The first free king of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 515 Tang Jun stole the house?

For a while, the atmosphere of the tribal leaders dividing the territory of the Tang Dynasty was as lively as ever.

Among them, the Glenn tribe took away large tracts of land in Youzhou and Yizhou, which had the closest climate to the grassland.

The Mosang people and the Zhenglun people are at loggerheads over Tang's rich Yangzhou and other places.

Like a delicious pie, it is slowly divided and eaten.

Jie Li frowned faintly, looking at the map of the territory of the Tang Dynasty in front of him, his heart ached, and then his face slowly relaxed.

For the stability of the army this time, he paid too much.

But for what he paid, Li Tang'er must be paid back later.

As long as Datang is determined, what is distributed now, he Jieli can get it back in the future.

Thinking of this, the pain in Xieli's heart slowly dissipated.

At this time, Xieli asked someone to bring up a row of wine bowls.

In the plate, there is a sharp dagger.

Jieli first cut his own finger and dripped blood into the bowl.

"Today, we wait for the warriors to take an oath of blood."

"Once the war begins, all the tribes will work together to achieve a great cause!"

"At that time, our Turkic warriors will attack them in groups. After the success of the Great Tang Dynasty, the vast pastures of the Great Tang Dynasty, women, cattle, sheep, and horses will all be distributed to you."

"I am Jieli! Be the leader of the army!"

Following Tuli's words, the leaders of the various tribes in the grassland became agitated, and they all cut blood into bowls and drank it together.

So far, all the tribes in the grassland led by Jieli have been united for a while.

"Hahahaha, Khan Tianen, we will conquer everything!"

"Yeah, I've been greedy for a long time for this fat and fat sheep from Tang Dynasty!"

"At that time, the entire Tang Dynasty will be the place where we wait for the prairie horses to gallop!"

Not only the wolf's ambitious words filled the camp, but also the unique roaring song of the grassland Turks came.



Jieli looked at the stabilized military spirit, and the matter of being rescued by the Tang army's five thousand fast horses in the first battle to break Suizhou's aid has also been smoothed out a lot.

Afterwards, Jieli led the tribal leaders to discuss many matters and tentatively decided on the military strategy of going south after the Yellow River melted in spring. The leaders were just about to leave.

There was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the tent.


Hearing the hasty footsteps and tone suddenly, Xieli's brows suddenly darkened.

"Why panic?!"

A small team of scouts came in shortly after outside the tent, wearing armor and braving the cold, if you didn't see Xieli's somewhat angry face.

In a hurry, he bowed and reported: "Report to Khan, Li Jing did not stop in Suizhou, but led the Tang army to the north, and has the potential to directly attack Dingxiang!"

"And Gezalkang's army stationed in Lingzhou detected 3 Tang troops and marched towards the three states of Tianbaidao!"

"All the cities in the cloud in the south are developing. The Tang army is exploring the horses!"

Jie Li frowned and stood up straight away!


Not only Xieli, but also the other tribal leaders just looked shocked, and they all looked away in shock!

Then Tang Jun went directly to Mayi in Yunzhong?
And after Li Jing released Suizhou's aid, he didn't stay for a moment, and went directly to Dingxiang?

Isn't this just thinking of encircling the Turks and attacking the Turks' hinterland directly!

"The information is true?!"

Jie Li asked sharply, his eyes froze suddenly.

"Report to Khan, the military information is true! The scouts from the leaders of the three clans are on their way!"

For a while, there was no sound.

The upsurge of the Turkic commander-in-chief just now, a second ago, ghosts and wolves were howling to carve up Datang.

As a result, the news was received in the next second. Where is Tang Jun preparing to resist the Turkic invasion?

This Datang is
Prepare to move the whole army directly, take the initiative to attack, and directly attack the Turks!

Looking at the posture, there is a tendency of immortality!

What kind of confidence does the Tang army have to directly attack the Turks with the power of the whole country!
Is this Li Shimin crazy? Is it possible that he wants to use the power of Tang Dynasty as a gambling dog? !

"This Li Tang boy is bold!"

"Is this Li Shimin crazy?"

"Khan, I will invite you to fight, and I am willing to help the three Taoists and kill the Tang army together!"

"Khan, I'll call for a fight!"

Who here is not a smart person?

For a while, the situation took a turn for the worse, and the voices of the battle were raging!

I know very well that when the Tang army entered the grassland, it is not a matter of winning or losing in the final fight.

As long as the Tang army entered the grassland, at least it was inevitable to burn the grassland and rob the cattle and sheep.

There are many Turkic tribes, and they fight on their own. In addition to attacking foreign enemies, the camp is united, but internal annexation is also a common occurrence.

At this time, if the attack on Datang fails in the end, then preserving the strength of their own tribes is the first thing to bear the brunt.

What challenge?
It is clear that they want to protect their own interests first.

Jieli could see it clearly.

For a while, Jie Li frowned in thought, this little Li Tang, what is wrong with me, who dared to attack the Turks with all the power of the country after only three years on the throne?

Is he out of his wits or in his hands?

When Xieli suddenly thought of five thousand fast horses crossing the Yellow River to cross the beach, Xieli suddenly felt ominous in his heart.

With a wave of his hand, the noise in the camp was silenced.

"Send all our troops to explore the horses and disperse to the south. Be sure to quickly detect the Tang army's movements!"



"Order all of you to keep an eye on Li Jingjun's movements, check every now and then, and report every now and then!"

The leader of the Glenn tribe frowned, but finally complied.


His Glenn tribe is the nearest neighbor to Mayi in Yunzhong. If the Tang army attacked with an army, his Glenn tribe's territory would not be spared.

If the Glenn family suffered heavy losses in the future, it would be unavoidable to be annexed.

But Old Glenn couldn't help it. Obviously, he couldn't refuse the current situation.

Soldiers are very fast!
As Xieli, who was able to use martial arts secretly and break through the Wei River back then, he is naturally also a shrewd person in using troops.

Right now, it is necessary to prevent the Tang army from advancing northward, which is the business.

Then, Xieli's orders dispersed like rain.

The tribes took orders.

Now that Tang Jun doesn't talk about Wude, he directly steals his home. How can the Turkic tribes survive?
Compared with the changes in the face of the Turkic side, Chang'an can be said to be very lively for a while...

Three years after he ascended the throne, this is the first exciting news for the whole country.

He, Li Shimin, had carried the shame of the Weishui Alliance for three full years, so how could he not want to prove himself.

All of a sudden, the entire three central provinces turned around.

All the government uniforms and county governments have sent Marquis Wu to post a residence report in Chang'an, and even Li Shimin directly asked the Jinwu Guard to notify the county governments of all prefectures and the whole country.

On the one hand, he made a dismissive demeanor, and on the other hand, he showed off vigorously, which is quite like Li Er's style.

Having said that, within an hour or so, Chang'an City was filled with news of the imperial court's first battle victory——


(End of this chapter)

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