Chapter 896

The time has entered the 29th year of Wu Wang Qingji, that is, 485 BC, the ninth month of the lunar calendar.

Qingji, who was still patrolling the Central Plains, suddenly received an urgent report——

Tai Shi Ji Zha, who was far away in Jinling, was critically ill.

Life is hanging by a thread!
Qingji didn't dare to neglect, he led the patrol team, and rushed all the way to Jinling, the eastern capital of Wu Kingdom.

When Qingji saw Jizha again, Jizha was already lying on the sickbed, his breath was like a thread, and he seemed to have run out of oil, and his life was not long.

"Uncle, widow, you're back."

Qing Ji knelt beside Jizha's sickbed, holding Jizha's trembling hands.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you are still visiting the Central Plains, why did you come to Jinling?"

"My uncle is sick, how can I not return?"

"Oh, my lord, birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Old ministers are at the end of their lives, so you don't have to be sentimental, lord."

Ji Zha smiled.

He is a man of open-minded nature.

He surrendered the country three times and was indifferent to fame and fortune. He was called "the most virtuous person" by the people all over the world.

Although Jizha has encountered many setbacks in his life, he still faces everything with a good attitude and has never been cynical.

This is probably the secret of Jizha's longevity.

Ji Zha is already over ninety years old, which is a remarkable age in the modern age of advanced medical care.

Not to mention this era?

Ji Zha is definitely an old birthday star!

"My country of Wu has lost a great sage, the widow has lost an arm, and lost a good teacher and ancestor. Uncle, how can you not let the widow feel sentimental?"

Qingji sighed.

Qingji has been in power for nearly 30 years. When he returned to China to seize the throne in his early years, he relied on Ji Zha to quickly stabilize the political situation and win the hearts of the people.

It was also with Ji Zha's great help that Qingji was able to successfully carry out the first reform in Wu State, which made Wu State's national strength flourish and significantly improved.

Even after Ji Zha resigned from the position of Dazai, he only retreated to the second line, and was responsible for teaching the princes' studies for Qingji, preaching and resolving doubts, and going to Jixia Academy from time to time to pass on his knowledge to the scholars , wrote a book and said...

Many people look up to Jizha's achievements in this life.

"Does my uncle have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Qingji asked.

"Your Majesty traveled thousands of miles and rushed back to Jinling from the Central Plains. How dare the old minister bother you, Your Majesty? If you say your wish, the old minister does not have it. It is just a few last words. Please listen to your Majesty."

"Uncle, but it doesn't matter."

"After the old minister died, he wanted to be buried at the foot of Shunguo Mountain in Yanling, and the funeral ceremony should be simple. According to the standards of ordinary officials and even ordinary people, a tombstone is enough. Please ask the king to complete it."

"Uncle, you..."

Qingji felt a little embarrassed.

According to Qingji's idea, a hero like Ji Zha should be buried with him in the tomb of King Wu and deserve to enjoy the Taimiao.

This is Ji Zha's honor as a courtier.

However, Jizha seemed to look down on him.

What's more, Ji Zha actually asked himself to be buried under Shunguo Mountain in Yanling with Boyi.

What solution?

Ji Zha, known as "Yanling Jizi" in the world.

In order to avoid abdicating the throne, he devoted himself to farming in Shun Guoshan. In the 25th year of Zhou Lingwang (547 BC), King Wu Yuji granted Jizha to Yanling.

It is true that Qingji later sealed Ji Zha in the state, and Ji Zha stayed in Jinling all year round.

But in Ji Zha's heart, he must have regarded Yanling as his hometown.

"The widow agrees."

"Thank you, King."

Ji Zha thought for a while, and then said: "Your Majesty, the old minister's lifespan ends here, and he cannot accompany the Majesty to see the unification of Kyushu in his lifetime."

"However, before the old minister died, I wanted to know how you will govern China when you rule the world in the future? What kind of system will you use to govern China?"

"Is it to implement the prefecture system for all, or to implement the enfeoffment system like the Zhou royal family?"

