts the people, and expensive grain hurts the end. Fan Li's policy of governing the country is that the end of the farmer is the most important!

That is to say, by adjusting the price to a certain range, the farmers will benefit from it.

This can not only promote the development of agriculture, but also benefit the development of industry and commerce, so that all fields of Wu's economy can develop in a coordinated manner.

Secondly, Fan Li clearly pointed out the role of commodity prices on production and circulation, especially the role of properly handling the relationship between grain prices and other commodity prices on production and circulation.

He tried to promote production and circulation by adjusting prices, all through economic means and not through administrative orders!

This is also worthy of recognition.

"Why Ping Tiao?"

Qingji asked.

"Your Majesty, it is necessary for the government to buy and store grain in good harvest years, and to sell the grain at a fair price in bad harvest years, so that the price of grain and other commodities can be stabilized. also."

Fan Li answered clearly and logically, which made Qingji's heart admirable.

He suddenly remembered that during the Warring States period Li Kui promoted the Ping Tiao method and the Changping warehouse established in the Han Dynasty seemed to be imitating Fan Li!

The importance of equalizing things is self-evident.

The most important thing is to be moderate, not to be indifferent, but it is indeed beneficial to the people and the country. Moreover, such a national policy will not offend the interests of the nobles too much, and it will greatly strengthen the credibility of the government, so that the national power of Wu will rise unconsciously!
Qingji has already seen this.

Afterwards, Qingji and Fan Li spent a day and a night talking with Fan Li in Zide Hall.

Basically, they are discussing how to govern Wu after the war.

Fan Li can always introduce a new method of governing the country, which is convincing!
But Qingji didn't intend to entrust Fan Li with important tasks immediately.

"Sir, I want to worship you as the doctor of the middle school and the military commander, and lead the army to attack Chu with the great Sima, are you willing?"

"Sir, obey the king's orders!"

Fan Li immediately knelt down, without the slightest expression of displeasure on his face.

After all, Fan Li could see that Qing Ji was indeed a monarch who was thirsty for talents and had great talents!
Qingji asked Fan Li to accompany Sun Ping to attack Chu, just to add to Fan Li's personal achievements so that he could better entrust him with important tasks, that's all.

Qing Ji said with a smile: "Fan Li, you should encourage him. If you can make great achievements in this battle against Chu, I will give you the title of Jiuqing!"

"Thank you king!"

 It seems that Ji Ran gave Ping Qiwu to Fan Li. Here it is assumed that Fan Li and Ji Ran have known each other for a long time, and I will mention it later.

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(End of this chapter)

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