In the end, I felt that it would be safer to listen to the doctor, so I had to let her be hospitalized.

After finishing their affairs, Lin Yi returned to the consulting room and was planning to continue his consultation.

Ma Feng, an emergency doctor in the adjacent consulting room, walked in.

"Doctor Lin, there is a patient, why don't you come and take a look at it."

"what's the situation?"

Lin Yi asked immediately.

"A little girl had an appendix operation, and now she suddenly has a high fever and other reactions. I don't know what happened!"

Ma Feng immediately said to Lin Yi.

"Okay, let's take a look!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi and Wu Jiang followed him to the ward.

In the ward, a woman kept applying cold compresses to the little girl with cold towels.

But because of the high fever, the little girl's face was red, her lips were white, her blood pressure was low, and her heart rate was too fast.

Seeing Lin Yi and the others coming over.

The woman hurriedly asked:
"Doctor, hello, look at my daughter, what's going on?"

"She was fine after the operation yesterday, but today she suddenly started to have a high fever, and she won't go back no matter what."

"Isn't appendicitis surgery a minor operation?"

"Why is this suddenly like this?"

The woman's eye sockets were a little moist.

It is not uncommon for appendicitis to become critically ill suddenly in the hospital.

A small infection, because after an operation, a large area of ​​infection suddenly broke out.

Generally, this kind of situation is called the reverse psychology of the source of infection in medicine.

"Don't be in a hurry."

"Let me see the patient first."

Before he had time to change into a white coat and get a stethoscope, Lin Yi turned to Ma Feng and said, "Lend me the stethoscope."

Ma Feng took off the stethoscope and handed it to Lin Yi.

in the stethoscope.

Little girl's lungs are inflamed.

In addition, her breathing rate was not high, but her heart rate was very fast. She had a high fever of over 40°, and many organs in her body were infected.

But... After the operation, it has been doing well, why did it suddenly become infected?
Lin Yi thought quickly. Due to some expert knowledge, based on her symptoms, Lin Yi speculated that she was poisoned by poisonous mushrooms.

Mushrooms, also known as mushrooms, belong to fungal plants.Poisonous mushrooms refer to mushrooms that can cause poisoning after eating. There are currently about 100 known species, of which more than 10 are highly toxic.

And poisonous mushroom poisoning has also become the legendary wild fungus poisoning.

Mushroom poisoning is generally divided into four categories.

One is the gastrointestinal type: the incubation period is 0.5 to 6 hours.Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, severe cases may be accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding, secondary dehydration, blood pressure drop and even shock.

One is the neuropsychiatric type: muscarinic toxins similar to acetylcholine.The incubation period is 1 to 6 hours.Clinical manifestations are symptoms of parasympathetic excitement.

One is the hemolytic type: the incubation period is 6 to 12 hours.In addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, there are hemolytic anemia, jaundice, hemoglobinuria, hepatosplenomegaly and so on.

There is also a type of toxic hepatitis: the incubation period is 6 to 48 hours, and the prominent clinical manifestation is toxic liver damage.

No matter what kind of these four kinds, serious words are fatal.

Every year when wild mushrooms are on the market, hundreds of people die from poisoning.

The little girl's symptoms are in line with the gastrointestinal type.

But... she has been in the ward, why was she poisoned by wild bacteria?
Lin Yi couldn't help but look at the woman.

"What did you feed her?"

The woman said with a panicked expression:
"It's nothing, I just drank mung bean soup, and then ate some ribs and shredded potatoes. She ate very little, kept crying, and hardly ate anything."

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the food?"

Lin Yi frowned and said:
"I suspect she was poisoned by wild fungus."

Both the woman and Ma Feng were shocked by the diagnosis.

Ma Feng frowned and said in a low voice:
"In this way, it is indeed similar to poisonous mushroom poisoning. The symptoms are similar to those of the diarrhea type. Since the little girl had just undergone appendicitis surgery and had bowel cleansing, it did not cause a lot of diarrhea."

"During the rescue, the little girl was also dehydrated."

"I thought it was a high fever."

"Now it seems that it should be poisoned by poisonous mushrooms."

"But... where did the wild mushrooms come from?"

For a moment, several people were confused.


The woman seemed to have thought of something, her complexion tightened, and then she quickly lowered her head for fear that the two of them would find out.

Lin Yi naturally noticed the change in her expression.

So Lin Yi stared at her and asked:
"Did you think of anything?"

The woman shook her head:

"No... nothing, I didn't think of anything."

Lin Yi stared at her closely, and said in a deep voice:
"It's impossible for a little girl to eat wild mushrooms by herself, someone must have poisoned her!"

"Let me tell you, poisoning is a felony! You will be sentenced."

"Besides, our hospital has surveillance without dead ends. Whoever injected the poison can be found out immediately by checking the surveillance!"

"If you don't say it, then you are covering up!"

The woman panicked all of a sudden, her eyes were full of panic, she said repeatedly:

"No, don't call the police."

"I remembered who fed it."

"At around 8 o'clock, I went back and changed my clothes, and asked my mother to take care of my younger sister for a while. It should be... my mother gave my younger sister food. When we were in our hometown, we often ate mushrooms from the mountains."

"She probably didn't know it was poisonous."

The more he said, the lower his head became, and the voice became quieter.


All the resistance of the woman was broken in an instant.

The whole body softened, and he sat on the chair directly, covering his face and crying bitterly.

"My mother... my mother is very patriarchal. She always thinks that my daughter is not good and wants a grandson."

"But I didn't expect that she would do such a thing."

As she spoke, the woman couldn't help crying.

what? !

Poisoning his own granddaughter because he favors sons over daughters?

Moreover, the little girl had just finished the operation, her vitality was seriously injured, and before she recovered, she was poisoned by her grandmother?
Ma Feng's face turned dark instantly, he clenched his fists tightly, and it could be seen that he was already very restrained.

A word was squeezed out between the teeth.

"Is your mother... a beast?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Ma Feng. Normal people would refute it when they were scolded like this, but the woman didn't say anything.

In the monitoring room, Lin Yi and the others inquired about the monitoring in front of the monitor.

After all, a casual sentence cannot be used as evidence of poisoning, and Lin Yi really cannot accept this wave of operations by his daughter and grandmother.

"Tiger poison doesn't eat its offspring, so she shouldn't be poisoned, right? Maybe she ingested it by mistake?"

Wu Jiang just finished speaking beside him.

The girl's grandmother appeared at the door of the ward, holding a red wild fungus in her hand, glanced furtively at the door, then closed the door carefully, and went out of the ward 10 minutes later, and went to the bathroom .

Although I didn't see the feeding process, her expression and behavior can already prove that she did it!

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