Rebirth of Wu Ba Spring and Autumn

Chapter 96 Policy Theory

Chapter 96 Policy Theory

Shen Zhuliang put on his helmet and armor, pressed the hilt of his sword with one hand, and couldn't help frowning as he watched the soldiers of the Chu army slowly walking into the gate of the camp!
I saw that the soldiers of the Chu army who came to meet up from all over the country were mostly old soldiers with yellow and thin skin and gray temples. What was even more outrageous was that they seldom wore armor, and their clothes were ragged, and their weapons were various and almost rusty.

What's more, they came to reinforce Qianyi with only a hoe on their shoulders!
Isn't it courting death to rely on such soldiers to fight?

Shen Zhuliang had a headache.

"Soldiers like this are unbearable in a single battle. Is it possible that my mighty state of Chu, who lost [-] soldiers in Wu, will be reduced to the point of sending the old and the weak to the battlefield?"

Shen Zhuliang's face flickered, and he was very upset.

The lieutenant on the side smiled wryly, "General, you can be content."

"The national government has indeed issued conscription orders to the lords everywhere, but very few people actually responded. The lords are selfish and don't want to fight against the Wu barbarians again. These old and weak are all used to make up the number!"

"It's ridiculous!"

Shen Zhuliang gritted his teeth with hatred, and said: "Great Chu, it's because of raising these nobles and nobles, that they can't even deal with a mere state of Wu."

"Now, they actually dare to violate the government's conscription order. Wouldn't they want to crack the ground and rebel in the future?"

Hearing this, the lieutenant general sighed and said, "What the general said is true. On the way here, the last general heard that there were rebellions in Luo, Yong, Jiao and other places one after another, and the lords of the lands restored the old country."

"In Yingdu, they are busy dispatching troops to suppress the rebellion. The order given to us is to stick to Qianyi and fight against the Wu army."

"And other things?"

Shen Zhuliang couldn't help laughing.

This is undoubtedly the worst situation for Chu State!
As the saying goes, if you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside.

The Wu army attacking Chu is no longer a concern, just stop it, but the rebellion in various places is an urgent matter for Chu, and it must be resolved immediately!

Otherwise, if you are not careful, Chu State may be dragged into the quagmire of civil war, and it is difficult to extricate yourself!
However, this is mostly impossible, because in the early expansion wars of Chu State, rebellions or civil uprisings of different scales broke out in the country from time to time, but they were all quickly suppressed by the Chu army.

It's just that this time Chu State is still facing the threat of Wu Jun, so it can't be sloppy.


Shen Zhuliang couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He knew that Chu's only choice now was to make peace with Wu, and then concentrate its superior forces to suppress the domestic rebellion!

Wudu, recruitment hall.

While Chu was busy suppressing civil strife and resisting the invasion of Yun and Tang, Qingji, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, focused his energy on governing the country.

At this moment, Qingji was sitting on the steps of the recruiting hall, scanning the huge courtyard, a group of scholars who were concentrating on writing strategies!
Since the promulgation of the Order of Seeking Talents, scholars from all over the world have entered Wu one after another.

Especially after Qingji bought bones with a thousand gold, and granted a swordsmith-born cadre general the Dagong Order, and rewarded a thousand gold, there was an upsurge of scholars all over the world to go to Wu!

Today, there are more than [-] scholars who have entered Wu, but Qingji still does not know their specific talents.

Therefore, Qingji planned to hold a policy meeting to test the talents of the scholars.

As for the topic of policy theory, it is nothing more than governance, military affairs and diplomatic relations. In short, it is to pick the fields that scholars are good at. Anyone who is outstanding can be entrusted with important tasks.

Qingji requires that people make the best use of their talents and things make the best use of them!
And the first batch of scholars who entered Wu basically used Qingji.

Not long after, some scholars handed over bamboo slips for the officials on the side to review.

Some scholars were still writing quickly, while Qingji selected a few bamboo slips to review by himself.

During the review process, it was not difficult for Qingji to see that most of the policies and theories written by the scholars could be summed up in three words——

However, there are not many innovations in the concept of governing the country and the country, and they are generally based on the experience of the predecessors, such as implementing benevolent governance, ignoring corvees and paying less taxes, hanging death and asking orphans, advocating the restoration of Zhou etiquette and so on.

The reason is such a reason, but how to implement it?
This kind of chatter made Qingji completely unable to understand the true talents and learning of the scholars.

Of course, they must all be able to read and write, and it is more than enough to be a petty official.

As for how much talent there is, I don't know!

After all the scholars handed in their strategies and theories one by one, Qingji stood at the front of the steps, looked around, and said loudly: "Second and third sons, I have read a few of your strategies and theories."

"It can be called a good strategy for governing the country! However, the widow thinks there are still some deficiencies."

"The Kingdom of Wu is different from Jin, Qi, Lu, Song, and Wei in the Central Plains. The Kingdom of Wu is located in the southeast corner of the country. It has rice, rice, soup, and fish, and its customs are fierce. That's why it is different!"

"The so-called rulers should be determined according to the national conditions, not blindly practicing benevolent government, ignoring corvee and emphasizing courtesy and morality!"

After a pause, Qingji looked at the bewildered scholars at the bottom of the steps, and said: "I believe that the second and third sons do have real talents and learning, but it is still unknown what kind of official position will be awarded according to each person's talents and learning. "

"The widow must make sure that everyone has their own position! The widow wants to invite the second and third sons to travel around the country of Wu, go down to the township, conduct on-the-spot investigations, and write another policy theory based on the customs and customs of our country of Wu."

"With a period of three months, the second and third sons can recommend themselves for official positions, or they can be nominated by others! After three months, you can all take office according to your own abilities."

Upon hearing this, the scholars under the steps couldn't help whispering to each other.

Suddenly, a scholar showed dissatisfaction on his face and shouted: "King Wu, what is the meaning of this?"

"I waited for scholars to enter Wu from the Central Plains for thousands of miles, in order to obtain titles and titles. Now that the policy theory has been written, it shows the talent and learning, but the king of Wu sent the second and third sons to the township. Isn't it a mistake to deceive the younger generation and deceive us?"

"Exactly! I waited for scholars to travel thousands of miles into Wu without avoiding hardships, not for the purpose of sending the king of Wu to a remote village!"

"Isn't King Wu just entertaining me?"

"King Wu, please give the second and third sons an explanation!"

The scholars were obviously not very satisfied, so Qingji let himself be sent to the city and township, and suffered for nothing.

After all, who doesn't know that Wu's territory is covered with swamps and forests, and jackals, tigers and leopards are often haunted?
If this is a little careless, it will cost your life, and it may be the one that will be eaten by wild beasts!
Seeing this, Qingji's face darkened, and he waved his hands in an unquestionable tone: "That's all I can say!"

"Anyone who is willing to go down to the towns and villages of Wu State to explore the local customs and customs will be provided by the government. If there is anyone who is unwilling, the widow will give him ten gold as a gift, and send him back to his hometown with a car and horse!"

Hearing this, the scholars present could not help but fall silent.

Qingji's decision must not be a joke!

Either go to the countryside or go home, the scholars have no choice.

Fortunately, Qingji is quite kind, for any scholar who chooses to go back home, the Wu Kingdom will give them a chariot, horses and ten taels of gold to send them back!

However, how can a group of arrogant scholars think of the gold of the mere chariots and horses?

Therefore, not surprisingly, none of the more than [-] scholars were willing to leave.

Just because their aspirations are unrewarded, the scholars don't want to run back in despair before they get a satisfactory official position, which makes people laugh!

(End of this chapter)

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