The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 263 The young master wants to be the concubine

Chapter 263 The young master wants to be the concubine
The corner of Tang Sufan's mouth took a breath, and then he continued to ask: "The eldest princess...referring to the eldest daughter born to the current empress?"

"It's natural~"

Wen Bo asked dumbly, the young master is so talented, could it be possible that he doesn't know this?

Tang Sufan's face twitched violently, and immediately he recognized the figure of his sister...

It kept appearing in Tang Sufan's mind...

To put it this way——

My sister!
It's the mother of the Tang Dynasty!
This time, the thoughts in Tang Sufan's mind no longer have words to describe~
The ups and downs are like riding a roller coaster, and the excitement is extraordinary!

Tang Sufan was stunned for a long time, and then asked with a strange expression, "By the way, Wen Bo, Li... oh no, how old is the eldest daughter in the palace?"

Wen Bo looked strange.

Young master, you still said that you don't want to hide your desire to be a son-in-law?
This doesn't even call Li Er——

Young master, you make this old slave very strange~
Wen Bo thought for a while with a slightly strange expression, then said.

"The biggest one is the Princess of Xiangcheng, who seems to have been born in the six or seven years of the great it seems to be the year of cardamom, but it seems... the old slave heard in the city before that this Princess of Xiangyang has already been married to the left minister of the Tang Dynasty Xiao Di His eldest son, Master Xiao Rui, made a marriage contract..."

"What about the others? Just say that there are still unmarried princesses~"

Tang Sufan couldn't help but feel more complicated.

Maybe, on the streets of Dongshi back then, I met a princess, Her Royal Highness!

Wen Bo couldn't help but stare blankly, young master, your purpose is really becoming more and more undisguised.

But Tang Sufan asked all the questions, and Wen Bo could only tell what he knew and heard in Chang'an City.

"Today there are Princesses Runan, Princess Nanping, Princess Yuzhang, and Princess Suian. They are all in the year of cardamom. The rest of the princesses are really too young~"

There was no way of entertainment in ancient times, and word of mouth, talking about anecdotes about nobles and rich families is also a great way to pass the time.

So even though Wen Bo is a slave, after staying in Chang'an City for a long time, he still knows something...

"Okay...Okay Wen Bo, I understand~"

Tang Sufan waved his hands with an extremely complicated expression.

Wen Bo was about to turn around and leave, but he paused.

"Well, young master, you have a free and easy temper. There are many disputes in this field. In fact, if the young master takes a fancy to the daughter of a prince, it is much better. The young master should think carefully~"

Tang Sufan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Wen Bo's expression.

He couldn't help being dumbfounded, he didn't understand what Wen Bo meant, but he didn't have the heart to explain to Wen Bo slowly now.

He just waved his hands and let Wen Bo do the work himself.

My future father-in-law is the emperor!

Or Tang Taizong!
This made Tang Sufan stunned and at a loss.

If so...

The one who chatted with me before was the current house plan?
It's Wei Zheng, the famous master of the Tang Dynasty, that old grandson...

still can't figure it out...

Then my elder sister is Empress Changsun!

My future daughter-in-law is a certain princess...

My boring little apprentice, who is that poor hand of cards, Li Chengqian, a deadly little expert!
I'm so...

What if this kid takes him in after committing suicide?
For a moment, Tang Sufan's mind was in chaos.

The more he thought about it, the more Tang Sufan didn't know why.

Tang Sufan sat down again, looking at the snow that slowly began to pile up outside the entrance hall.

Frowning like a river...


Chang'an City.

Guiling Garden, non-wealthy nobles can't enter.

in a room.

There was still melodious music playing outside.

In the room, a middle-aged man who burned incense with bare hands and held a scripture and brush paused.

At this time, the person reporting beside him had just finished speaking.

The man frowned, thinking about the information just now.

Shen Sheng said: "Li Xiaogong...Qin Qiong...Yuchi Gongniu Jinda, Tang Jian..."

