Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 899 Confucianism and Legalism Controversy

Chapter 899 Confucianism and Legalism Controversy
"Among the rural schools in the Central Plains, most of the scholars criticize the political leaders, and even utter nonsense and insult the king..."

Deng Xi didn't dare to continue talking.

Qingji asked calmly, "What are you insulting me?"

"These rebellious scholars insult the king as the king of tigers and wolves. Faithless, unrighteous, disloyal, and inhumane, in their minds, you, my lord, seem to be heinous!"


Before Qingji could speak, all the officials in the court couldn't help but turn pale, very angry.

Especially Yushi Zhongcheng, gritted his teeth and said: "This group of rebellious officials and thieves must be the secret work of the princes of the Guandong, deliberately discrediting the king and my great Wu, so as to misunderstand the world and manipulate the direction of public opinion!"

"Simply audacious!"

"Your Majesty, I believe that Your Majesty should immediately issue an edict to bring to justice all disobedient scholars who have insulted His Majesty and criticized current affairs. If it is really confirmed that it is the work of another country, it should be officially punished to demonstrate the law of the country!"

Hearing this, Qing Ji just waved his hands, and said with a smile: "Deng Xi, how did I become the unfaithful, unrighteous, disloyal, and unkind person that scholars say?"

Saying that Qingji is the king of tigers and wolves, Qingji can still understand.

After all, over the years, the state of Wu has left a deep impression on the countries of the Central Plains.

The ferocity of the Wu people has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, Qingji still didn't understand why he became the "heinous person" that the scholars said?
In the state of Wu, there is a crime called "Ten Evils", which defines ten serious crimes: one is treason, the other is treason, the third is treason, the fourth is evil treason, the fifth is immorality, the sixth is disrespect, and the seventh is treason. Unfilial, eighth is disharmony, nine is unrighteous, tenth is civil strife.

These ten crimes are all violations of loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, and normal ethics, and will never be pardoned, so there is a saying that he cannot be pardoned.

"Your Majesty really wants to know the inside story?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"The minister can speak out, but please don't condemn the minister to the king, first forgive the minister's innocence."

"The widow forgives your innocence."

Seeing Deng Xi's cautious appearance, Qingji was angry and funny.

On weekdays, he is a very generous king of a country.

How could he casually convict his subordinates?

Deng Xi coughed lightly, then bowed to Qingji with a painful expression on his face, and said, "Your Majesty, I have conveyed the words of the scholars in the township school one by one."

"The king's unbelief lies in the fact that before the war of destroying Shu and Qin, he 'deceived Qin', and the six hundred miles of Shang Yu's land promised to the Qin people became six miles."

"The king's injustice lies in the fact that after the previous vassal states such as Cai, Xu, and Zhongwu were destroyed because of Wu, the king did not help them restore the country."

"The king's infidelity lies in moving the emperor of Zhou to Xianyang for house arrest, and occupying the land of the former king of Zhou, which is not done by human officials."

"The king's inhumanity lies in..."


Qingji yelled, pressed his hand, and signaled to Deng Xi that enough was enough.


Deng Xi hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, what I said is true! Please be careful, Your Majesty!"

Deng Xi never dared to lie to Qingji.

Because this kind of thing can't stand the investigation at all.

"Your Majesty."

Bo Tong said fiercely: "Those Lizi are simply daring to act recklessly! Not to mention talking about state affairs, Your Majesty, you are the father of a monarch, how dare they criticize Your Majesty without authorization?"

"Please, Your Majesty, severely punish those who break the law and discipline!"

As soon as the words fell, there was panic in the court, and all the ministers couldn't help but looked at each other with strange expressions.

Some of them have seen what happened in the township school with their own eyes, while others have heard of it.

The seriousness of the problem can be imagined.

Once Qingji wants to investigate, none of the scholars can escape!
At this moment, Qingji breathed a sigh of relief, and said flatly, "Fangmin's mouth is better than Fangchuan."

"Scholars have tongues. All the scholars in the Central Plains, are you going to arrest them all and cut off their tongues to strictly prohibit them from talking nonsense?"

"Your Majesty, I think that there is no need for it!"

Deng Xi finally told Qingji his purpose.

"Scholars dare to criticize state affairs and slander the king. The root of all disasters lies in the village school."

"Your Majesty can destroy township schools, strictly forbid private schools to be opened by the people, gather people to discuss politics, and prohibit the people who are idlers, so that they can be content with their jobs!"


Qingji fell into deep thought.

"What Tingwei said, it's Da Miao!"

Right Prime Minister Kong Qiu immediately stood up and said loudly: "How can the township school be destroyed without authorization? In the past, Zheng was ruled by Cheng, but he clearly advocated destroying the township school to prevent the people of the country from discussing the good or bad of current politics."

"Zichan didn't take it seriously, and said: 'I will do what he does good, and I will change what he does evil. This is my teacher.' Faithful words are good for deeds, and good medicine is good for sickness. This is what the king said."

"If you destroy the rural schools in the Central Plains or even in China, I'm afraid it will lead to public resentment."

"Scholars dare not gather in township schools to discuss government affairs, and will slander state affairs in private!"

"If it is a benevolent government, how would the scholars dare to criticize it?"

"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

The township school is a local school, which is not only a place for learning, but also a place for recreation and political discussion.

The largest township school within the territory of Wu State is none other than that of Kong Qiu's family.


In the past, Zichan used the township school as a place to obtain feedback from scholars on political affairs, and paid attention to adjusting his policies and behaviors based on opinions from the people.

After Zichan came to power, he paid attention to listening to the opinions of the people of the country. He also cast the punishment book on the tripod and announced it to the world.

At that time, the state of Zheng was the engine of the New Deal. When Confucius talked about benevolent government, he took Zichan's New Deal as a model and praised Zichan for "the four ways of a gentleman."

The highest ideal of Confucius is to become a man like the Duke of Zhou, assisting the king of Ming to practice the kingly way.

Secondly, just like Guan Zhongzhi met Duke Huan, he was able to gradually advance through hegemony and practice the kingly way.

However, what is practical is to govern a country of a thousand chariots like Zichan.

Zichan's rule of Zheng can be described as a democratic attempt in Chinese history.

"Your Majesty, what Prime Minister You said is absolutely true!"

The internal history of Zhisu once pointed out: "The mouth of scholars is better to be blocked than to be sparse."

"When the king governs the country, he must make poems allegorical about the gains and losses of the government from the ministers to the nobles, and the music officials to present the music that reflects the people's sentiments. Words with admonishing meaning, and then recited and read out by blind musicians."

"Courtiers and officials can directly give advice, while Li Shu can transfer opinions to the king. The left and right ministers should fulfill the responsibility of admonishing, relatives and relatives should investigate and make up for the king's faults, and musicians and Taishi should be responsible for teaching and educating the king."

"The people of the country speak out from their mouths, promote good deeds, and prevent evil deeds, why not do it?"

After a pause, Zeng nodded and said: "Your Majesty set up the Dengwen drum and the slander tree, isn't it just to listen to public opinion?"

"Nowadays, the scholars in the Central Plains are only weighing the pros and cons for the current regime, and care about the gains and losses for the king. How can the king abolish the rural school?"

Deng Xi is the originator of Legalism, while Confucius and Zeng Dian are representatives of Confucianism.

The dispute between Confucianism and Legalism lies in the way they do things.

(End of this chapter)

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