Chapter 83 Deal
Garcia was feeling awkward about having a falling out with Stephen, and he didn't want to kill himself if six random people came along the road.

Instead of being angry, he smiled and said: "It's really a bad year! Just rely on you guys! You are also going to die! Good! My lord will help you!"

The five men and one woman didn't speak any more, and started directly.

A lightsaber appeared in the hands of the five men at the same time, and they went straight to Garcia's guards.

The woman in blue also held her lightsaber, jumped up from her horse, and slashed at Garcia with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Garcia snorted coldly, the black glow flickered, and a "Thunder Curse" had already hit the opponent.

The woman in blue seemed to know Garcia's strength very well. She didn't dare to take it head-on. She spun the lightsaber and drew a brilliant trajectory in the air, barely melting the thunder curse.

Her castration was also weakened by this operation, and she sank straight down.

"Just these two times, you dare to overestimate your own strength! It's ridiculous!" Garcia snorted coldly.

Although his strength was not at a high level, it was only a hair's breadth away. At this moment, full of resentment, he was even more merciless in attacking.

Garcia saw that the woman showed her face just as soon as she made a move, relaxed her mood, folded her hands together, gathered a black energy, and hit the woman who hadn't landed yet.

The woman in blue couldn't avoid it, so she had to condense a pink barrier to withstand the opponent's attack.

With a loud bang, the woman's protection was instantly broken, and she let out a scream and fell to the ground.

Garcia didn't expect that he could get it so easily, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"My lord, you are really amazing!" Following this charming voice, the four pink arms have already climbed over.

The two beautiful women, one on the left and the other on the right, held Garcia's arms and showed great hospitality.

Garcia is very lustful, no matter where he goes, he likes to collect local beauties for his enjoyment.

These two women were obtained by accident when he was in Marse.

After some exchanges, Mr. Garcia couldn't put it down to a pair of knowledgeable and interesting people, so when he left, he also took them with him to prevent the journey from being too boring.

At this time, he saw two women hanging around him, he felt a little uncomfortable, and was about to drink them away, but unexpectedly, there was a slight stabbing pain in his arms.

Garcia was startled, and quickly poured his attention into his arms, trying to shake the second daughter away.

However, at this moment, his concentration, which he used to use freely, was blocked at this moment, and his arms lost all feeling after a burst of itching.

At this moment, the blue-clothed woman jumped up again, carrying a touch of gray light, and threw herself towards Garcia's chest and abdomen like lightning.

"It's actually a dual element bettor!" Only then did Garcia realize that he had underestimated his opponent.

After all, he was not a mediocre person, he was unflappable when he was in danger, and when he kicked his feet, he took the two women who were still dead on his arms and moved upwards.

The blue-clothed woman missed a single blow, and she was already under Garcia, she turned around, and without thinking, she shot a gray steel needle upwards.

Garcia wanted to dodge again, but it was too late. He just wanted to prop up the black protection, hoping to escape.

Before the barrier opened, he felt a sharp pain coming from both sides.

Two cold daggers, one on the left and the other on the right, had penetrated his ribs.

"Die!" Garcia yelled.

He didn't care about anything else, kicked his feet out, kicking the two women's stomachs.

These two charming beauties are very tough at the moment.

They allowed the opponent to kick them, did not relax the opponent's arm, and even twisted the dagger that had been inserted into Garcia's body with one hand.

Just as Garcia was about to cry out in pain, a poisoned steel needle had penetrated into his lower body.

Mr. Garcia finally uttered a brutal roar, and passed out in the air.

Once the blue-clothed woman succeeded, she no longer cared about Garcia's life or death.

She jumped up and joined the other regiments.

The Teerji Mission originally had many masters in command, but it lost its troops because of the capture of Siler's mother and daughter.

At this time, even though they still had a hundred or so people, they couldn't withstand the attack of the other five Zhushi.

The already dangerous battle situation turned into a one-sided massacre with the addition of the woman in blue.

It didn't take long for the battle to be over.

Most of Terji's entourage had died, and only three or four people were still alive.

The woman in blue glanced at Garcia, who was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and then looked at the two women who were breathless but still clutching Garcia's arms, and sighed softly.

"Tell me! Your lord has a treasure, where is it hidden?" The woman in blue asked the five male commentators to check the luggage of the envoy while picking up the chin of a still angry attendant with her toes.

"What, what baby?" The attendant asked back with horror in his eyes.

"Pfft!" A steel needle had already penetrated between the man's eyebrows, and he died without even uttering a scream.

