Chapter 276
The Wang family in Taiyuan, as a large family inherited from the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, became more and more prosperous as the Wang family became closer to the center of the imperial court.

The main line of the Taiyuan Wang family has already come to Chang'an from Qi County of Taiyuan County and Jinyang of Taiyuan County.

But now the Qixian Wang family and the Jinyang Wang family are just two branches of the Wang family.

People who were born in the Wang family, like most of the noble families with the Wang surname, trace their ancestors back to Ji Jin, the prince of King Ling of Zhou.

Whether there is any research, no one knows.

But outside, as long as scholars and students say that their surname is Wang, they will definitely be looked down upon.

Instead of looking at the 'next door' in the later generations...

Chang'an City, Xuanzhengfang, the home of the Wang family.

As a deeply rooted main line family, its mansion can be said to be one of the most extensive in the entire Chang'an City.

The people living in it can often rank as high-ranking officials in the golden throne, and no less than the number of two hands.


Wang Taiqing's old face still couldn't help a burst of anger.

How dare you talk to him like that, a mere lizard!
"Second brother, Tang Sufan really said that?"

An old man with a thin figure and a particularly slender neck, with a goatee and habitually squinting his eyes, asked incredulously after listening to Wang Taiqing's words.

"Hmph, can the old man still tell lies?"

Wang Taiqing waved his sleeve robe, thinking of the boy's rascal face just now, Wang Taiqing's heart surged up one after another.

A middle-aged man with a bloated figure and wearing a bone jade with his left thumb slapped the table.

"Hmph, little Zhuzi, letting him return to his clan and recognize his clan is to give him face, so he doesn't know what to do!"

One person said again: "Oh, this kid is arrogant, no wonder the Zheng family and the Cui family didn't succeed!"

In no time, the four or five people sitting in the conference hall all sounded a crusade against a certain arrogant junior.

In the end, Wang Tian, ​​who was the most bloated, couldn't help but said, "Huh, it's also thanks to this brat's arrogance, otherwise the method of coal and wine making would have been in the hands of the Zheng family and the Cui family."

"The Jiuxiangfang of the two families is difficult to deal with, otherwise, my Wang family will really encounter big troubles in the future!"

"By the way, Taiqing, who told you that Tang Sufan actually shared the news of the Jinyang branch?"

Wang Taiqing pondered slightly, and then said: "Cui Yingsheng from the Cui family made an appointment with me for a while, and then told me."

"Cui Yingsheng?"

Wang Tian on the side frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Then Cui Yingsheng would be so kind?"

Wang Taiqing stroked his beard and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, of course not. After Cui Yingsheng told me, he said, if we can get back the wine-making method of Xiaoyaoxuan and cooperate with us based on the foundation of Jiuxiangfang, [-] to [-]% of it will be shared. Among them, we will develop the method of wine-making. , get [-]%~"

Wang Tian said angrily: "Huh, why don't we set up a workshop by ourselves, with this method of brewing wine, why should we cooperate with them?"

A group of people, who have not obtained the method of brewing wine, have already started to think about farts.

Wang Taiqing continued: "Third Brother, you are thinking too recklessly. The bright side does not show the dark side. After all, we have to take care of each other's face. The Cui family has been running Jiuxiangfang for so many years..."

"In Chang'an, and the foundations of the states are far beyond what we can imagine, so it is better to borrow their foundation than our own dominance, so the method of sharing can be discussed again..."

"Now, what I should think about is how to get the wine-making method from Tang Sufan~"

"Hmph, then it's better to take him back to the Wang Family Ancestral Temple for questioning. After all, he is a child of the Wang Family! I still don't believe that he really dared to violate the will of the ancestors!"

That Wang Tian said arrogantly, his Wang family, if he wants to pinch a ten-year-old weak crown boy, shouldn't he pinch him with his hands?

Wang Taiqing shook her head when she heard the words.

Third brother, you are still too naive~
"Do you think that kid is so simple? As far as I know, this kid is now named Gai Jing, and now he is on good terms with the county king. Many courtiers have made friends with him. Recently, I heard that even Duke Yi, Duke Wu Wait for several generals to get close to him!"

Hearing this, Wang Tian twitched his eyebrows fiercely, and a look of shock appeared on his fleshy face.

Each of these names is a famous existence in Datang!
"How is it possible? He is just a businessman with no family and no family. How can he interact with these people?"

"Yeah, I've heard of this Chang'an City Poetry Immortal too, but I didn't expect it to be this kid... If you want to take him down, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort~"

The old man with a slender neck and a thin body couldn't help but say.

The crowd fell silent for a moment, thinking for a while.

It was Wang Tian who finally broke the silence: "After all, this kid is from my Wang family after all. The method of making wine, and the method of coal, naturally can't escape~"

"Hmph, when the time comes, the big deal is to announce that kid's identity and slander him for deceiving my Wang family's ancestral wine making method. He can't let him argue!"

Wang Taiqing frowned obviously, but did not refute for a while.

After pondering for a while, he said: "This son is arrogant, don't be in a hurry. Now this year's clan cultural meeting will be undertaken by my Wang family. It will be a few days away. After this matter, let's make plans... "

"Yeah, my second brother is right~"

Wang Tian nodded: "By the way, second brother, isn't that Wang Zhongyu's grandson? Why don't you let him come to the door?"

Wang Taiqing shook his head: "No, that kid is full of resentment for Wang Zhongyu driving Wang Wenxing's family out. Now even Wang Zhongyu doesn't know that his grandson has become a famous talent in Chang'an~"

"After bringing it to the clan meeting, the old man will have a detailed discussion with him~"

"Second brother is still thoughtful~"

Wang Tian is often praised, except for the patriarch and several elders, Wang Taiqing's seniority is also one of the best in the Wang family.

Many people also listened to it.

"Besides, I can't help that kid not to follow, hum!"

Think about anger.

The corner of Wang Taiqing's mouth twitched sullenly.

"Oh? Second brother, what else can we do?"

This method of brewing wine can be said to be a wonderful method that can directly monopolize the wine industry, if one obtains this wonderful method of Xiaoyaoxuan.

How could the speed at which his Wang family made money be comparable to the others. The operation of an aristocratic family must be based on the background of countless funds.

And these funds, even those who falsely claim to be the family members of the saints, are secretly carrying out countless commercial activities.

"Heh, the old man wondered why Wang Wenxing's family was expelled from Jinyang two days ago. The old man has already sent someone to investigate. Unexpectedly, the reason why Wang Wenxing was expelled from the genealogy was to hide the remnants of his former followers!"

"Hehe, based on this alone, Tang Sufan won't be able to get rid of his reputation as a sinner. At that time, since he doesn't want to look good, don't blame us for not caring about the family relationship!"

Wang Tianrao raised his eyebrows expressively: "Oh? Is there another matter?"

"Second brother is really clever. In this way, Tang Sufan has to be obedient regardless of whether he is soft or hard!"

The old man with a slender neck couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Third brother, remember to tell the patriarch about this matter. We must obtain the method of brewing wine and the method of coal!"

"Okay, second brother, but the elder brother has also been annoyed by the food matter these few days. The food that Wang Xu garrisoned before has lost more than half of it. These two days, if you tell him the good news, you should be very happy." fan!"


Wang Taiqing nodded her head slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking about with her narrow eyes...


(End of this chapter)

 Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins from Brother Mengmu Buqian, la la la, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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