Chapter 304 Super High Vitality and Blood Value

"No. 99, Leng Feng." The invigilator's voice sounded.

The penultimate person to test is Leng Feng.

"Finally it's his turn. Leng Feng was the student with the most vitality during our entrance examination."

"I heard that Leng Feng has broken through the realm of a high-level trainee martial artist. His current energy and blood power should also be the highest!"

"Lu Yao's strength is also very strong. It seems that his combat power is stronger than Leng Feng's, but that's just his actual combat ability. In terms of blood value, he should still be weaker than Leng Feng."

"Leng Feng should have broken through for at least a month, or even two months or so. His energy and blood power must be higher than Shi Ye's!"

Everyone was very cooperative with Leng Feng's strength. Although he was defeated by Lu Yao, his comprehensive combat ability was at least stronger than other students.

Everyone is also guessing what his blood value is.

Leng Feng came to the front of the dynamometer.

"let's start!"

When the invigilator saw that he was ready, he loudly announced the start of the test.

Leng Feng took a deep breath, then took a step back, then raised his right hand, clenched his right fist tightly, and started smoothly.

His sharp eyes looked at the suction log in the center of the dynamometer, the center of the circle.

That's the most vulnerable position.

After aiming at the target, he advanced half a step, and then punched with all his strength.

"Bang!" sounded.

This sound is particularly loud, even louder than the beating sound made by Ishino in the previous test.

After the suction log is hit hard, it starts to rise rapidly.

"That's a lot of power. Just listening to the power, you can tell that Leng Feng is indeed much stronger than the candidates in the previous test."

"Shi Ye has also broken through the realm of a high-level trainee martial artist, but his strength is obviously weaker than that of Leng Feng."

"It seems that at least in this blood test, Leng Feng is likely to be the one with the highest score, no, the total score of the blood test is only 100 points, as long as it exceeds the realm of an advanced trainee martial artist, it will be a full score. "

"So in this assessment item, as long as the blood value exceeds 50, there will be no difference in the score."

Some people feel a little pity for Leng Feng, but almost everyone thinks whether it is possible to test higher scores and higher energy and blood power.

At this time, the suction log is advancing at an extremely fast speed, and it exceeds the integer values ​​of 10, 20, and 30.

Then there is the scale value of 40 force.

The speed of the suction log is still very fast, without slowing down.

It came to a scale value of 49.9 force.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, the suction log easily crossed that critical scale value.

"The log's speed is still very fast, and it turns out that Leng Feng's Qi and blood value is higher."

At this time, after the suction force of the log exceeded 50, it was still moving forward.

It came to the scale value of 51 force, then 52 force, 53 force.

When the suction log was close to the 54 force scale value, the forward speed finally began to slow down.

Finally, the suction log exceeded the scale value of 54 force, and moved forward by 3 grids, staying at the scale value of 54.3 force.

"Hiss~ What a high blood score!"

"A score of more than 54 qi and blood, am I right? A first-year freshman can have such a high qi and blood."

"The power of terror, the gap between him and us is too great."

"Exceeding the blood value of 54 strength, this is not the realm of a senior trainee martial artist who has just broken through."

Everyone was amazed by Leng Feng's results, which were higher than they predicted.

"Damn it, it's so high!" Shi Ye clenched his fists, feeling uncomfortable.

Originally thought that he had broken through the realm of a high-level trainee martial artist, and his blood value should be about the same as that of Leng Feng.

But now there is still a gap of about 4 forces between the two.

This gap is very obvious, and it will take at least two or three months of hard work.

"54.3 strength?" Lu Yao thought to himself.

"It seems that he has not been lazy in the past month or so."

"Even if he breaks through the realm of senior trainee martial artist, his strength is still improving so fast."

Leng Feng's strength was indeed a little higher than he expected.

But he wasn't worried either.

After all, as long as one can break through to the realm of an advanced trainee martial artist, the scores for energy and blood power are full marks.