"Say it!" The woman in blue clothes turned to the leading warrior and asked.

Her expression was natural and indifferent, frightening.

"Kill, kill! What are you talking about!" The warrior had a terrible wound on his chest with a lightsaber, and he had already made up his mind to die.

"As you wish!" The woman in blue threw another needle, giving the samurai a good time.

She glanced at her teammates who were still rummaging through their luggage, snorted helplessly, and walked up to Buzz, who was still panting and wrapped in bandages.

"You don't know either?" the woman in blue asked softly.

I don't know why, Captain Buzz's mind is full of that hateful face of the fat man.

If it wasn't for that Sangmen star to interfere, how could he fall here and let others slaughter him?

He was injured by Fatty's mechanical device before, and he was beaten violently. He had already lost his fighting power, so he had to hand over the captaincy to another warrior.

Who would have thought that they would be attacked and killed on the way back to the country after finally arriving!

At the juncture of life and death, Buzz decided to vent his anger!

"My lord has three treasures! Which one are you asking about?" His voice was weak.

"Hehe! There are actually three pieces! Let's hear it!" The woman in blue clothes said in surprise.

"He didn't use two of them satisfactorily, and he just kicked them to death! Haha! Ouch!" Buzz started laughing after he finished speaking, but he didn't want his lower abdomen to feel cold.

"That's a good answer! Then tell me another thing!" The woman in blue said with a smile. At the same time, she flipped her bare hands and took out a steel needle to fiddle with.

Buzz was trembling with pain, but still forced a smile and said: "There is one more thing, I don't know what it is! I only know that the adults are very worried, so for safety, he never brought it with him!"

"Then you must know where your lords hide it?!" The woman in blue asked with narrowed eyes.

"Hey! You killed me! I'll tell you in a dream tonight!" Baz was so painful that he was about to faint, but he became ruthless instead, and said through gritted teeth.

The blue-clothed woman nodded, seeming to appreciate Baz's toughness.

"Have you found anything?" She asked the five male apostles who had stopped searching.

The five annotators shook their heads regretfully.

"Hey! Take them and this person back!" The woman in blue pointed at the two dead beauties and Buzz.

"Where is this person?" A male annotator pointed to the motionless Garcia and asked.

"Just chop off his head!" the woman in blue said lightly.

The five male apostles took orders and started to act. They tied the two corpses and the unconscious Baz to the horses, and one of them drew out a short knife to cut off Garcia's head.

"Oh! The bandit has killed someone!" An exclamation suddenly sounded from a distance.

The blue-clothed woman suddenly raised her eyes, only to see three or four men and women in farmhouse costumes yelling and yelling and disappearing after sinking into the ridge.

Her face was icy cold, and with a flash, she had already jumped onto the steed and galloped there.

The five male apostles were afraid that the woman would be lost, so they hurried on their horses and chased after her.

When they came close, the woman had already reined in the reins, but there was only a rocky wasteland under the ridge, where was there a half person?

"Crack!" The woman suddenly slapped the face of the male anesthetist who was closest to her.

"Who told you to follow?! Trash! Go back!" She roared, and galloped back.

The five male apostles glanced at each other, only then realized something was wrong, and rushed back to follow.

When they returned to the scene, something went wrong.

Mr. Garcia was gone.

When the blue-clothed woman was furious, the conversation between Fatty and Emin was coming to an end.

This staff officer is indeed a talent. Based on limited information and his own speculation, he pieced together the matter of Holmles' collusion with the mediation team.

"What is the relationship between the deputy commander-in-chief and Marshal Hassan?" the fat man asked.

Amin pondered for a while before answering: "They are indeed partners and partners for many years, and their personal relationship is like brothers! However, if the parents are around, the brothers will work together to run the house well! But if one of the brothers suddenly wants to If you become the head of the family yourself, the other brothers will inevitably have other ideas. What's more, Holmles and Hassan are not brothers?!"

"This explanation is wonderful! Although you are only a staff officer, you can see the problem very clearly!" Senior brother Chen Yu praised.

The others also nodded.

Indeed, what Emin said, isn't it the reality of Su Lier at the moment?

"Who do you think is more suspicious of Scott's death?" the fat man asked again.

"It's hard to say! However, generally speaking, it should be the person who directly benefits!" Amin said, staring at the fat man, hoping to see his reaction.

The fat man smiled noncommittally, and said with a sigh: "Thank you, sir, for bringing you into our side. Otherwise, with you making suggestions by Homlers' side, there may be many changes!"

Ai Min said with a self-deprecating tone: "Me! I don't have greater ability, let alone any ambition. After all, I just use other people's money to do things for others!"

