The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 499 1 and 5 sticks

Su Fan..."

A few people wandered around in a big circle, and gained a lot of knowledge.

Just now, under the leadership of a servant, I saw Tang Sufan who was still holding the talisman and looking at him with a scrutinizing expression.

The old men approached with smiles on their faces. After all, it all depends on this kid's mood whether he can have a good meal today.

"Su Fan, what are you studying?"

Seeing that his daughter was "safe and sound", Li Shimin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But this kid was concentrating on studying the yellow paper instead, so he couldn't help being a little curious.

This kid's temper shouldn't be!

"Yo, Lao Li and Fang, are you here?"

Tang Sufan subconsciously raised his eyes to say hello, and then continued to stare at the talisman in his hand thoughtfully.

"Meet Aye~"

Li Rouer politely saluted Li Shimin~

The more he looked at the talisman, the more Tang Sufan felt uncomfortable if he didn't read it out today.

It's like having an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I stared at it for a few minutes, but I had no clue about those four words.

I don't know who wrote this?
If you drag it out and kill it, will you die if you write it well?

Even if I write, I will also consider whether people who read it will see clearly, okay?
Could it be the ghost painting talisman that the older generation said?

No, why did Lao Li come here?

Tang Sufan raised his head again and withdrew his thoughts.

"No, Lao Li, why did you come in person?" Home, are you not busy?"

"Ahem, isn't XX coming out today to take a look around? Could it be that your kid needs to talk more and say that XX is slack~"

Li Shimin straightened his waist, waved to his daughter, and threw it away with one reason.

Looking at the yellow paper that the kid was studying, I couldn't help but feel even more curious.

It can clearly look like a Taoist talisman. Could it be some kind of treasure?

Tang Sufan rolled his eyes angrily.

This dog emperor has a quick brain.

At this time, Fang Xuanling looked at Tang Sufan with a smile and asked a question.

"Su Fan, what is in your hand?"

Tang Sufan's eyes lit up, that's right, although these old men were a bit shameless, they often ate and drank around him.

But which one is not full of knowledge and famous in history, just ask them.

Tang Sufan hurried over.

"By the way, Lao Fang, you guys are also learned people, why don't you help me see, what do these words read?"

Tang Sufan handed over the paper talisman in his hand.

Several old men immediately looked sideways.

Yo?There are still questions that can quiz this kid?
If I can solve it myself, wouldn't I be able to make a big face in front of this kid in front of His Majesty?

"Haha, you're asking the right person, maybe you're the one who has mastered poems first, but it really takes years of accumulation to know how to read and write, I'll show you..."

Du Ruhui immediately raised his beard, swept his long sleeves, and took it over confidently.

This kid asks them, how fresh is it?

Of course, if you can pretend to be a wave, you must pretend to be a wave.

But Du Ruhui took it, and then his expression gradually became serious.

After several times of scrutiny, the old brows were wrinkled.

In the end, two beards were almost broken, so he sighed and handed them to the other three.

Immediately, Fang Xuanling and the other three took it over...

Those complexions seemed to be contagious, and one after another became ugly.

Where is the word here?

This is clearly a ghost painting symbol connected one by one!

Even the prescription written by the doctor is more literary than this~

In the end, the four old men could only twist their beards and smile slightly.
Said with dry hair.

"Su Fan, is this a character? Isn't this the character of your Taoist script?"

The implication is that the old man can't recognize...

These four old men just wanted to pretend to be a wave, but unexpectedly they died down.

Embarrassing is not embarrassing, very embarrassing.

Just to put it bluntly, how can the problem that can plague this kid be so simple?
Under Tang Sufan's teasing gaze, Changsun Wuji had no choice but to hand the paper talisman back.

The same is true of Du Laohei, who provoked such an incident for no reason. Doesn't this make this kid a joke?

Tang Sufan put the paper talisman in his pocket.

It's rare that I didn't complain about them.

I'll think about the paper talisman later. It's obviously not that simple when the emperor Lao Li comes today.

"Su Fan, this talisman of yours is clearly from the Taoist school, you still don't understand the Taoist stuff?"

Tang Sufan's face turned dry, and he waved his hand: "You must know that the faction is clear, normal, normal..."

After that, no one mentioned the talisman. They didn't know each other, so they pretended not to see it.

In case the kid made a mocking speech, the old face would not be able to answer.

"By the way, tell me, Lao Li, I'm here today because I have something to do..."

"Where, I'm coming to see you today. How is your business in Tianxiang Pavilion? Is it as rich as your kid said~"

Li Shimin replied with a guilty conscience, wondering what method to use to motivate this kid to talk about the topic later.

Tang Sufan saw that Li Shimin was hiding, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said "helplessly" with his hands behind his back.

"That's it, I've been busy all morning, and I only earned less than 5000 more than [-]..."

When he came back, Tang Sufan probably glanced at the surplus in the morning, plus his income from the [-] yuan membership fee.

Properly around [-] guan.

Oh, it's boring...

"What? Fifteen thousand guan?!"

Li Shimin couldn't help but his face twitched, although he had already let go of his courage and thought about it, earning [-] yuan in one morning is already a huge profit.

This kid is less than a day old, and he has [-] guns left? ! !

Changsun Wuji and the old men were surprised, this shop has a daily turnover of [-] guan?

Big dog, big dog!
"Why, too little?"

Tang Sufan stood there with his hands behind his back, looking at Li Shimin with a detached gaze that I have never seen money before, and I have never touched money...

"No, no, no, no! How can someone think too little..."

Li Shimin immediately rubbed his hands, his face almost burst into laughter.

I've started to think about it...

My own daughter accounts for [-]%, my queen accounts for [-]%, and the proper [-]%.

If Lilan calculates by [-] guan, [-] guan will all go into his own family money!

That's a beauty~
Du Ruhui and Xuanling looked at each other, His Majesty is going to be rich again...

Afterwards, a few people chatted with each other, and this is not a good place for big men to chat.

To be honest, with the matter of those two fake Taoist priests, Tang Sufan didn't have enough lunch at all.

As soon as Tang Sufan mentioned the topic of going back to get something to eat, Li Shimin and several old men's eyes lit up and looked over at the same time.

Immediately, Tang Sufan's face turned strange, and he narrowed his eyes to stare at these old fellows...

"Don't tell guys haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Li Shimin: "Ahem, I haven't had time to eat yet..."

The old men also smiled shyly and made old faces.

The corner of Tang Sufan's mouth twitched, this old Li, he didn't even bother to find a reason for his meal now.

All right, let's go together.

Anyway, tell Lao Li about the fake Taoist Qin Ying.

It's no small matter after all.

There are not many words to chat with each other.

A few people, two carriages.

There were five people in one car, Tang Sufan secretly dragged his future wife into his carriage, Li Shimin could only turn a blind eye.

After attracting countless eyes on the streets of Chang'an, Sao Bao went directly to Jinghe Village.

In front of Tang Sufan's courtyard.

A carriage was parked.

Suddenly, just got off the carriage.

Hearing the voice in the courtyard, Tang Sufan's heart tightened, feeling bad...


(End of this chapter)

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