"If you can't keep up with the old man, don't follow!"


After saying a word, Sun Wu rode his horse and whipped his horse again, and galloped towards the north on the snowy white snow and the cold wind.

"Drive! Drive!"

Encouraged by Sun Wu in this way, all the iron cavalry of the Wu army suddenly boosted their morale.

They followed closely behind Sun Tzu, one with two horses, galloping towards Iron Mountain on the constant wind and lightning in the snow.

You know, their enemy, the Tieshan camp of the Yiqu people, has 30 to [-] people.

It is true that people in Yiqu have families, and there are many old and weak women and children among them.

But there are absolutely no less than [-] Yiqu people who can fight...

Although the enemy is numerous and we are few, why are they afraid of it?


When he was less than ten miles away from Tieshan camp, Sun Wu reined in the reins of his horse, turned the horse's head, looked at the generals following behind him, and said loudly: "Second and three sons, the front is the iron gate where the main force of the Yiqu people is. Mountain Camp!"

"This old man wants to use five hundred elite cavalry as the vanguard to break through the antler gates of the camp. Who is willing to lead the army?"

After all, the movement of [-] cavalry was too much. Maybe before Sun Wu rushed to lead his troops to kill, the Yiqu people had already fled, and there was no sign of Yiqumo.

At that time, Sun Wu may fail and fail to achieve such great results.

Therefore, the vanguard of the five hundred elite cavalry has a great responsibility and is also very dangerous.

"Mr. Wu An, the final general is willing to go!"

All the generals called for the battle one after another without fear.

"Meng Ben, you go!"


"and many more!"

The young master Zhang on the side said very dissatisfied: "Mr. Wu An, let the last general go! I have more than a thousand cavalry under my tent, and their combat power is not bad. Let me go, and I will surely break the front camp of the Yiqu people and capture them." Kill Yiqumo!"

"Do not."

Sun Tzu still vetoed it.

After all, Gongzi Zhang is Qingji's son.

Once Gong Zizhang died on the front line, wouldn't Sun Wu be able to escape the guilt by then?

Disobeying the king's order is a great crime.

Let Gongzi Zhang die in battle again, I am afraid that even if Qingji does not blame Sun Wu on the surface, he will have a grudge in his heart...

"Soldiers! Sons of Great Wu, follow me!"


Meng Ben led five hundred elite cavalry, and rushed towards the Tieshan camp on the snow.

At this time, the wind and snow were blowing, and the weather conditions were extremely bad.

The cold wind was howling, and the snow was flying.

On the outskirts of Tieshan camp, there were not many Yiqu people on guard.

Because Yi Qumo never imagined that Wu Jun's iron cavalry could reach the Tieshan Camp at such a fast speed.


Meng Ben took the lead, jumped out of his horse, rushed into the camp of the Yiqu people, waved the long halberd in his hand, and knocked a Yiqu person into the air with a "puchi".

Meng Ben was brave and good at fighting, one man and one horse. After entering the camp, he went straight to the big tent in the middle of the camp.



Seeing Meng Ben's bravery, the cavalrymen of the Wu army who came to the camp together also screamed, brandishing the horse-cutting sword, wantonly slaughtering the fleeing Yiqu people.

They kill anyone they see, whether they are young and strong, or old and weak, women and children.

As long as they were Yiqu people, they were beheaded and killed, and their corpses were scattered all over the field.

Blood stained the white snow.

Countless corpses fell in a pool of blood.

At this moment, under the wolf flag of the Yiqu people, at the big tent of the Chinese army, Yiqumo, who was warming himself by the fire, was also taken aback and ran out of the big tent in a hurry.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, it's Wu Jun! Wu Jun is here!"

"How many people are there?"

"I can't see clearly. However, it shouldn't exceed a thousand rides!"


Yiqumo snorted coldly with disdain, and said, "This must be some general of the Wu army who is eager for quick success. With less than a thousand horses, he dared to attack the main force of our Yiqu army. It's really courting death!"

"Quick! Summon the army and fight back!"


The Yiqu people who were ordered to leave immediately.

"woo woo woo woo--"

After a while, the dull and murderous trumpet sounded, brightening the entire sky.

The Yiqu people who were in a panic all mounted their horses one after another, carried bows and arrows, held swords and spears, turned their horses' heads, and started a bloody battle with the cavalry of the Wu army who had entered the Tieshan camp.


At this time, Sun Wu had already led the cavalry regiment to arrive.

The generals and soldiers of the Wu army all over the mountains and plains poured into the battlefield like a fiery red wave.

The Yiqu people who were able to fight back were suddenly terrified.



In the snowstorm all over the sky, the people of Yiqu couldn't tell how many cavalry Wu Jun had come!

"It's the army led by Sun Wu!"

"It's over, it's over!"

Yiqumo stomped his feet, and said in despair: "Yiqu country, it's over!"

"This must be the main force of the Wu army. If not, how dare Sun Wu go deep alone?"

Standing aside, Jochi hurriedly dissuaded him, "Your Majesty, get out!"

"There is a proverb in Wu people. Keep the green hills, and you will not be afraid of running out of firewood!"

"As long as you are still alive, King, Yiqu Kingdom will not be destroyed!"


Yiqumo, who had calmed down, mounted his horse and was about to run away.

However, it was too late.

Sun Wu aimed at Yiqumo's direction early in the morning.

"Follow me!"

"Capture and kill Yiqumo!"

With a wave of his hand, Sun Wu gave an order: "Pass down my general order! Life or death is irrelevant! Anyone who can capture and kill Yiqumo will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold, and his rank will be promoted to three ranks!"

Under such stimulation, Wu Jun's iron cavalry rushed towards Yi Qumo's place at a galloping speed, screaming like chicken blood.

Yiqumo saw that he was surrounded, so he also became ruthless, holding the saber in his hand, fighting back and forth with the enemy.

All the Yiqu people were also aroused bloody, and launched a counterattack with red eyes.

"Wu Gou! I'm fighting with you!"


In terms of blood, Yiqu people are not inferior to Wu people.

They are strong and brave, and they regard death in battle as auspicious, and end of illness as inauspicious, so they fight very bravely, preferring death to surrender. This is one of the important reasons why Yiqu country can continue to this day in the world of great struggle.

In Yiqu country, all the people are soldiers. When there is a war, young and strong men have to go to the battlefield, resulting in more women than men.

Yiqu stipulates that after the twelfth generation of the same clan, they can intermarry with each other. After the elder brother dies, the younger brother can marry his sister-in-law as his wife.

After Yiqu settled in the Longdong Plateau, he began to engage in farming and gradually developed into a half-agricultural and half-pastoral people...

Although Yiqu is not a pure nomadic people, Yiqu people still retain the aggressiveness that the grassland tribes should have.

However, in this desperate fight, the Yiqu people obviously lost to Wu Jun's cavalry.

They fought against trapped beasts, and indeed they showed impressive fighting power.

But after all, it can't last for too long.

Because the iron cavalry of the Wu army is well-equipped, their morale is high, they are well-trained, and their physical fitness is also strong.

In all aspects, they almost crushed these patchwork Yiqu people's army!


With Yiqumo's head falling to the ground, basically, this war has come to an end.

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