The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 502 Li 2 Won't Agree

Chapter 502 Li Er Won't Agree
Li Shimin suddenly felt that his acting skills had been fed to the dog, and the old men were almost stunned.

Looking out the window...

Why don't you go up to the roof to watch?

However, knowing that this matter is a major national event, there is no reason to procrastinate and make jokes from time to time.

Even Wei Zheng immediately catered to Li Shimin's wishes, and said with a somewhat angry face.

"Those uneducated foreign races are really abominable for taking advantage of our country's danger! Su Fan, you have always been very sensible. I don't know if there is a magic way? Can you solve this difficult problem?"

"These foreigners are really hateful and shameless. The old man was so angry that he lost a few beards after hearing what his boss said today! Why don't you tell me!"

"That's right, Su Fan, we have the right to talk, and we don't want to spread it to the outside world. You kid's quick-wittedness is extraordinary. We really want to hear what your kid has to say!"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui immediately opened their hands, and quickly picked them up.

For a while, these three old men played their roles of being loyal to the country and the people to the fullest.

Seeing his father and several court elders who were so light-hearted, they kept questioning Tang Sufan.

Li Rou'er was full of surprise, and quickly fell silent.

This scene, in her eyes, is really unbelievable...

Tang Sufan, on the other hand, glanced at Old Man Fang and Old Man Du with satisfaction.

Look, it is worthy of being the "Fang Mou Duan" who has left a long history, and it is much more comfortable to be praised.

At least it's not like Lao Li, who is too blunt and clever to use some aggressive tactics.

Points deducted for acting~

"Hey, since you asked sincerely, I'm embarrassed if I don't say anything~"

Hearing what Tang Sufan said, one emperor and four ministers pricked up their ears.

When this kid opens his mouth, there must be something strange to say, and he even flashes your old waist from time to time.

But whatever, it works.

Holding the chopsticks, Tang Sufan knocked on the glass bowl in front of him, and asked with intriguing eyes.

"The so-called role of salt and iron came from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and its importance is self-evident. Salt is a must for the people, and iron is a tool for strengthening the family and the country."

"To put it bluntly, Tubo and Tuyuhun are taking advantage of the fire to rob, betting that Li Er's attack on Turkic will cause great damage to the national power?"

"So, deterrence is one of them. Only absolute deterrence can make them, small foreign countries, be wary. Honestly. Second, although it is a deterrent, it can't be killed with a stick. As long as Datang drags it out for half a year now , he, Tubo Tuyuhun, can't make any waves!"

"So, in general, it's nothing more than a big stick and a sweet date!"

Li Shimin lowered his eyes slightly and said.

"Although that's the case, our Tang Dynasty's military strength is weak now, and the price of this 'sweet date' is too high, and there is no place to weigh the benefits..."

Tang Sufan frowned and looked over.

"Come on, Lao Li, the Tang Dynasty is really short of troops now! But it doesn't mean that there are no troops... Have you ever heard a word, those who are ruthless are afraid of being stunned, those who are frightened are afraid of being crazy, and those who are crazy are afraid of dying!"

"Sometimes being too "reasonable" in the customs can become an excuse for those foreigners to make progress. As long as we have a ruthless attitude, pretend to be a villain, and fight the Turks, at worst we don't fight. Our Tang Dynasty has hundreds of thousands of troops. At worst, the Turks will be delayed. Hit, turn around and turn around to kill you!"

"The key lies in being ruthless! Only if you are generous enough, can you make those foolish fools attack you!"

Tang Sufan's words were deeply humane.

This group of foreigners just like to be fierce in these aspects, just like the wolves in the wild, if they don't show enough ferocity, they are definitely not enough to deter them.

Blindly holding back will only make them worse.

"At that time, the so-called sweet dates will not be simple?"

At this moment, the corner of Tang Sufan's mouth curled up, revealing a bewildered smile.

"Old Li, you forgot our salt?"

When Tang Sufan said this, Li Shimin was startled.

"Isn't this so-called sweet date ready-made? The so-called salt and iron control, in the face of absolute cheapness and quality, once it becomes commonplace, it will not be profitable for smugglers."

