Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 948 Scholars vote, Wu Guo makes a law

Chapter 948 Scholars vote, Wu Guo makes a law

The big stick walks, the small stick accepts.

This matter was not only experienced by Emperor Shun in ancient times, but also by Zeng Shen himself.

It is said that Zeng Shen served his parents with all his heart.

Once, Zeng Shen's father ordered him to weed a melon field, but Zeng Shen accidentally hoeed a melon seedling.Zeng Dian thought that his son was not paying attention, so he beat him with a stick.

Zeng Shen was knocked unconscious due to the heavy blow.

When Zeng Shen woke up, he didn't feel angry because he was beaten by mistake.

When Confucius learned about this, he taught him a lesson, saying: "You will accept the small stick, and go away with the big stick. Now you can wait for the wrath with your body, so as to trap your father's injustice. How can you be filial!"

If the stick does not go away and his father beats him to death in a fit of rage, his father will suffer a bad reputation for injustice and cause lifelong regrets.

At that time, Zeng Shen admitted, "Participation is a serious crime!"

With the lesson from that time, Zeng Shen was able to make changes.

There are not many people who know about this matter, and Qingji is just one of them.

As for Zeng Shen, how could he have the nerve to make this matter public?

But Emperor Shun was miserable, but he was still a filial man.

Emperor Shun encountered many misfortunes in his childhood.

He lost his mother at the age of five, and after remarrying with his father, Gusou, who was very loving to Wo Deng and doted on Shun, he listened and believed.

Especially after his stepmother gave birth to his younger brother Xiang, Shun suffered all kinds of flesh and blood and suffered all kinds of abuse.

When Shun's stepmother was a girl, she was naturally jealous and had a bad temper. Because she was stubborn and willful, others called her a willful daughter, and she was called "Ren Nu".

Rennu is a very difficult woman to marry, and someone else puts a match for Gusou. After his death, the Gusou who married a wife has a hard life, and he doesn't care about many things, so he marries Rennu.

After the daughter of Ren gave birth to her son, Xiang, she saw that Shun was extraordinary in appearance, intelligent, and stronger than Xiang. She hated Shun and regarded Shun as a thorn in her side. .

The blind Gusou was very angry, and he beat Shun at every turn, with whatever he got, gnashing his teeth and gnashing his teeth, and would not stop until his skin was torn to pieces.

Normally, when Gusou beat Shun with a big stick, Shun would flee;

It wasn't until the blind old man was tired of beating and scolding that he left, hid in a place where no one was around, and cried out to his dead mother in pain...

Emperor Shun and Zeng Shen are probably models of filial piety.

Faced with Zeng Shen's statement, Gong Zixun, who is also an expert in Confucianism, Legalism, and fame, had completely different opinions, so he retorted: "What you said is great!"

"National criminal law should be a kind of restriction imposed by the king on the people of the country."

"If a father kills his son, the ruler will punish him with unkindness; if a son kills his father, he will punish him with disfilial piety. Only in this way is fair!"

"If the descendants refuse to obey the discipline and contradict the elders, the elders can sue the officials for reprimand instead of lynching. Otherwise, what is the law of the country?"

After a pause, Young Master Xun said solemnly: "In the past, before the national law was established, the folk clans often had family laws."

"In their view, the family law is above the national law. So that the clan elders can deal with the offending clan members at will, how can it be reasonable?"

"It is unfilial for a son to kill his father. It is unkind for a father to kill his son!"

"Parents teach, you must listen respectfully; parents take responsibility, you must obey. This is irrefutable, but private law should be banned, and all national laws should be used!"

"If anyone uses lynching, the national law is ruthless, and they should be punished together!"

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

Zeng Shen opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but before he could speak, Zuo Qiuming, who was sitting not far away, couldn't bear it anymore. He immediately got up, raised his eyebrows coldly at Young Master Xun, and said: "What you said with one step is absurd. also!"

"When the elders teach the children and grandchildren, the children and grandchildren must respectfully listen and not be dismissive, and must act in accordance with the elders' teachings."

"The elders think that the children and grandchildren have made mistakes and criticize or punish them. The children and grandchildren should obey and bear the fault, and should not disobey the elders and make them sad."

"Children and grandchildren should be respectful to their elders at all times and show a harmonious expression."

"Even if the elder is at fault, although appropriate admonitions must be given, the will of the elder cannot be violated."

"Being obedient and not disobedient is the greatest virtue of a descendant. Do you agree with this?"

Young Master Xun nodded and said, "Acknowledged."

"The law of the country is greater than the law of the family, do you agree with it?"


"So, if the elders add sticks to their children and grandchildren, is it against the law?"

"This... the addition of sticks is a lynching, and it is against the law!"


Zuo Qiuming seized a flaw, and said sharply: "Didn't you hear that a filial son was born under the stick?"

"From childhood to adulthood, who hasn't been punished by the elders? It's the father's fault if the son doesn't teach. Why? It's because the family education is not strict! Drowning a child is like harming a son!"

"Adding a stick to the body is a small punishment and a big commandment. If the descendants resist, it is unfilial!"

"Where does the theory of justifiable self-defense come from?"

"it is good!"


Zuo Qiuming's words won the applause of the scholars present.

As Qingji's son, Gongzixun was rarely beaten, but he was beaten.

He can't forget, when he was young, he climbed up a tree to dig out bird eggs, and when he wasted his studies, he was hung up by Qingji to beat him...

"If the elder's attack is not serious or serious, and beats people to death, what can I do?"

"The big stick will go, and the small stick will accept. Don't blindly accept it!"

Gong Zixun thought for a while, but couldn't come up with any reason to refute Zuo Qiuming, so he bowed to Zuo Qiuming and left sadly.

However, Li Ke was still not convinced.

"When dealing with children and grandchildren, the elders can punish them with small punishments. If sticks are added together, it is equivalent to lynching by family law! I, Da Wu, will never tolerate such lynching by family law!"

Li Ke said loudly: "If the discipline is still not strict, it is the responsibility of the parents and teachers!"

"Hmph, what Li Zi said is wrong."

Zuo Qiuming shook his head and said: "Children are innocent by nature and don't know the dangers of the world. If oral education is enough, how can it be deterrent? Like Wu Guo's attacking the princes of other countries, only using the kingly way, is it feasible?"

"Ah, this..."

When it came to this kind of thing, Li Ke didn't dare to tell Zuo Qiuming any more.

After all, Wu Guo's consistent practice is "If the king's way is not enough, he will take the way of soldiers."

If the child is still young, a good meal is enough.

"Your Majesty, look..."

Deng Xi, Bo Tong, Kong Qiu and other ministers all set their sights on Qingji.

"For all the debates today, draw up votes and let the second and third sons vote to decide."


Qingji's approach made Confucius, Zeng Dian, Yan Hui and other Confucian ministers, as well as the scholars of Jixia Academy, very supportive and excited.

This shows that scholars have the right to participate in and discuss state affairs, as well as the right to vote!
Scholars have the right to make decisions on major national affairs and the formulation of laws...

Of course, this is an "illusion".

Legislative power, this is the supreme power, it is impossible for Qingji to hand it over to others.

Wu Guo moved towards a democratic republic ahead of schedule?

That's a dream!

(End of this chapter)

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