Chapter 528
Looking at the back of the little girl trotting hurriedly through the crowd, even wearing only a pair of worn-out cloth shoes, Tang Sufan sighed in a low voice...

Then turned around.

"Sister Qiaoer, why do you want to come out to play today?"

Yang Qiaoer's expression flashed a little unnaturally, and then she replied with a slightly anxious expression.

"Su Fan, I don't have time to chat right now, you and I should leave quickly, or we will definitely be troublesome later..."

After all, Su Fan's knowledge of Chang'an is still a bit shallow. How can he explain the huge power of the Cui family clearly in a few words?

"No, it's already here..."

At this time, Tang Sufan's eyes flicked back slightly, and then the corners of his mouth curved.


Yang Qiaoer frowned slightly.

The direct younger sister of the Patriarch of the Zheng family is marrying Cui Yunji, the current patriarch of the Cui family, as Qin Jin's best friend, and she is the wife of the house.

Cui Qiuwan shook her head, but gritted her teeth and roughly said about Tang Sufan's appearance.


Several great families have always been in-laws, monopolizing literature and consolidating political power.

Seeing this group of Marquis Wu who patrolled the streets rushing towards him as if something had happened, Yang Qiaoer's eyes were cold and she said sarcastically.

Immediately after seeing the crowd, a path was opened up, and a group of yamen Wuhou appeared.

"Cousin, you must decide for your cousin..."

"Cousin, I have asked Marquis Wu, who is patrolling the streets, to block that man at the entrance of Dongmen Street, and you can see that dog-like scholar not far away! He is wearing a white robe and his long hair is untied, so he is easy to identify !"

With a wave of his hand, Zheng Ming directly summoned the two followers behind him.

He is her cousin anyway, even if he is not close to her, he still has to take into account the face of both of them.

Asked: "Cousin has suffered injustice? Don't worry, cousin is here, and cousin is in charge of you..."

"Heh, what a bunch of people who are stalking people. The second young lady of the Cui family has never heard of humiliating others in the street. Now that the dog master has an accident, she runs faster than anyone else!"

The "ins and outs" of the matter have been explained clearly.

"Brother Zheng, isn't that your cousin, Miss Cui? Why are you in such a hurry?"

And the direction Cui Qiuwan was running in was Zheng Ming's side...

No matter who it is, just one or two people, can they still hold the spears and swords of the city defense army?Just take it down.

Cui Qiuwan said angrily.

The tears and snot were directly glued to Zheng Ming's chest.

That arrogant and domineering person at the Chang'an Student Association held by his Cui Zheng family, Tang Sufan!
Zheng Ming asked in a deep voice: "Cousin, do you know that person's name?"

And Wei Zhiyong, the general of the Yellow Gate of the city defense army, is the son-in-law of the Zheng family's side room.

The prestige of the eldest son of the Zheng family is undoubtedly revealed.

Cui Qiuwan paused, and when she looked up, she saw her cousin Zheng Ming.

Immediately, Zheng Ming was speechless in capital letters, forcibly suppressed the disgust in his eyes, and slowly pushed it away quietly...

In terms of seniority, he can be regarded as Zheng Ming's uncle who is not far or near.

"Cousin leads the way, cousin goes to meet this villain!"

Zheng Ming naturally knew that when he was recruiting diners, he intended to improve his relationship with Zheng Ming.

"Hmph, I think it's him, I can't be wrong!"

Immediately, under Cui Qiuwan's sad face and the maid's embellishment.

The relationship with the Zheng family is neither far nor close, but he is also the next member of the Zheng family.

Zheng Ming sneered——

Hearing this, Zheng Ming frowned.

And the person who looks like a dog, but is eclectic...

The leader is well-dressed and proud.

"Cousin, do you know who he is?"

This kind of catching of villains is also one of the responsibilities of the city defense army.

"I'm also guessing a bit, but I'm still not sure. Don't worry, cousin, cousin will definitely make decisions for you today!"

Those yamen Marquis Wu hadn't approached yet, they were already shouting angrily.

