Chapter 239 Wang Xinyue

Afterwards, Changsun Wugou saw a scene he had never seen before——

Sitting at the desk, Li Chengqian spoke beamingly, while Li Shimin sometimes listened in deep thought and sometimes frowning.

Ever since Li Chengqian started to talk about everything, the child's nature seemed to be somewhat exposed.

And Li Shimin also asked a few questions in cooperation.

With the support of his father, Li Chengqian became more motivated to speak.

I wish I could pour out all the things I heard from Tang Sufan in the past two days...

And the eldest grandson Wugou had already made tea long ago, and sat on the side watching with a smile on his face without disturbing him.

But from time to time, I would ask a few questions.

After a quarter of an hour after Li Chengqian finished speaking, Li Shimin just drank his tea and nodded.

"Well - it seems that you didn't learn in vain in Su Fan. Remember, don't reveal your identity, follow your teacher well, and remember to be vigilant and strict."

"Yes, Father!"

Li Chengqian nodded hastily with a somewhat excited expression, but still pretended to be calm, and took the tea sent by his queen mother directly to his mouth.

I was scalded and my mouth blossomed——

"It's not hot, is it?"

When Li Chengqian grinned and blushed, Li Shimin frowned and asked with concern.

But he almost made Li Chengqian cry. Shouldn't his father berate him directly?


"Father... Royal Father, the child is fine, it's fine!"

Li Chengqian was in a daze, but quickly waved back, feeling like he was dreaming.

"Oh, that's good..."

Only then did Li Shimin look back, remembering what Tang Sufan said yesterday.

Then he said: "By the way, recently you have to go to your teacher's place every day. The masters of the East Palace have studies again, have you ever felt tired?"

"Not tired!"

Li Chengqian seemed to have been beaten up at this moment, and he was still full of complaints when he went back yesterday.

Li Shimin glanced at it interestingly, and then said, "Oh, aren't you tired? Originally, I wanted you to put down your studies in the East Palace first. Since you are not tired, then that's all..."

Li Chengqian was immediately dumbfounded!

Blinded in place!
"Father... Er... Royal Father..."

It doesn't matter what to say now...

Li Chengqian felt like crying in his heart, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot.

It wasn't until Li Chengqian's complexion changed for a while that Li Shimin spoke slowly.

"Okay, let's get down to business. You can stop your studies in the East Palace first, and you don't have to study so hard, or it won't be good if you get tired—"

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, Li Chengqian's small eyes suddenly widened.

Even the eldest grandson Wugou looked at Li Shimin in disbelief.

"Father... Royal Father—"

Li Chengqian called out in a daze, but didn't know what to say.

"This is what your teacher said. After all, one piece and one relaxation is the long-term way!"

Li Chengqian immediately said excitedly: "Thank you, father!"

Li Chengqian even wanted to give Tang Sufan a knockout now.

The teacher is so kind——

Li Shimin frowned, pretending to be serious and said, "Oh? Does not reading make you so happy?"

This poor little Li Chengqian suddenly choked up again and looked dumbfounded.

In the end, it was Li Shimin who calmed down and waved his hand: "Okay, I will take care of the studies at the East Palace. I will study well with your teacher. Don't neglect."

"If I hear from your teacher that you are slack, don't blame me for taking care of you~"

In the end, after Li Shimin gave some good instructions, Li Chengqian retreated like a dream.

Then he stood in front of the palace gate and slowed down, and then quickly ordered the servants to leave the palace quickly and start today's happy bastard life——

After Li Chengqian left, Changsun Wugou asked worriedly.

"Your Majesty, why did you suddenly relax Chengqian's studies—"

In the end, Li Shimin recounted what Tang Sufan said yesterday.

Changsun Wugou relaxed his eyebrows just now, so it was so.

"It turns out that His Majesty is making long-term plans for Chengqian—"

"Yeah, one sheet and one sheet are just the way to go. Chengqian doesn't need me now. He has time, but he is not in a hurry. If I was back then, alas..."

In the end, Li Shimin's words turned into memories——


Inside Chang'an City.

In winter, people still come and go in the square city, with horses and chariots passing through under the wind and snow.

Several carriages stopped at the door of an Dongshi inn.

"Father, here we are."

A square-faced middle-aged man in a black robe spoke respectfully at the side of a carriage.

At this time, with the help of the servants, an old man with gray hair and dark eyes came down from the carriage.

The old man is covered in black fur, and the thin eyes under the thick eyebrows hide sharpness and indifference.

A group of people entered the inn and sat in the main hall, and the servants inside gave a burst of hospitality.

"Fang Yu, when you come to Chang'an this time, you must perform well and strive to show your style at the clan meeting, so that the clan elders can support you—"

At this time, the old man said to a handsome young man next to him.

The young man smiled respectfully and said, "I remember what Grandpa said. Fang Yu has been studying for several years in order to be an official and serve the people—"

The old man nodded in satisfaction.

While this group of luxuriously dressed people were talking, a petite figure, wearing an orchid skirt, had soft eyes, propped his face in a daze, and looked at an unknown place.



"Sister Xin'er, grandpa is calling you!"

At this time, Wang Fangyu on the side asked the girl who was distracted with a serious face.

Wang Xinyue suddenly came back to her senses, and quickly faced her grandfather.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

"Remember, when you go to see Mr. Zheng's family this time, remember to dress up well, and don't lose our style—"

Wang Xinyue frowned, she could only pretend to be innocent and said.

"Okay grandpa, Xin'er knows..."

"You have to remember..."

Then the old man talked carefully for a while, and the girl didn't finish until she was a little lost when she heard it.

In the end, Wang Xinyue saluted and said that she was going away, and she just broke away from the tongues of a group of people.

The accompanying maid asked, "My lady, what's the matter?"

Wang Xinyue was walking on the streets of Chang'an, looking at the prosperity of Chang'an, frowning.

"Oh, it's nothing, maybe I'm tired on the road..."

Wang Xinyue agreed casually, but the expression on her face did not relax.

"Could it be that the lady is not satisfied with Zheng Jialang that I saw?"

"I do not know either……"

Wang Xinyue stretched out her snowy little hand, and caught a snowflake, which instantly turned into crystals.

"You said, we women are really like this snowflake, and when the time comes, we have to melt it?"

"Miss, what you said, the maid doesn't understand..."

Wang Xinyue's expression slowly recovered, and she said suddenly.

"By the way, Xiao Wu, do you still remember cousin Su Fan?"

"Master Su Fan?!"

"Yeah, he seems to have come to Chang'an with uncle and the others..."

"Yes lady, but it's been a long time since there's been any news, and I don't know what happened to Master Su Fan back then?"

Wang Xinyue said with soft eyes: "Oh, yes, it's been so many years, and now it's time for me to get married..."

Seeing this, the maid next to her hurriedly said: "Lady, I heard that the famous little poet fairy in Chang'an is in Chang'an East City? Miss, you can talk to this 'little poet fairy' afterwards." Poetry!"

Wang Xinyue said softly: "No need, I really like the poems of this little fairy. Sister Yuying brought me a lot of poems of that little fairy last time, but it's better not to disturb others..."


(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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