Chapter 196

Chang'an City, Qin Tianjian on the northwest side of the imperial palace.

A closed and secret chamber...

The secret room is secluded and dark, illuminated by 64 oil waxes, and the murals around are full of strange and strange stone paintings.

Surrounded by Taoist tools that look like yellow paper and vermilion talismans...

Ten high tripods and twelve low tripods were placed in the secret room according to a certain mysterious law.

Sandalwood bursts——

Daoist Xuanxu was led by a boy in green shirt and uncut hat just now, and pressed a mechanism from a side cabinet in the main hall of Qin Tianjian.

Then a long and deep secret passage appeared.

Master Xuanxu walked through the secret passage and entered the secret room.

But he found that Yuan Tiangang was in a daze, sitting on the ground with cat eyes and no spirit.

"Brother, what happened?"

Master Xuanxu approached, brushed the dust in his hand, and stretched out his hand to help Yuan Tiangang up...


Yuan Tiangang raised his head, murmured a little distractedly, and then refocused his eyes when he saw the Xuanxu Daoist beside him.

Immediately following the strength of Master Xuanxu, he stood up.

His face was messed up, and he hurriedly said: "It's not good, senior sister, something serious happened!"

Seeing Yuan Tiangang's rarely flustered expression, Master Xuanxu quickly comforted him.

"Junior brother, don't worry, speak slowly!"

"Senior Sister, do you still remember a sentence that Master passed down back then? Xuan Xing has no image, and the stars are in chaos! When I looked at the hexagram today, I found that the stars have no image, and the hexagram seal has no law. This is a sign of chaos!"

Listening to Yuan Tiangang's hasty and distracted words, Master Xuanxu's heart trembled.

Zhantian hexagram is a hexagram that Tianyumen must calculate every month, once a month, twelve times a year, divination of the image of the sky, and the illusion of the future.

And this hexagram image is the image of chaos in the world!
The Zhantian hexagrams that were divined every month before will be recorded in the record to deduce the secrets of heaven.

In the past two years, Yuan Tiangang has been slowly understanding the evolution of the secrets of heaven, at this time when he first got a glimpse of the door.

The sky is in chaos, and there is no law at all.

Let him have no end to his dao, and the Zhantian hexagram that was predicted before will be destroyed once destroyed!

Daoist Xuanxu suddenly had an extremely serious look on his face!

"Junior brother, how many hexagrams have you divined in Chang'an City?"

"A total of eighty hexagrams!"

"Eighty hexagrams? Nearly seven years..."

Master Xuanxu frowned, not knowing what thoughts were in his heart, he suddenly turned his head and said in a low voice.

"Junior brother, go out first, and borrow this place from senior sister!"

Without hesitation, Yuan Tiangang walked out of the secret room and closed the door behind him...

In the dark secret passage, Yuan Tiangang's face was sometimes anxious, sometimes lifeless, and sometimes he sat down on the ground waiting for the deduction of the senior sister inside...

In this secret passage, it is deep and quiet.

An hour has passed...

It was already dark outside, and a cloud of heavy clouds had already enveloped Chang'an City...

"Come in, brother!"

Yuan Tiangang, who was sitting in a daze outside the door of the secret room, suddenly stood up, pushed the door open and entered.

"How about Senior Sister?"

Yuan Tiangang asked in a hurried voice.

But he found that Xuanxu was staring at the gossip plate in his hand with dull eyes, and the bronze mirror in the center was glowing with faint light...

"Sure enough, Xuan Xingshi has no image, and there is no hexagram in the world! Junior brother, this world is going to be chaotic..."

After five breaths of time, Master Xuanxu came and said in a low voice.

Yuan Tiangang was silent...

How could the world be in chaos all of a sudden!
Before it was clearly deduced that the secret of the sky is still clear, the world is alive and well!

Now that the Tang Emperor is ruling the Central Plains, the year of disaster is about to pass, and Zhou's internal consumption continues. This is clearly a trend of prosperity!What is the reason?
The world is suddenly in chaos!

Master Xuanxu's expression was sombre, he hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter, sister?"