Although many relationships in the aristocratic family are due to in-laws, there is never a lack of sympathy in private.

The two attendants flew in small steps in two directions to report the news.

Zheng Ming turned his eyes, and suddenly remembered a person...

"The daring villain, who commits murder and hurts people in the street, can't he be arrested without a fight?"

"Cousin, why are you in such a hurry?"

Tang Sufan has long been regarded as a thorn in the side of his Zheng family, and now he refuses to accept the opportunity to deal with him. Isn't it a mistake to pay for a god-sent opportunity!

Not only Zheng Ming made a statement, but the people around him all showed righteous indignation.

Zheng Ming couldn't help being surprised, it seems that his cousin has been bullied!
Although this Cui Qiuwan is not likable, but I also know that she has always been domineering, relying on the favor of the Cui family, only she bullies others, no one bullies her.

Apart from the four battalions in the southeast, northwest and north, the city defense army is stationed in five avenues and one general battalion in the city, which is not far from Chang'an Avenue.


It was as if he had a sworn hatred with the murderer in the street.

"In addition, you take my waist card and go to the city defense camp not far to the north to find Wei Zhiyong, tell me that my brother needs something, and bring someone here!"

"What? Bold! At the foot of the capital, the villain is committing crimes, and you are still bullying your cousin, a weak woman? I am so angry! Where is that man, don't worry, my cousin will uphold justice for you!"

"Brother Wang is telling the truth, it is our duty to wait, where is that villain?"


Little fan?
The one who looks so handsome is probably the insolent Tang Sufan!

And this face...

"It's the young master!"

At this time, Tang Sufan took a look and sneered, not feeling that what he did was inappropriate.

Die like a dog?Dressed in a white robe, with long hair still untied?
In Chang'an City, ordinary literati follow the custom to wear Putou.

He burst into tears...and even hugged Zheng Ming directly.

A group of literati patrolled the streets and chanted, this is the elegance that only the children of the noble family have.

"Dignified capital, at the feet of the emperor, where are the etiquette and justice? Don't worry, Mrs. Cui, I am Wang Wen, the imperial supervisor, and I will uphold justice for Mrs. Cui!"

When Wei Zhiyong of the city defense army camp received the news, without saying a word, he immediately got up and ordered troops.

After Zheng Ming heard this, his face became angry immediately, and he said directly.

Even if this cousin of his family has revealed his identity, he dares to treat the Cui family as nothing. Isn't he the one who is so insane?
That's right, it's him!

And the reason why he asked the Cui family to come forward, of course he had his own plans, it was better than his dirty hands.

"Hmph, if you dare to bully the wife of the Cui family, will it be against the sky?"

This is also the reason why the Cui and Zheng families are closer in this generation.

At this moment, the opposite Chang'an Avenue.

"You, go to Cui's house and tell Uncle Cui about the bullying of his cousin! And tell Uncle Cui that the person is probably surnamed Tang..."

As the eldest son of the Zheng family, it is natural to be a little more careful.

Among the literati, one with sharp eyes said to the leader.

His identity is naturally superior, he is the eldest son of the current Zheng family, Zheng Ming.

So Zheng Ming didn't hesitate at all, and he was very confident in his attitude of making decisions for you.

Zheng Ming frowned slightly, just in time to barely recognize Cui Qiuwan who was slapped and looked like a monkey's butt in the crowd.

The main reason is to sell the face of the young master of the Zheng family, so why not do it?
As for the consideration of privately mobilizing the city defense force, as long as you don't mobilize too many people, you can just go out of the city to practice at that time, and make up the reason for capturing the thief.

It's easy to do things if you have a relationship. As soon as a group of Marquis Wu who patrolled the streets passed by, the city defense army here was led by Wei Zhiyong.

This is the power of the aristocratic family, and it is clearly visible in Chang'an!

(End of this chapter)

 Brothers, Happy Lantern Festival~ Continue to update at night, and the code will be over!
(End of this chapter)

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