After reading it slightly, the calm eyes couldn't help showing a little emotion, and asked immediately.

"Who is this kid? Have you ever found out?"

"Go back to the boss, all the information Tang Sufan checked is here~"

After saying that, the respectful boy next to him took out a gray-yellow envelope from his pocket and handed it over.

It's been a long time...

After reading the contents of the envelope, the middle-aged man couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"Accordingly, looking for the rules and touching the vines, this kid is actually a member of the Taiyuan Wang family?"

"Yes, my boss..."

"That's interesting~"

There was a playful smile on the corner of the middle-aged man's mouth.

Standing up and looking at the snowy scenery outside the window, the house is much warmer.

Then he waved his hand, with a calm expression on his face: "Help me make an appointment with Wang Taiqing, the servant of the Huangmen, and tell me that I have something to discuss, please ask Zuixianglou Yixu~"

"Follow my boss, I'll do it now~"

The man took the order, bowed his body respectfully and backed out, closing the door without making a sound.

The middle-aged man in thick blue brocade looked out the window and murmured, "The Wang family, interesting~"

It's just that he frowned deeply at that time, not knowing what he was thinking.


And at the same time.

Chunxin Pavilion.

In Yin Qiaoer's room, Su Meiyu was still there.

In the morning, Yin Qiaoer paid a good price and accompanied Su Meiyu to go shopping in the East Market. She called it Su Meiyu's shock, but the two girls wanted to go shopping...

Now standing in Chunxin Pavilion, I just saw off Aunt Chun who came to visit.

Su Meiyu looked downstairs and sighed a lot.

After a while, the door was closed.

Su Meiyu frowned slightly: "Qiaoer, are you sure you won't get into trouble today?"

Yin Qiaoer chuckled: "My reason is still reasonable, I don't think I will set my sights on my 'poor family' daughter's family?"

Seeing Yin Qiaoer's sweet smile, Su Meiyu couldn't help but pat the girl on the head.

Yin Qiaoer quickly retracted her hands, and took a step away with a smile.

"Tell me about you, the last time your brother was suffering, you even sent someone to embarrass the two peasants! Aren't you afraid of accidents?"

"Hmph, those two bumped into Su Fan and still didn't show up. If something happened to Su Fan, we can't say whether their lives will survive..."

Yin Qiao'er's pretty face carried a hint of darkness, her tone was low, and she was completely different from her usual gentle and graceful Shuyu——

Su Meiyu pondered slightly, and couldn't help persuading: "Qiaoer, but you must remember that the job of Anchen Division is only to send information, don't let him show his talents too much in Chang'an!"

"Although Chang'an seems to be calm this year, you know it secretly, so be careful!"

Yin Qiaoer listened to Su Meiyu's persuasion with a smile, and said in a good voice: "Ok, Sister Meiyu, I understand, but Su Fan's side..."

"In the future...don't bother my sister. He is no longer an ordinary person in the city. If he can have this ability, my father and mother's soul in heaven must be able to rest in peace..."

Su Meiyu frowned slightly: "Qiaoer, what are you?"

On Yin Qiao'er's magnificent face, there was a bit of melancholy.

"Sister Meiyu, I'm in Chang'an now, maybe one day, I can only bring harm to Su Fan... I think it's a fluke for me to find him."

"I can't stay anymore, he and I are not from the same world..."

Su Meiyu asked eagerly, "Qiaoer, where are you going?"

Yin Qiao'er turned her eyes, and said slowly in a gentle and gentle voice.

"Xiao Li rebelled over there in Liangzhou, and the negotiation with King Yan was not going well. Now that the layout of Anchen Division doesn't need me anymore, I'm going to go over there to have a look."

"As for you, sister Meiyu, don't ask these things again in the future, Qiaoer will find a way to erase your Chenbo from Anchensi, and from now on, sister Meiyu must remember to be a person who stands under the sun..."


(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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