And he thought that his blood value must be higher than that of Leng Feng.

After all, in order to improve his energy and blood power, he also consumed the gray air flow in this month.

"What a high qi and blood value. I remember that during the third key class challenge, his qi and blood power had just passed 3. It hasn't been long now, and it has increased in about a month. So many." Du Tong said with some surprise.

After all, he has broken through the blood value of 50 strength, which is the realm of advanced trainee warriors, and the improvement of blood has become more difficult.

Moreover, Leng Feng came from a force like the Hunter's Guild.

For forces like the Ghost Slayer Squad and the Hunters Guild, all the fighters they receive come from the poor or run-down families.

It is difficult to obtain many resources.

They were surprised that they could have such an improvement without the family's supply.

The reason why they have such an improvement is also because they are using pills continuously every day, and the intensity of daily training is also very high.

"Lu Yao, this Leng Feng's blood value is already so high, are you confident to surpass him now?" Zhao Dieyi asked curiously.

"Of course!" Lu Yao smiled confidently.

During the third key class challenge, his blood value was 3, which was already a little higher than that of Leng Feng.

Now another month has passed, he has consumed the gray air flow to increase the power of Qi and blood, and the power of Qi and blood will only be higher than that of Leng Feng.

"The last one, Lu Yao!"

The invigilator's voice sounded again, and when the name was pronounced, everyone present looked at Lu Yao.

If it was during the entrance examination, Lu Yao defeated Leng Feng and became the first among the freshmen.

There are still some freshmen who are not convinced.

After all, at that time Lu Yao's Qi and blood power was only over 30.

This kind of blood value, even in the key classes, can be regarded as the last few.

In the third key class challenge.

He once again had a real fight with Leng Feng.

Before actual combat, they tested the power of Qi and blood.

This time, Lu Yao's energy and blood power surpassed Leng Feng's and reached the realm of a senior trainee martial artist. In actual combat, Lu Yao showed the strength to crush Leng Feng.

In this way, the first-year students present really began to admire Lu Yao in their hearts.

After all, the strength difference between Lu Yao and Lu Yao was too great.

"He finally played!"

"I remember that at the beginning, his blood value was only about 36, but at that time his actual combat ability was very strong. He defeated Leng Feng and became No.1 among our freshmen. It's been a semester, and last month I heard that his blood value has even surpassed that of Leng Feng, and he has also entered the realm of a senior trainee martial artist."

"I know this. At the end of last month, his blood test score was 50.9. Now Leng Feng has a blood value of more than 54. It is estimated that this time he will not surpass Leng Feng again."

"Regardless of whether his blood power this time can surpass Leng Feng, he is still the strongest in our grade, there is no doubt about it."

Regardless of whether Lu Yao's qi and blood scores in this test surpassed Leng Feng's, they all believed that Lu Yao's strength was the strongest in their grade.

Lu Yao walked in the direction of the dynamometer.

He was also very curious about his current strength.

The gray airflow still had an obvious effect on it, and its effect was even more obvious than that of the intermediate blood energy pill and the advanced blood energy pill.

Moreover, if you take too many blood qi pills, you will develop drug resistance, and the effect will become worse and worse.

Not so with gray airflow.

Lu Yao has come to the side of the dynamometer.

"let's start!"

When the invigilator saw that Lu Yao was ready, he loudly announced the start of the test.

Lu Yao moved his right wrist, then took a step back, raised his right hand, clenched his right fist, and began to accumulate strength.

His eyes looked at the suction log in the center of the dynamometer, the center of the circle.

That's the most vulnerable position.

After aiming at the target, he threw a punch with all his strength.

"Bang!" sounded.

The fist hit the suction log and made a very loud sound.

The loudness of this sound even surpassed the cold front tested before.

"A lot of power."

"Sure enough, he has also broken through the realm of a senior trainee martial artist. This is really amazing. I remember that during the entrance examination, his energy and blood power was weaker than mine, and now he has surpassed me by a large margin."

