Chapter 99
early February.

Qingji holds a grand field hunting event in Gusu Mountain!

Field hunting, that is, hunting, its original function is to eliminate pests for the field and protect the crops from being ruined by wild animals.

But field hunting is not the same as hunting. "Field" means vast land. The difference between field hunting and hunting is that field hunting is a form of hunting, and the main focus is on training in military exercises.

With the same purpose as modern military exercises, field hunting is held by the government or the monarch.

Throughout the ages, field hunting has been divided into Chunsou, Xiamiao, Qiushou, and Dongshou. Sou, Miao, Shou, and Shou are the ancients' names for hunting in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Spring search, that is, search and hunt in spring for animals that have not conceived.

Because spring is the breeding season for animals, the ancients attached great importance to the balance of the number of animals in nature!
Xia Miao, that is, animals that hunt and damage crops in summer.

Because summer is the time when crops grow vigorously, protecting farmers from being ruined by animals and ensuring the harvest of grain is also to maintain a balance.

Qiuxi, that is, a beast that kills poultry.

In autumn, the poultry must grow up and be protected from wild animals to reduce losses and maintain a balanced harvest.

And winter hunting and hunting, regardless of distinction, can be hunted!

Because everything rests in winter, hunting some animals and increasing the harvest can maintain the ecological balance of an animal population.

All in all, field hunting is of great significance, at least in normal times, countries that still follow the ritual system will hold field hunting activities regularly!

"woo woo woo woo--"

The melodious and clear sound of the horn sounded between the foothills.

All kinds of flags were planted on the ground, and tents of all sizes were spread all over the camp, bustling with people.

This field hunt held by Qingji not only invited Shen (Zixi), the prince of Chu, but also all the officials and officials of Wu, such as Ji Zha, Sun Wu, Bo Tong, Shen Xi and their families, and many noble children were there. In the field hunting team.

Therefore, in the mighty team, there are not only crimson banners representing Wu, but also different banners for each family.

Qingji estimated that there were no fewer than [-] people participating in this field hunting activity!
This is Qing Ji's conservative estimate.

At this moment, Qingji was sitting in an open space with a group of ministers and officials. In front of each of them was a long table with a urn of fine wine and various dishes to ensure that the meat and vegetables were evenly matched.


The ministers were already half drunk and half awake between drinking and drinking.

In an open space in the middle, there are graceful dancers.

They are swaying beautiful dance postures, coupled with the sound of zither and chime bells played by musicians, forming a beautiful picture, which is pleasing to the eye.

For classical music, Qingji can't appreciate it, and can't be arty.

But this does not prevent him from looking at the dancers who are dancing, seductive, and cultivate his own sentiment!

"Master Shen, please drink up to the full!"

"King Wu, please!"

Seeing that Qingji had already raised the wine cup, Zixi who was on the side didn't dare to neglect, he picked up the bronze wine cup, covered his face with his sleeve, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Young master Shen is a good drinker!"


Zixi's face was already slightly drunk, a little drunk, but looking at Qingji, his face was not even red, as if nothing happened!
It really can't be blamed that Qingji is too good at drinking.

It's the drinks of this era, the alcohol content is not high, similar to beer, how can Qing Ji get drunk?

Even the original Qing Ji was a person with a very good capacity for alcohol, so Qing Ji would not be drunk even after drinking ten or eight catties of wine.

"Mr. Shen, I don't know how the dance music of my country Wu compares with the dance music of Chu country?"

Qingji asked with great interest.

Hearing this, Zixi pondered for a moment, and then said: "Reporting to the King of Wu, the dance music of Chu and Wu countries has its own advantages and disadvantages. The dance music of Chu is soft and beautiful, while the dance music of Wu is elegant and colorful. It is really difficult to compare which one is better. !"

Having said that, in Zixi's mind, the dance music of Chu State is even better!
It's not that Zixi is bragging, but that Wu's dance music really lacks a sense of beauty that Chu's dance music doesn't have.

Thin waist!

Yes, it is a thin waist!

Maybe Chu people's aesthetic concept is not the same as Wu people's aesthetic concept.

The people of Chu are so thin-waisted, petite and exquisite women, while the people of Wu are so fleshy and plump (slightly fat) women!
"Hahahaha! Mr. Shen, I have heard that dances and music are very prosperous in the state of Chu. From the king of Chu to the ministers, all of them use dance and music to entertain themselves during their leisure time."

Qingji smiled at Zixi and said, "My country of Wu is different. Compared with soft dance music, Wu people prefer sword dance, wrestling, or martial arts!"

"Mr. Shen has lived in Yingdu all year round. He must be used to seeing the dance of neon clothes and listening to the music."

"Since Mr. Shen has come to the country of Wu, the visitor is a guest, so the widow is the master. Let the master appreciate the unique sword dance of my country of Wu, how about it?"

Hearing this, Zixi could only pretend to be flattered, bowed his head and said, "Wu Wang is so kind, but the foreign ministers will be disrespectful!"

Immediately, Qingji clapped his hands, and let the dancers and musicians step down, replaced by a group of tall warriors in crimson corset warrior uniforms.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drummer on one side was beating the leather drum, making very fancy movements, beating the leather drum back and forth.

The sharp warriors standing in the middle of the open space immediately began to dance their swords in unison, chopping, stabbing, pulling, pointing, chopping, sweeping, etc., with all kinds of sword swinging movements, full of masculine beauty.

Qingji enjoyed the sword dance with great interest, until the dance was over, he followed Zixi, who was standing beside him, and asked, "Mr. Shen, how is the sword dance in my country of Wu?"

"Very beautiful, very beautiful."

Zixi could only flatter Qingji blindly.

Qingji just smiled slightly, noncommittal!

Afterwards, Qingji looked around again, looked at the officials present and said in a loud voice: "Second and third sons, today's field hunting, I have invited a special guest!"

Qing Ji's eyes swept away, and Xiong Zidan who was on the side immediately understood, and let two guards in strong and sharp clothes lead one person into the venue.

This person looked like he was in his forties, but his head was full of white hair, he was wearing clean dark clothes, and his hair was tied with a wooden crown. He was tall and had an extraordinary appearance!

As soon as he entered the venue, he was immediately recognized by sharp-eyed people.

Dianke Botong even cried out in shock: "Wu Zixu!"

"Wu Yuan? What is the king's intention of bringing a criminal like him to the venue?"

"Could it be that Your Majesty wants to execute Wu Yuan in front of everyone?"

"I heard that Wu Yuan has been imprisoned for more than a month, but I didn't expect to be so energetic!"

(End of this chapter)

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