Chapter 306 Poor Combat Ability

It is not easy for Ding Jun to solve the two puppets.

His original strength of Qi and blood was not very high either.

If he hadn't completed the last attack with his hand injury, I'm afraid he might have failed the assessment this time.

"Senior Brother Ding, congratulations, you have passed the assessment of this project now." Lu Yao said with a smile.

"The difficulty of the assessment of the second item is already high enough, and the difficulty of the third assessment item is estimated to be even greater, but fortunately, I can finally pass the assessment. I hope this time the three items can pass the assessment. .” Ding Jun said.

"Xiao He still has a while. Listen to senior brother, you should take a good rest now. Only after you replenish your physical strength can you get higher grades." Du Tong reminded.

Ding Jun nodded, he sat cross-legged on the ground, began to rest with his eyes closed, and began to recover the power of energy and blood that had been consumed.

The puppet fighting assessment project is quite difficult for ordinary class students.

If you want to pass the examination, you need to use all your strength.

But for the students in key classes, the difficulty is average.

Although the strength of these puppets is greater than that of ordinary key class students, they are even faster.

But once the students in these key classes start to display their primary combat skills, their attack power will become stronger.

More than 50 students went up in a row, and the number has reached half.

Only half of the students who passed this assessment item unexpectedly.

But this is also because most of the more than 50 students are from ordinary classes, and there are only three students from key classes.

The students in the key classes who participated in the assessment were able to pass all of them.

But it's just passing.

Even if they were able to defeat two of the puppets, their physical strength was almost exhausted, and it was not enough to support them to continue defeating the other puppets.

In the 16th round, Chen Yu's name was read.

During the entrance test, her qi and blood value had already exceeded 40, and in the last qi and blood test, her qi and blood score was even close to 49.

Her strength is very strong, and everyone thinks that she is very likely to defeat the five puppets.

Compared with the blood test items, she seemed a little more nervous about the puppet assessment items.

She stood in the center of the ring.

At this time, Chen Yu had already chosen his weapon and put on his protective gear.

"Although Chen Yu's blood value is very high, she doesn't seem to have experienced many battles. She looks very nervous." Du Tong said in a low voice.

"Yes, if she has not experienced actual combat training, or has not experienced life-and-death combat, the real combat ability that can be displayed may be much lower than her current state." Zhao Dieyi said.

"let's start!"

When the invigilator saw that he was ready, he loudly announced the start of the examination.

The puppets on the ring were activated, and there were two puppets that were activated at the beginning.

The two puppets move very fast.

Chen Yu stood in the center of the ring, watching the puppets attacking her vigilantly.

She waved the long sword in her hand, and the power of Qi and blood was integrated into the long sword at the same time.

The puppet also waved the long knife in his hand.

"Boom!" With a sound, the long sword and the long knife hit together, making a crisp sound.

"What a powerful force!" The puppet shook and took a step back.

And Chen Yu also took a step back.

At this time, another puppet also started to attack.

Her strength is not weaker than the two puppets, but her fighting style seems a little immature.

Facing the two puppets who kept attacking him, she could only keep waving the long sword in her hand to fight back.

After fighting for 1 minute, she started to use primary sword skills.

With the blessing of elementary sword skills, her attack power has become stronger, and she can easily crush two puppets.

The puppet was constantly repelled by her, and slowly reached the edge of the ring.


Exercising a primary combat technique again, the attack power of the long sword increased again.

The attack speed of the long sword has also become much faster.

This time the attack has hit the puppet man's chest.

After enduring this attack, the puppet was blown away.

There was nowhere to stay in the back, and the puppet flew out of the ring.

This is the first puppet to be eliminated.

The puppet behind took this opportunity to swing a knife.

Chen Yu hurriedly moved her body to block this attack.

Then lay down on the long sword, blocking the puppet's attack.

Chen Yu once again used his elementary sword skills to attack the remaining puppet.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The puppet kept retreating, and finally the puppet retreated to the edge of the ring.

Chen Yu exerted his strength again, and all the power of Qi and blood was integrated into the long sword, and he recovered a sword again.

The long knife and the long sword hit together, and under the action of huge force, the puppet was shot down to the bottom of the ring.

"Finally defeated the two puppets!" Chen Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

The battle just now had consumed some of her physical strength.

After less than 10 seconds, the other three puppets were also activated, and she became even more nervous.

Originally, her physical strength was also consumed, and she was not at her peak state, but now there were more puppets, which made it even more difficult for her to fight.

She continued to use primary combat skills to fight, and the attacks of the three puppets became more intensive.

She was a little hesitant, and sometimes she was able to resist the attack from one side, but the other side immediately started to attack again, which made her a little dazzled.

It was okay in a short period of time, but she persisted for too long, and her physical strength was exhausted more and more.

At 3 minutes and 45 seconds into the battle, a puppet hit Chen Yu with a long knife, causing her to stagger a few steps.

After stabilizing her body, she continued to use this elementary combat skill to fight against the puppet.

Most of her attack power was concentrated on one of the puppets, and this puppet was slowly pushed back to the edge of the ring.

When the battle lasted for almost 5 minutes, the puppet was finally shot down to the bottom of the ring.

Using primary combat skills for a long time also exhausted Chen Yu's physical strength.

After defeating the third puppet, she had less than [-] percent of her vitality left.

This makes her attack power weaker.

After persisting for more than a minute, she was still unable to defeat the other two puppets.

She had to give up and continue, and chose to admit defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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