"But the celestial phenomenon has no law, but it doesn't look like the omen of the red sky, the seven stars capture the image, and the purple shadow hides. On one side, there is the image of the red sky, and on the other hand, there is the image of the purple sky!"

"Senior Sister is saying that... the world is in great chaos and the world is prosperous!"

Master Xuanxu didn't reply to Yuan Tiangang's words, but took two steps slowly.

With a pensive expression on his face, he said just now: "It's weird..."

The two pondered for a long time, Yuan Tiangang clapped his hands and said suddenly.

"Senior sister, maybe there is someone in Chang'an City who can solve it!"

Master Xuanxu frowned and asked softly, "Oh? Who is it?"

"Senior Sister, do you still remember the master I told you about last time, who is not afraid of revealing secrets?"

"But such an expert, we are naturally hard to find... wait a minute, you mean..."

"Yes, this expert should have a relationship with His Majesty. Presumably His Majesty has heard about this expert... But before... It seems that His Majesty is unwilling to tell..."

"Such an expert who must be hidden in the world must not like being disturbed by others..."

Yuan Tiangang said with a worried expression.

"I can only try to find out where His Majesty is. If we can get news from that expert, why don't we two brothers and sisters come to the door with sincerity and ask about the mystery of Zhantian Gua Chaos?"

"That's fine..."

Of course, you can't pretend to ignore such a big event, otherwise if the world is really in chaos, the people of Li will suffer...


Tang Sufan didn't know what happened in Chang'an City, and he didn't know that he was regarded as a peerless expert for no reason, and was wanted to find out about him from today's world——

All he knew was that today was a big day.

That's the big day when the mother-in-law is coming to visit!

Whether things with Rou'er can be achieved depends on the impression of the mother-in-law today!

In these two lifetimes, it was the first time that they were at the juncture of talking about marriage.

Tang Sufan is also a noob, but he knows that the most important thing is to coax the mother-in-law!

No, the bedridden Tang Sufan woke up early as if the sun came out from the west.

Let Tao Yinger dress him up properly, and turn around in front of the mirror for a long time.

I couldn't even eat breakfast, so I started to get busy.

As the saying goes, if you want to capture the heart of the mother-in-law, you must grasp the stomach of the mother-in-law.

Don't ask who said it, it's Tang Sufan.

So Tang Sufan began to search for ingredients early in the morning according to the big draft he had made in his heart yesterday.

As a result, early in the morning, Aunt Wang next door brought over the fat rooster that had been slaughtered all along.

Aunt Wang outside went directly into the yard from the outside, and shouted in the direction of the kitchen.

"Sister Xiuniang, this is the chicken Xiao Fan asked for, you take it to the kitchen!"

Aunt Wang, who was talking loudly, was startled when she saw Tang Sufan in the yard.

"Yo, Xiaofan woke up so early?"

Tang Sufan hurried up to meet him, and took out a handful of copper coins from his pocket.

"Hey, Aunt Wang, it's really hard work for you, come, here is chicken money!"

Aunt Wang rolled her eyes at Tang Sufan, smiled and patted Tang Sufan's hand that handed over the money, and scolded while joking.

"Hey, look down on your Aunt Wang, don't you! Didn't you say it before, but now this chicken Aunt Wang can't afford you?"

Their family's life became better because of Tang Sufan, and Xiaofan even taught his old Wang the chimney chimney craft.

Now people who come to the blacksmith's shop to dig chimneys all day long have to line up. Aunt Wang's family, who could only rely on hoes and farm tools.

In this winter, it is also slowly flourishing...

If a chicken had to charge money, wouldn’t it be an ungrateful villain——

Aunt Wang looked at Tang Sufan's handsome little face, it really got better and better the more she looked at it.

If there was such a good-looking man as Xiaofan in the village back then, who would have liked the old man in the family who was not ashamed?
"Oh, well then, I won't be too lazy to be polite, by the way, Aunt Wang, are you free today?"

"What's the matter, Xiaofan, what can you do for your Aunt Wang's help?"


(End of this chapter)

 Uh, I have written fantasy before, and I have a little interest in Qimen Dunjia.

  Write some of these to add to the fun of this book, do you have any opinions, dear friends?

(End of this chapter)

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