Qing Ji shook his head and said: "Uncle, to tell you the truth, I have considered this question, but there is no answer after all."

"Why does the uncle teach the widow?"

After all, this is a major event related to the future of Wu.

It is conceivable that now, as long as Qingji is not in the right way and dies, and if he dies first, it is only a matter of time before Wu will wipe out the princes and rule the world.

Therefore, it is necessary for Ji Zha to plan ahead and plan for Qingji.

"The county system and the enfeoffment system each have their own advantages."

Ji Zha said slowly: "Over the years, every time the king establishes a new county, he will send sons Fan, Zhang, Xi, Hong, etc., who are both civil and military, and have outstanding abilities, to serve as the chief officials of the border."

"Your Majesty trusts them, so he grants special privileges, making the sons different from ordinary county guards. Except that they do not have the right to diplomatic relations, taxation, and military conscription, the powers of the sons in the county are no different from those of the monarch."

"At that time, the veteran had already guessed that the king might be eager to love his son and wanted to implement the enfeoffment system. I don't know, did the veteran guess wrong?"


Hearing this, Qing Ji smiled and said, "Uncle, to tell you the truth, I do intend to implement the enfeoffment system. However, it is not in the country, but outside the territory."

"The county newly established by Wu Guo is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and strong people are needed to sit in it."

"Ordinary people, no matter how capable they are, may not be trusted by the widow. The sons of the widow are different. At least they dare not betray the widow and harm the interests of Wu during the lifetime of the widow."

Ji Zha asked: "If the king dies, can the prince control the princes?"

"It can't be restrained, but it doesn't matter."

Qingji said slowly: "Uncle, my idea is to implement the prefecture and county system in the country, and to implement the enfeoffment system and enfeoffment in places outside the region."

"Like the ancestor Taibo and the Jizi of the Shang Dynasty, how many foundations can be created depends only on one's own ability. The widow will not ask about the rest."

Both Taibo and Jizi are very capable and virtuous characters.

After Tai Bo and Zhong Yong escaped from the Jing Man, they settled in Meili.

The aborigines believed that Taibo had virtue and righteousness, and more than a thousand families followed Taibo and supported him as the local monarch. They honored him as Wu Taibo and called themselves "Juwu".

His surname is Xu Yu, a native of Yin. He is the son of Shang Wang Wen Ding, the younger brother of Shang Wang Di Yi, and the uncle of Shang Wang Di Xin.

Jizi Guan Taishi was called Jizi because he entrusted the land and Ji. He was as famous as Weizi and Bigan, and was known as "Three Sages at the End of Yin" in history.

When the Shang and Zhou Dynasties changed, Jizi took advantage of the chaos and fled to Jishan, where he lived a life of idle clouds and wild cranes for a period of time.

After King Wu destroyed Shang and established Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, who was thirsty for talents, visited Taihang, found Jizi in Lingchuan, and earnestly asked for advice on the principles of governing the country.

Jizi taught the statement of "Hongfan Jiuchou" to King Wu, and he was called Jizi Mingyi in history.

King Wu of Zhou wanted to invite Jizi to come out of the mountain, but he didn't want to be an obedient citizen of Zhou, so he refused to go out of the mountain again, so King Wu had no choice but to leave.

Afraid that King Wu would come to invite him again, after King Wu left, Jizi quickly led his disciples and a group of old businessmen and a large number of people to leave Jishan in a hurry and head east.

It is said that when Jizi and his party reached the Yellow Sea, they floated eastward on a raft.

A few days later, I landed on an island and called that place "North Korea" because of the beautiful mountains and rivers, the fragrant grass stretching to the sky, and the beautiful scene.

From then on, more than [-] people led by Jizi settled down there.

Later, when King Wu of Zhou knew that Jizi was far away from the east, he sent someone to North Korea to make Jizi the king of Korea, and invited Jizi to return to his hometown to visit...

Qingji's idea of ​​entrusting the princes is probably the same as lions in the animal world. After the cubs grow up, they will be kicked out, so that they can establish their own families and reproduce their own groups.

(End of this chapter)

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