As for the Tianxiang Pavilion——

Tang Sufan just picked up his future daughter-in-law from Old Shuan's stall.

Seeing Tang Sufan came back, Su Meiyu smiled and said directly.

"Su Fan, the girl you brought back has been washed upstairs~"

Tang Sufan's face turned pale with fright.

The girl you brought back?

In broad daylight, Sister Meiyu, don't bring such deceitful people!
Don't bring such a thing!
Tang Sufan quickly turned around and glanced at Li Rou'er, as if the house had collapsed and was framed, he said quickly.

"Rou'er, listen to me!'s not like that!"

Tang Sufan waved his hands anxiously.

I didn't, so don't talk nonsense!

At this time, due to the heavy flow of people in Tianxiang Pavilion, only Li Lirou who followed Tang Sufan into the door showed up.

Li Lirou, who looked at Zhong Lingyuxiu, stood behind Tang Sufan gracefully.

Only then did Su Meiyu realize that she had said something wrong.

I thought that the woman who was as cold as an Ao Mei, with a generous figure and a fairy-like temperament was Su Fan's confidante.

Who knew that I was so busy that I lost my mind and forgot about the main room for a while.

Thinking of a romantic and talented man, having a few confidante friends is nothing but commonplace.

It is normal for even ordinary wealthy scholars and businessmen to have three wives and four concubines.

Su Meiyu, who had stayed in a place like Chunxin Pavilion back then, was no stranger to these things.

At Su Fan's age, some children have several children, and there are one or two confidante friends, which is nothing more than normal.

And like Su Fan, he is already considered a chaste man...

But isn't the main room where the family made a kiss after all is here?It's easy to say, isn't it?
Su Meiyu's face turned dry quickly, and she explained with a smile on her face as the draft in her heart was spinning.

"Miss Li is also here, Su Fan... This... Su Fan also rescued a woman who was in trouble on the road... Yes..."

Yes, it must be.

Su Meiyu, you are really smart...

Gaiyuan came back so quickly...

Tang Sufan: ...

How did the story of saving the girl who lost her footing come out?

Sister Meiyu, is it possible that there is a word called trying to cover up?
"Rou'er is like this! We have nothing to do with each other, it's because she was covered with arsenic powder, that old man threw me that thing! This thing can't be kept on me for too long, she's a girl, so I put her... ..."

Tang Sufan turned his head hastily, pulled Li Rouer over to explain.

Just now on the road, I also said that I just chased those two false roads.

But first, let this old man run away, somewhat embarrassing.

In order not to affect his great influence in Rou'er's heart, he slightly exaggerated the difficulty of this old man.

Then second, more rhetorical descriptions are talking about the process, but the matter of taking the girl back to take a bath is forgotten.

It's a mess...

Li Rou'er glanced at Tang Sufan's sudden flustered expression, she didn't understand why.

After turning around for a while, Li Rou'er smiled generously.

"Brother Fan, don't worry, Rou'er is not that jealous woman... Mother has also taught me that my daughter will not hold back when she is jealous..."

That frown and smile are graceful and graceful, and they are as charming as ever.

Tang Sufan was so relieved and moved, "crying bitterly"~

As expected of my sweet boy~

Really generous and considerate~

Like a holy angel, it illuminated his somewhat ashamed heart.

No, why would I feel ashamed?
Don't do bad things and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

Do what you do right~

Cough cough, that incident at the beginning was considered an accident, let's not talk about it for now.

Could this be the greatest benefit of time travel?
Ahem, I actually forgot that there are three wives and four concubines.

In order to prove his innocence, Tang Sufan personally took Li Rou'er upstairs.

Tang Sufan himself served as the "chief designer" when Tianxiang Pavilion was young and decorated.

The upper floor has long been divided into single rooms, halls, and functional attics for future beauty projects.

Like a beauty massage, a beauty foot bath is naturally indispensable.

Of course, this massage foot bath is currently only available to women in Chang'an, a proper and formal place.

Therefore, the tunnel bridge with water is naturally indispensable.

Tang Sufan connected seven or seven 49 wooden pipes, and used a lot of whimsical ideas to drain the water from upstairs to downstairs.

These methods once stunned the craftsmen.

So there is also a bathing place upstairs.

But now that the upstairs is not yet open, compared to the downstairs, there are obviously far fewer people.

When I went upstairs, through the hall, I saw Lin Xueyan who was about to leave with her things on the end chair outside the opposite room.

"Miss Xueyan?"

Tang Sufan couldn't help but light up when he looked at me.

Lin Xueyan changed into a beautiful and luxurious blue palace dress that Su Meiyu found.

Since the veil was taken off, it has not been put on yet.

It was as if the beautiful face that the Nuwa Empress had carefully pinched with her own hands was revealed.

There are also some wet long hair that spontaneously reveal a certain enchanting charm.

That kind of charm is different from the secular charm, like a fairy making beauty, watching from the sky.

It is a kind of charming beauty revealed by a clean and beautiful posture that takes off the vulgar bones.

If it wasn't for Lin Xueyan's discomfort with this dress, and her flushed face just after taking a bath.

Otherwise, it really looks like the goddess from the temple.

that is?
This kind of temperament that is out of the world, I am afraid that only this kind of ancient times can really be cultivated.

Among the countless top beauties I have met since I came to Datang for so long.

Compared to Rou'er who is Ling Yuxiu...

Kong Lingyue, as bright as autumn flowers...

The charming and enchanting Yang Qiaoer...

And that beautiful and heroic Li Qingtang...

This Lin Xueyan really showed a three-point arrogance, a three-point fairy air that cannot be approached.

The so-called spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums have various forms.

Nothing more than that.

Even Li Rou'er herself sighed in admiration slowly.

What a beautiful woman who is so proud...

No wonder he was brought back by Brother Su Fan...

"Hi girl, little girl Li Rou'er, you're being polite..."

Li Lirou greeted her generously, but Lin Xueyan couldn't be dealt with.

It's like taking off that veil, like not knowing how to face people.

He could only nod with a slightly red face.

"Deng... surnamed Tang, I will return the money for the clothes to you tomorrow..."

Lin Xueyan said with a little pride.

I originally wanted to call him Dengtuzi, but there are other people here, so let's just give him some face.

Sure enough, he is a disciple, and everywhere he goes, he is surrounded by flowers and willows. It is a pity that this young girl is a beautiful girl with beautiful flowers and beautiful flowers...

And Tang Sufan waved his hand.

"Oh, it's just a piece of clothing, girl, keep it, I'm not short of money..."

Originally, I wanted to say a word of praise that this dress just complements you.

But in front of my Rou'er, how could I flatter other women?
That absolutely doesn't work.

Grandpa is clever~
Lin Xueyan immediately refused, and tomorrow will be natural
People will send money over.

After all, how can you change back the clothes you have worn...


She really likes this dress...

Tang Sufan smiled, he could only let her go.

After Lin Xueyan said goodbye, just as she was about to leave, a yellow paper talisman suddenly fell from between Lin Xueyan's dress.

It happened to land at Tang Sufan's feet.

Tang Sufan picked it up and frowned.

"Miss Xueyan, is this yours?"

It was only at this time that Lin Xueyan realized, why did the talisman given by the master suddenly fall out?

Quickly snatched it back from Tang Sufan's hands.


(End of this chapter)

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