The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 260 For the sake of readers, a certain account for only 4%

Chapter 260 For the sake of scholars, a certain only accounts for [-]%

Tang Sufan pondered slightly pretending to be thinking, then cast his eyes away and looked at Li Shimin.

"Lao Li, do you know how risky it is for the two of us to do this? Do you know how big a risk it is? Making money is still a trivial matter—"

Li Shimin slapped his chest, that look is righteous, that is a heroic sky, that is a person who is willing to die for literature for the country and the people...

"Don't worry, the Holy Majesty will hand it over to someone, and he will definitely help you get the government's endorsement. If you want a way, someone will pave it for you, so that you can rest easy and print the book with peace of mind, just for... we are waiting for people with lofty ideals." , can contribute to the scholars in this world!"

Immediately, Tang Sufan raised his eyebrows jokingly: "Okay, how many members does this ambitious man want to occupy~"

Li Shimin's righteous expression suddenly retracted, and then he looked at Tang Sufan seriously, and quickly stretched out four fingers.

"Four percent……"

Tang Sufan: . . . . . . .

There are also people with lofty ideals. Whose people with lofty ideals gave a speech enthusiastically just now, and they are afraid that they will lose points in the next second?

Seeing Tang Sufan's speechless appearance, he thought this kid would not agree, so Li Shimin said quickly.

"What worries do you have, boy? Don't worry, at the court, someone will go and say, if something happens, someone will come out for you, and if you want a shop, someone will prepare it for you! It's not too much for XX to take up [-]% of it?"

The corner of Tang Sufan's mouth twitched, but he still didn't speak.

This old Li...

"Cough cough, thirty percent, no less, otherwise, I will run in and out for you, for what, even my own brothers will settle accounts clearly, even if you and I will be a family in the future, cough, but business is business. Ah, I can't mix~"

Li Shimin immediately took a step back with some pain.

He didn't know that, from the perspective of making money, although this business is not as violent as wine making, it is better in quantity. Regardless of the obstruction of the family, it is definitely a good business with huge profits.

Up to now, I have to fool this kid to make money only if he is willing to do it~
In the end, Tang Sufan put away his bored look, and waved his hand: "That's enough, that's enough, [-]% is [-]%, who told you that you are my future husband, husband, and person!"

The word "old father-in-law" seems to be a bit heavy.

Li Shimin's eyes widened, this kid, why is he so arrogant today?

And there are no yin and yang strange words?

Did you change your face today?
But quickly nodded contentedly, and promised to give him a good run.

In the end, it was agreed that he would talk to the 'emperor'; he would give the shop that Chang'an City wanted at that time.

At that time, the aristocratic family will pay attention, and he will use the government's endorsement to block it, and he will definitely not let this kid have any risks.

Only then did Tang Sufan slowly agree to make paper and print.

Seeing the two of them discussing a business that can make money lying down, Cheng Yaojin was so depressed that he felt uncomfortable...

Happiness belongs to others~
The gluttony is all his~
It would be great if the old man had a daughter as beautiful as a flower...

Back then, Gao Low tied this kid back and became his son-in-law~
After half a quarter of an hour, Li Shimin and Tang Sufan made a preliminary agreement on the papermaking workshop.

"Su Fan, I still have some classics and history books annotated by great Confucians in my study. I'll send someone to bring them to you. You can print them out at that time. If it's not enough, someone is thinking of a way!"

But immediately, Li Shimin asked: "By the way, your boy just said that papermaking and block printing... are you a secret skill?"

"Ahem, that's right~"

"Oh~ I see..."

Li Shimin nodded in a 'sudden understanding', no wonder so, I am afraid that only the immortal sect can have such a magical method~
But Li Shimin thought about it, let's forget it first, and then see if this technology can be discussed with this kid, and now let's talk about the current matter.

"Then what's the point of changing the imperial examinations?"

Tang Sufan raised his eyes and asked, "I heard that the imperial examinations are divided into regular subjects and compulsory subjects?"

"Don't you know?"

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, this kid didn't know this.

"Tch, I don't take these exams, it's useless, it affects my earning money..."

Li Shimin's face darkened, the imperial examination was actually useless in this kid's eyes.

This street is a common sense that everyone who can read knows, you, a "little poet fairy" in Chang'an City, don't even bother to understand it?
What an irritating thing!

However, Li Shimin still explained to Tang Sufan: "The imperial examinations in my dynasty are divided into two categories: regular examinations and compulsory examinations. The regular examinations are held every year, while the compulsory examinations are subjects temporarily set by the emperor. Candidates for the regular examinations include students and tributes."

"There are many titles of regular subjects, which are divided into subjects such as scholar, Mingjing, Jinshi, Mingfa, Mingshu, and Mingshu according to the conditions of applicants and the content of the exam."

"Shengtu is a student who has passed the entrance examination in Guozijian (Guozixue, Hongwenguan, Chongwenguan) and various schools. Xianggong is a person who has passed the government examination and state examination, also known as Juren, and the first name is called Xie Yuan."

"Those who pass the provincial examination of the imperial court are called Jinshi Jidi, those who take the first examination are called champions, and the rest are divided into A and B. In addition to the regular examinations every year, there are also temporary and irregular imperial examinations that are presided over by the emperor himself. , It’s called System Section.”

Afterwards, Li Shimin explained in more detail, functions, selection methods and so on.

Tang Sufan was dizzy when he heard it, and barely understood the meaning.

Cheng Yaojin was leaning on the chair, almost snoring.

In the past, the history books only said that the imperial examination needed to test the Four Books and Five Classics, write articles, etc., but he really didn't know what to test.

Tang Sufan paused for a while, then said in a daze, "You just went to be a scholar and become an official, so you don't have to recite the laws of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Uh, it stands to reason..."

"Isn't this bullshit?"

Then Tang Sufan sat up slightly.

"Old Li, what do you think these officials in the court are thinking? Why don't you take the Wudelu test for the provincial examination that you can become a county magistrate if you pass the entrance examination? Then how will they judge the case then?"

"I don't even understand the law. Is it possible to listen to the dog-headed master every day? Maybe it will become an unjust, false and wrongly decided case. If things go on like this, it will be okay?"

Li Shimin was taken aback when he heard this, and stopped drinking the wine that was brought to his mouth. After thinking about it carefully, yes, why can't he take another test of martial arts?

According to what this kid said, it's right.

The vast majority of Jinshi in the dynasty are waiting to fill the vacancies, but the county magistrates fill the most vacancies.

But one of the biggest functions of the county magistrate in the local area is to judge cases, but can a county magistrate who has never studied or passed the Wude Law really not judge the wrong case?
Does the Criminal Ministry have to send people around to investigate the case?How much manpower and material resources will it cost?Why can't I take another exam in the future?
The reason why there was no inspection law before was that the law was complicated and the books were expensive.

Therefore, the law was handed down by the Ministry of Punishment, and there was no way to expand the scale of talents.

But it's different now, if the book this kid said can be so cheap...

I used to buy one book, but now I can probably buy all the books I need, so why not learn one more subject?
If you want any talent, you will be tested directly through book sales in the future!
For a moment, Li Shimin seemed to see a different side of a court talent from Tang Sufan's papermaking technology!
Even the more I think about it, the more I feel that it is difficult to describe its mystery!

Alright, I will discuss it with someone later, and try to get it next year!

"That's right, this piece of law is indeed worth joining the scientific research~"

Li Shimin murmured while thinking.


(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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