Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 934 Fuck Wu Gexi in Rhino Armor

Chapter 934 Fuck Wu Gexi in Rhino Armor

For three days in a row, in Huanshui, Chaoge, Zhongmou, Muye and other places, the vast land with a radius of hundreds of miles was reduced to a battlefield, a battlefield where millions of people fought.

People are screaming, horses are neighing.

The endless shouts of killing shook the entire earth.

At the moment when the war broke out, the Wu army not only sent troops to capture Chaoge City and Zhongmou City, but also went to the river and burned the coalition warships and bridges one by one, cutting off the retreat of the coalition forces.

With the back route cut off and there was no hope of survival, many soldiers of the coalition army had no choice but to abandon their weapons and surrender.

In this way, after three days and three nights of fighting, Wu Jun finally won the battle.

Regarding this, Qingji just wanted to say: Even if there were 60 pigs, Wu Jun would not be able to catch them all in three days and three nights!

The fact is that in the Battle of Huanshui, the Wu army beheaded a total of 25 people, captured more than 32 people, and captured incalculable amounts of food and supplies.

Many coalition soldiers were drowned and were forced by Wu Jun to jump into the Yellow River and drown...

Annihilation war is undoubtedly a very cruel method of warfare.

Prince Luan of Song, General Lu Wangji and his senior officials who had no time to escape, as well as other senior officials from Qi, Lu, and Yan were all captured by the Wu army or forced to surrender.

Qi Wang Lu Ren and Tian Heng did not know where to go, they probably fled back.

After this battle, the countries have already accumulated a lot of trouble, and they no longer have the ability to compete with Wu Guo.

However, Wu's own casualties were also very heavy, with more than 15 soldiers killed in battle.

This kind of tragic result was not what Qingji wanted to see, but he had to do so.

After the war ended, Qingji immediately ordered Sun Wu to build an altar, called the "Soul Evocation Altar", to mourn the soldiers of the enemy and our armies who died in this battle.

Otherwise, so many wronged souls may turn them into real lonely ghosts...

"woo woo woo woo--"

On the banks of the Huanshui River, a solemn and mournful horn sounded, brightening the entire sky.

Dressed in black and red stripes, wearing a flat sky crown, and holding Yugui in one hand, Qing Ji, under the attention of all the people, slowly stepped onto the Soul Summoning Platform.

The three directions of the Soul Summoning Platform are full of sharp warriors of Wu Jun who are wearing helmets and armor.

Holding spears and war spears in their hands, they stared forward, like sculptures, standing still, with serious expressions.

Hundreds of thousands of sharp warriors of the Wu army formed several phalanxes, like a fiery red ocean, majestic and imposing, with no end in sight.

And around the phalanx, instead of the crimson banners representing the state of Wu, there were white banners and plain cloth.

There was a more or less mournful atmosphere in the whole army.

This battle was too tragic for Wu Guo.

At this moment, Qingji finally boarded the soul calling platform and knelt beside the spiritual case.

On the spiritual case, as always, there are bull's head, sheep's head, and pig's head, three animals offering sacrifices to heaven, and "steamed buns" at the same time.

It's steamed buns.

Mantou invented by Qingji!
The steamed buns were molded into the shape of a human face. At this moment, many steamed buns were put into the river and flowed along.

It is worth mentioning that due to the fierce battle, the originally clear river was dyed the color of blood and exuded a foul smell.

So far, there are still some bodies that have not been salvaged and are floating on the river.

The ancients paid attention to burial.

If there is no accident, whether it is the enemy's or Wu's, the bodies of the fallen soldiers will be salvaged, buried properly, or burned on the spot.

After Qingji received the sacrificial oration, he read it aloud according to the contents above.

"... But the soldiers are all heroes of the Kyushu; the generals of the Qing Dynasty are all heroes of the world."