"How do I feel that his blood value in this test is likely to exceed that of Leng Feng?"

"He's a real genius."

They admired Lu Yao more than Leng Feng.

Lu Yao's own combat power is already the strongest in his grade, and now he has even made up for his shortcomings such as blood value.

This has to make other people feel admiration.

Suction logs rise very fast.

10 force, 20 force, 30 force, the suction log quickly exceeded these qi and blood scale values.

It has reached the scale value of 40 force, and its forward speed is still very fast, without slowing down at all.

The suction log has reached the scale value of 49.9 force, and in the eyes of everyone's expectations, he easily crossed that critical scale value.

After exceeding 50 forces, the forward speed of the suction log still did not slow down.

51 force, 52 force, 53 force, 54 force.

The score of the cold front test is 54.3 force scale value, and now the suction log has exceeded this scale value.

"Exceeded, he surpassed Leng Feng, it's amazing!"

"His strength is improving too fast. I originally thought that this time he should not be able to surpass Leng Feng's blood score, but I did not expect that he really surpassed it."

"The qi and blood value is already 55, which is amazing. The last test was only a month ago, and it was less than 51 at that time. The speed of progress is terrifying!"

For students like Lu Yao, everyone must be very concerned. Many people know that he was challenged by Leng Feng during the third key class challenge.

I also know that his blood value was 50.9 at that time.

It was precisely because he knew this that he was shocked by his progress.

"Is Junior Brother Lu Yao already this powerful?" Senior Brother Ding also had an incredulous expression on his face.

Although he has tried his best to overestimate Lu Yao.

But now after seeing Lu Yao's qi and blood score, he realized that he had still far underestimated Lu Yao.

The suction log has exceeded the scale value of 56 force.

When it was close to the 57 scale value, the speed of the suction log finally started to slow down.

Finally, the suction log exceeded the scale value of 57 force, and moved forward by 5 grids, staying at the scale value of 57.5 force.

"57.5 strength, not bad!" Looking at his test results, Lu Yao showed a smile on his face.

His predicted blood value is about 56, which has exceeded his expectations, and he is still very satisfied.

The invigilator obviously had some surprises about this result. After all, he had never encountered such a high blood score in the first grade in the past few years of invigilation.

He was stunned for a while, and then began to announce Lu Yao's results.

There was an uproar of discussion around.

"He is already so powerful!" Leng Feng was very complicated.

Since losing to Lu Yao for the first time, he still regards Lu Yao as his biggest opponent.

However, he never had the confidence to challenge Lu Yao. He didn't challenge Lu Yao again until he broke through the realm of senior trainee martial artist.

This time he was still defeated by Lu Yao, and it was much easier for Lu Yao to defeat him this time.

In the remaining month, he was training very hard. He even exchanged all his points into resources, and he planned to surpass Lu Yao in the final assessment after this month.

After a period of hard work, his improvement was very obvious. As he predicted, his energy and blood power had greatly improved.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to surpass Lu Yao in terms of actual combat ability, at least in a short period of time.

But he thought that at least this time, he had a higher blood value than Lu Yao.

He didn't expect that not only was his blood score not as high as Lu Yao's, but Lu Yao had widened the gap.

"Do I still have a chance to surpass him?" Leng Feng had a question in his heart.

Before he faced any formidable opponent, he did not have such a lack of self-confidence.

Although some opponents are stronger than him, at least they are very old. He believes that he will be able to surpass them one day.

But Lu Yao is different, Lu Yao is much younger than him, and Lu Yao's progress speed is what scares him the most.

This was the first time he felt admiration for a genius of the same age, and he felt ashamed.

"Damn it, how could he be so strong!" Shi Ye thought angrily.

He was in a very good mood after breaking through to the realm of a senior trainee martial artist.

But after seeing the results of Leng Feng and Lu Yao now, he became very uncomfortable.

The original good mood is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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