The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 221 Gao Ming Handed Over To You

Chapter 221 Gao Ming Handed Over To You
Tang Sufan was a little amazed, as expected, he was worthy of being a famous figure in the Tang Dynasty in the future, and at such a young age, he cared about the country and the people.

"Oh, Brother Ma, don't be discouraged. There are very few outstanding people like Brother Ma who worry about the world's worries first and enjoy the world's joys later!"

Tang Sufan said with admiration from the bottom of his heart, it's no wonder that he will become a carp leaping over the dragon's gate in the officialdom in the future. This thought already has the foundation of being a good official.

Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later!

When Ma Zhou heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Brother is a good literary talent! Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later! This statement is deeply in my heart! Don't you know your name?"

How can it be ordinary nobles and gentry who can say such words?
I'm about to make some friends.

"I'm Tang Sufan!"

Tang Sufan waved his hands eloquently and said his name.

Ma Zhou was even more surprised.

"So you are Mr. Tang!"

Immediately bowed directly.

"Please accept Ma Zhou's worship!"

Ma Zhou's bow startled Tang Sufan. Is this Ma Zhou so upright?

"Hey, brother Ma, why do you worship me? I can't bear this worship!"

Tang Sufan quickly helped Ma Zhou up.

Ma Zhou did not let go of his arched hands, and looked at Tang Sufan and said excitedly.

"Oh, Brother Tang naturally deserves to be worshiped by Ma Zhou. Brother Tang bears the name of Little Poetry Immortal, and his heart is for the name. Detoxification and charcoal benefit the common people. The place even pays wages! The blessings of the common people!"

"It is indeed the leader of my generation! Ma Zhou also admires him!"

Hearing Ma Zhou's eloquent praise, Tang Sufan blushed.


Although we are so honest and kind-hearted, but it’s over——

low profile.

"Oh, Brother Ma is too good to be true!"

Tang Sufan waved his hand, low-key and humble.

"I didn't expect to meet Xiao Shixian here today. I, Ma Zhou, are blessed today!"

Ma Zhou even put down the charcoal he was carrying on his shoulders, his eyes were burning like a fan.

She was so excited that she shook hands with Tang Sufan and hugged her.

"Brother Ma, with your literary talents, why do you need to do these jobs again? It's really overkill—"

At this time, Li Shimin, who heard the conversation between the two, naturally came over.

How can Tang Sufan hear that the person he likes is ordinary?

"This little brother wants to become an official in the court?"

"Well, although I, Ma Zhou, have the heart to serve the country, I have no way to serve the country, so I can only do something with my best—"

Ma Zhou shook his head and sighed.

Seeing Ma Zhou Zhou's worry for the country and the people, Li Shimin nodded in relief.

He couldn't help saying: "Hehe, little brother, why don't someone recommend it for you so that you have a way to repay you?"

When Ma Zhou heard the words, he saw Li Shimin dressed as a businessman.

Shaking his head, he declined his kindness.

"Thank you for the kindness of this boss. Ma Zhou wants to be a deacon for the people, but he really has no interest in going to the yamen to do some writing work!"

Li Shimin was still annoyed when he heard it, this young man clearly looked down on him——

Even Tang Sufan couldn't help but tilt his head and said: "Okay, Lao Li, don't be so nonsense, you have your own future—"

You old Li, you are the future prime minister.

With your ability, at most, if you fooled you into some yamen to be the head bookmaker, wouldn't that family's bright future be ruined?

You are too kind--

"Brother Ma, don't worry. In the future, you will definitely serve the country and serve the people! In the future, you will be listed as an official, and it will only be a matter of years before you worship your prime minister and serve the people!"

Tang Sufan turned his head, patted Ma Zhou on the shoulder and persuaded him cheerfully.

Ma Zhou straightened his chest, and cast an excited look at Tang Sufan, it's still Xiao Shixian who understands the ambition in his heart!

Unlike this businessman who is all overfed, he probably wants to pretend to be big and push him to be a clerk in the government office.

I, Ma Zhou, are such a clever person!
Will you be fooled?

Obviously not possible!
If Li Shimin knew what was in his heart, he would definitely say that you are really clever!
Li Shimin turned his nose upside down, waved his sleeves and walked over.

Tang Sufan and Ma Zhou also chatted a few words, and they had a very happy chat.

Ma Zhou even asked for an address, saying that he would visit him another day.

This was an interview with the future prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, so Tang Sufan naturally agreed.

This is a potential stock that must be invested quickly.

The two bid farewell.

Li Shimin couldn't help asking: "Su Fan, what's the difference between this kid? Is it worthy of your kid's attention?"

Tang Sufan shook his head and smiled mysteriously: "Lao Li, this is the future Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty—the future Zhongshu Ling~"

Li Shimin and the three old men had strange expressions on their faces. The young man dressed in simple and unadorned clothes, and even a bit stubborn like a cow, will be the future prime minister of the Tang Dynasty?

When did the prime minister of my Tang Dynasty become so worthless?
Perhaps because of Ma Zhou's contempt just now, Li Shimin said without hesitation: "Just because of this person? Can he still be the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty?"

"That's right, I'm afraid this kid doesn't even have the reputation of a scholar at his age?"

Fang Xuanling was also a good supporter.

Just this thing will still serve as the old man's Zhongshu Ling?

Want to eat fart?

"Oh, you don't understand~"

Tang Sufan smiled coolly, too lazy to compete with these dogs.

However, Li Shimin calmed down, pulled Tang Sufan back, and said.

"Su Fan, does Ma Zhou really have such abilities?"

"That's natural. It's not like you didn't hear the conversation just now. This Ma Zhou doesn't talk about anything else, but his heart for the country and the people is true. Although this Ma Zhou is a bit unruly and stubborn, his ability is naturally not yours. These people can see it~"

The faces of the three old men were stunned. This bastard seems to be mocking the three of them, right?

Hearing this, Li Shimin narrowed his eyes a little, inexplicably joking.

With this kid's ability to know the time and place, how can he not see a person?

It seems that Ma Zhou really has the ability——

In this way, the fate of Ma Zhou changed when he met in front of the charcoal workshop today——

They were about to say goodbye, Tang Sufan cast a few glances at his future daughter-in-law.

The shy Li Lirou quickly hid in the carriage, while Li Shimin and his wife also stopped to talk about other serious matters.

"Su Fan, do you still remember when my sister asked my Gao Ming to worship you as a teacher?"

Tang Sufan frowned: "I remember, what's wrong with my sister?"

"How about this, why don't sisters bring Gao Ming to apprentice with you in two days?"

Li Shimin was listening, let the maidservant Guanyin talk about it.

If he said it himself, it would be strange if he would agree, given that this kid can lie down and never stand up.

"Haha, sister, it's all trivial matters, just come when the time comes."

Tang Sufan readily agreed.

Anyway, this future will be a family, so it's good to help Lao Li teach him not to be as stupid as Lao Li in the future.

"Cough cough, then Su Fan, my family is Gao Ming, I'll trouble you to teach me well!"

"Don't worry, Lao Li, I will teach what I can, but I really can't do anything about these four books and five classics!"

Tang Sufan said without interest.

"It doesn't matter, you can discipline as you like, even if you beat and scold me!"

Li Shimin was very happy that Tang Sufan accepted Li Chengqian.

Immediately, the corners of the mouths of the three old men twitched, it seemed that His Majesty had left the crown prince's right to teach to Su Fan.

From now on, if Tang Sufan can teach His Highness the Crown Prince, the three old men can't imagine——

What kind of turmoil can be caused by Tang Sufan's words on political affairs in the future...


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