"Qi insists on the sincerity of the country and the ambition to be loyal to the king. When will you lose your military opportunity and fall into a treacherous scheme? Or you will be hit by arrows, and your soul will be buried in the spring; or you will be wounded by a sword, and your soul will return to the long night: life is brave If you die, you will become famous, and if you want to return the triumphant song, you will be offered captives."

"You heroes are still alive, and you must hear when you pray: follow my banner, follow my trilogy, return to the kingdom together, each recognize its hometown, receive the steaming of flesh and blood, and lead the sacrifices of family members!"

"...The living are as majestic as the heavens, and the dead also belong to the king. If you think of Yining Tie, don't cry. Talk to show sincerity, respect Chen and sacrifice."

"Whoa, what a pity! Fu Wei is still serving!"

After Qingji had finished reading the sacrificial oration, he recalled the soul from the audience, and the mourning music was played.

Hundreds of Wu Jun sharp soldiers formed a square formation, and in a mournful tone, accompanied by mourning and music, they sang the "National Memorial" representing the state of Wu——

"Fuck Wu Ge wearing rhinoceros armor, the car is in the wrong hub, and the soldiers are short-circuited."

"Jing blocks the sun and the enemy is like a cloud, and the arrows fall and the warriors vie for the first place."

"Ling Yu formation, Hu Yu line, left barbarian, right blade injury."

"Two rounds of smog and four horses, aiding jade and beating drums."


"The weather is fierce and the spirit is angry, and the wilderness is abandoned."

"You can't go in and out, you can't go back, you can't go in and out, and the road is too long in the plain."

"Bring a long sword to Xi and hold Qin Gong, and leave Xi with no punishment."

"Sincere is both brave and martial, and finally strong and invincible."

"When the body is dead, the gods use the spirit, and the soul is determined to be a ghost!"

At this moment, Wu Jun's huge phalanx could not help crying.

Many seven-foot men burst into tears, and almost cried with their arms in their arms.


After the sacrificial ceremony was over, Sun Wu stepped forward and asked Qingji, "Your Majesty, how should the kings of the countries and their ministers be punished?"

"Put it back."

"Put it back? Your Majesty, wouldn't that mean letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Sun Wu was a little puzzled.

"It can't be killed, and it's a waste to keep it. If you don't put it back, you will be in a dilemma."

Qing Ji shook his head and said, "Let them write their own letters, ask someone to bring a ransom, redeem them, and force the nations to cede their territories for peace."


At this time, Wu Zixu frowned and said, "Your Majesty, I think that the elite teachers of all countries are lost. I, Great Wu, can take advantage of this opportunity to march eastward and destroy Wei or Lu."

"If the guards are destroyed, I guarantee that I will be able to defeat them in one battle."

Hearing this, Qingji waved his hands and said, "Let Weiguo survive for another year or two. Our Wuguo has experienced too many fierce battles this year, and the soldiers are exhausted and unable to withstand the long battle. The food and fodder in the rear has almost been consumed. It's empty."

This is exactly what Qingji has to consider.

In the Battle of Exterminating Zhao and the Battle of Huanshui, more than 20 soldiers of the Wu Kingdom were directly killed, and many were seriously injured and disabled.

For Wu Guo, this was not a serious injury to his vitality, but it was already a serious injury.

Furthermore, the amount of food, fodder and supplies consumed by the state of Wu is incalculable.

Hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war were to be sent to the hinterland of the state of Wu, and they would need to consume a lot of food for temporary farming.

The soldiers who made meritorious service or died in this battle, Wu Guo also needs to reward and provide pensions, which is another huge expense.

Qingji must take all aspects into consideration.

For a mere Wei country, Qingji can wipe out an army of [-] to [-] casually in a year or two, so why rush for a while?
Now is the time for Qingji to carry out military blackmail.

As for the lingering nations, after Qingji said they would be destroyed, they would be destroyed.

 The Great Unification War will start in the second year, don't worry readers.The author has written the finale

(End of this chapter)

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