"At that time, promise to sell them low-priced and high-quality salt, and it will already be a sweet date that they can't sweeten~"

"Nowadays, the tribes in Tubo are in chaos, the new ruler of Tuyuhun has changed, and the regime is unstable. In terms of the salt that the people just need, iron is not so important..."

Tang Sufan picked up the wine glass and drank it to himself.

The four of Li Shimin and his ministers woke up when they heard the words, that's right.

Why did you forget the salt in this kid's hand?
With this low-priced and high-quality refined salt, why do you need to be cheap in front of Tubo Tuyuhun at this time?

The opening of the market is also an opportunity for the salt of my Tang Dynasty to go abroad, and an opportunity to control the business routes of other countries.

Regulation is because it is profitable.

But in the face of the absolute low price, what kind of bullshit control has become less important!

If you want it, it depends on my mood!

As for iron, that's out of the question!

Salt, we can discuss it, no, I, Tang Tianwei, even if I am exhausted, even if I don’t fight Turks, I will bite you and beat the teeth.

Just kidding, he's shameless and vicious!
"Wonderful, in this way, you can sell it to those foreigners and make a lot of money!"

Cheng Yaojin's eyes lit up, he was serious about making money!

Wei Zheng glanced at Cheng Yaojin's reaction with contempt.

Then he turned around, his face full of thought.

A thing of salt, its ancient importance needs no clichés to sum it up.

Moreover, the new salt in Tang Sufan's hands was already known to several people close to the center of imperial power.

Coupled with Su Fan's generous plan, it's a wonderful idea!

This kid solved the frowning court question within a quarter of an hour.

Li Shimin's mind was lifted immediately: "Hahahaha, it's reasonable, it's reasonable, my Tang family, how can we allow those little foreign countries to be in danger for a while?"

Then he asked again.

"By the way, Su Fan, how soon will the salt come out?"

Tang Sufan hesitated for a moment and thought about it.

"If it's fast, a large amount will come out in about a month. By then, this scene will be big..."

Immediately, Tang Sufan couldn't help but curl his mouth and his eyes were misty.

The status of this salt in ancient times is no less than that of oil in later generations.

Now that such a bomb has entered the arena, the ripples caused are enough to make this Tang Dynasty lively all year round.

Li Shimin clenched his fist excitedly, and also showed a meaningful smile in his eyes.

You are a mere foreign country, and you still want to take advantage of it for a while, then let you wait until you lose your wife and pay back your troops.

"Tsk, but this foreigner is still thinking of marrying the princess, so that Qin and Jin can marry each other! How shameless!"

At this time, Du Ruhui thought of the third condition, and he was out of breath for a while, so he said it directly.

"What? Asking to marry the princess?"

Tang Sufan suddenly became energetic and asked to marry the princess?Which princess to marry?

Now my old father-in-law has a daughter under his knee, it seems that Wen Bo said last time that there is no daughter who should be married to a college girl, except Rou'er.

Wait a minute, these bastards won't get their daughter-in-law's attention, will they?

Damn Hippie!
"Fuck! Give him a face?!"

With a bang, Tang Sufan couldn't help but slapped the Eight Immortals table directly.

The pots and bowls on the table trembled at the same time.

Li Shimin and his group trembled in fright along with Li Rou'er.

Looking over, he found that besides the rosiness on his face from alcohol, this kid also had a bit of resentment.

"Brother Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Li Rou'er pulled Tang Sufan's sleeve timidly, only then did Tang Sufan realize that a group of eyes were looking at him.

Immediately, all flags and drums died down.

Slowly turning his eyes away, his eyes are inexplicable...Looking at his cheap old man, his eyes flickered as if he was carrying a scrutiny.

"Li Er won't agree, will he?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Immediately, Li Junxian, the number one expert in the imperial city, once again broke the defense...


(End of this chapter)

 Brothers, anyone who asks for a ticket and recommends a monthly ticket is always welcome, the more the better, brothers, use your little hands to make a fortune~

(End of this chapter)

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