"Oh? If that's the case, is the purpose of your work for us now just for reward?" the fat man asked curiously.

"I just hope that my contribution will be worth it!" Emin said indifferently.

"I can't guarantee that your wish will be realized! But I can give you a real chance!" The fat man also said lightly.

"Deal! Give me one of that pill." Emin said briskly, and stretched out a hand.

The fat man quickly found a black pill and handed it to the opponent.

"Those soldiers outside, what are your plans?" Ai Min asked while pinching the pill in her hand.

"I want to hear your opinion." The fat man thought for a while and said.

"It's best to take them all in, and at the right time, send them to Hassan and Hommles' team! At that time, each of them will become a sharp sword that can cause chaos and even mutiny ’” Emin said.

He seemed to be a different person at this moment, his tone full of confidence.

Master and the others were all moved when they heard this, thinking to themselves that Ai Min's plan was really cruel.

Only the fat man asked calmly: "Aren't you worried that these people will backtrack? Or do you need everyone to take a pill?"

"Mr. Mai is joking! Ordinary soldiers, why do you need such a rare thing to control? If you have no other questions, how about I go out and talk to them?" Ai Min said with a smile.

The fat man readily agreed, and led everyone out of the secret room, wanting to see how the staff officer's ideological work is done.

"Have you agreed?" Emin asked loudly.

The soldiers babbled and wanted to say something, but after trying to no avail, they all nodded to show that their opinions had been unified.

"Are you going to stay here until the queen returns to power, and then return home?" Ai Min asked again.

The soldiers shook their heads hastily.

This reaction was expected by Fatty and the others.

For these soldiers, it is a blessing to be able to escape from death.

No one is a fool, don't you know the rule that if you want to save your life, you have to pay a price?

They wouldn't believe Fatty's impassioned speeches!
What won't force people to do what they want, won't make people do things they don't want to do, just talk about it, who will believe it?
The most urgent need is to really keep the opportunity to breathe now.

"That's good! From now on, we will be brothers who advance and retreat together! If anyone rebels, we will work together to kill him!" Ai Min said solemnly.

He showed the pill in his hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

"I just promised Master Mai that if one of you breaks the contract, I won't get the antidote. I'm also telling everyone that there will be a day before I get poisoned, and everyone and everyone will be killed. Kill all your relatives and friends. This is the only rule of our group!" Ai Min said slowly.

Although his tone was flat, there was a decisive and murderous air, which made everyone who heard it feel awe-inspiring.

When the fat man heard these words, he felt that he had benefited a lot.

He found that his problem was that he had no military experience at all, and those intriguing schemes and demagogic statements were of no use to ordinary soldiers.

What they need are clear rules and discipline, which is the language among soldiers.

Fatty wanted to build up Emin's prestige, so he saluted the staff officer and resigned, leaving Chen Yu and Zui Mao to discuss with Emin the future action plan.

Walking out of the secret room, Qianqing was busy taking care of business and left first.

Huahua made an unreasonable request to go shopping, but she didn't expect the fat man to agree, and even sent the reluctant Nathan out.

"Do you trust this Emin?" the Master asked suddenly.

"I don't need to trust him, as long as he knows how to assess the situation and has enough brains, that's enough!" The fat man said in a deep voice.

"Hehe! It seems that your way of employing people is much better than being a teacher!" The master praised with a smile.

"You're an expert! How can you be in the mood to get involved in these mundane worlds? I'm just planning for Su Lier's future! Isn't it up to Su Lier's people to solve Su Lier's affairs in the end? Whether or not to be the queen, it is always right to have a reliable team." The fat man said leisurely.

The master didn't expect that his apprentice was already planning for something so far away. After sighing in his heart, he felt that the fat man's mind seemed to have improved a lot since he had the adventure in the phantom spirit world.

"Did you go to that Illusory Spirit World again?" the master asked.

Fatty didn't expect the teacher to suddenly change the topic elsewhere, but he was used to it.

"No, I tried it before, but I can't get in for some reason! Maybe it has something to do with the disappearance of the giant bear." He replied a little depressed.

"Although I haven't seen the giant bear you mentioned, I remembered one thing. On the shadow logo, there is a black and white pattern of a giant bear. It was on the jade card that Qiu Dun took out that day, and you have seen it too. !” said the master.

"There is such a thing!" Fatty has no memory of this, he jumped up when he heard this, and wanted to ask Chen Yu for clarification.

 Garcia: Who said there is a knife on the word "color"?Obviously there are two, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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