It is far away on the border of Datang, Lingzhou.

The flags are fluttering, and the dust and smoke are billowing.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

A branch of government soldiers, led by the generals of each army, is rushing to the battlefield of their respective camps.

In the fourteenth year of the Shangyuan Dynasty, the five armies of the Tang Dynasty had already come out from the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

This battle will surely be recorded in history.

This battle is also the biggest battle in the Tang Dynasty so far.

Outside Lingzhou city.

The drums shook the sky, and the horns sounded together.

The blood and smoke made the vast sky extraordinarily scarlet and black, and the blood filled the battlefield for hundreds of miles.

Even in the face of thousands of troops, for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who have gone mad, life and death have long been ignored!
Woo! ! ! !

Having figured it out, Jieli's face was grim, and he yelled angrily, and drew out the precious blade from his waist.

Everyone knows that whoever rushes to the city wall first must be greeted by countless Turkic barbarians.

Jie Li's rapid breathing made the people behind feel chilled.


A burly figure in heavy armor came back to the city with his personal guards.

It was supposed to invade the Tang Dynasty in the south, but was sent to sit on the sidelines!
He has lost nearly [-] soldiers and horses in just half a month since he fought against the Turks!

A sound of angry howls that shattered the sky, and a sound of faith that will never return.

But this time, the guard was obviously not the slightest bit clever.

Even for the transportation of grain and grass, it will take at least one month.

"What? So fast?!"

Tang Jun's army came and went quickly!
Like a gust of wind, tens of thousands of people retreated directly from the battlefield ten miles in the middle.

Jieli's face turned red, and he kicked the Turkic soldier delivering the letter violently.

It's only half a month, and the soldiers are already approaching the city?
Could it be that even the chariots and horses that the Tang army transported grain and grass were bloody horses?

Xieli's complexion became even more gloomy.

Ladders, falling rocks, and rain of arrows.

"A general of the Tang Dynasty, leading [-] Tang troops, entered from the northwest of Daizhou, invaded Turkash, burned, killed and looted all the way!"

The tigers and wolves are closed, corpses are scattered all over the field, and blood flows like rivers, like a purgatory on earth!

After the Tang army retreated.

Whoop! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Big man! The Tang army across the street sent a seal letter!"

Ash Jiena bowed and stroked his chest, and left as soon as he was ordered.

If the tiger and wolf pass is broken, the Turkic hinterland can be driven straight into it.

Xue Yantuo Huihe asked for help from the son of Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty... Afterwards, the Datang boy refused, but Xue Yantuo and Huihe refused to pay the tax!

Directly cut off the head of the Turkic soldier who delivered the letter.

Slap the city wall hard!His face is hideous!

And it's only been half a month, where did Tang Jun come from so fast.

The voice of the Turkic barbarian who reported the letter suddenly became lower.

A scarlet human head rolled to the ground, his eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace.

Everyone knows, but no one backs down!

An urgent Turkic notification sounded, and ran all the way to the top of the city!
"Report profusely! The five armies of the Tang Dynasty are respectively facing Fenyin City, Shizhou, Yanmenguan, and Bingzhou!"

Jieli is naturally also a hero, his eyes ponder, he has already figured out the ins and outs of the matter!

But right now, matters in the hinterland are still more important!

This tiger wolf pass is the main entrance to break through the Turkic gate.

It's a big game of chess to draw the salary from the bottom of the pot and hide the old position in the dark!

What a Li Shimin kid!

Immediately, Jieli led his troops back to the camp.


The Tang army has already crossed the border between the two countries within half a month. This is clearly bound to invade the Turkic hinterland!

Tiger Wolf Pass, since Jieli retreated from Suizhou, he led an army of [-] to this Tiger Wolf Pass.

It is the Turkic Khan, Xieli!
Jieli's complexion has long since lost the contempt of the tyrant who just started attacking Datang, but his complexion these days is darker than that of Wolf Smoke!
Does Tang Jun seem crazy?
It is true that the whole country is attacking the Turks, and the Turks are about to perish, which makes people feel terrified!

Li Shimin's son, since last year, has been planning to attack him Turks.

But this time, it's doing the opposite.

Suddenly, he remembered back then...

After delivering the seal letter, I quickly left in three steps and two steps.

Ashi Dewu didn't take a sip, but hurriedly took the order to go.

"Ashi Dewu didn't sip!"

Jieli's face was like a plague god, and the Turkic soldier trembled in fright.

A sound of a majestic horn announced the withdrawal of Mingjin!

Jieli looked outside the city wall, and saw the banners waving ten miles away, majestic and majestic. On the impressive tooth flag in the middle, the word "Tang" is so eye-catching...

"Big guy!"

"Quickly ask Yi Shiyimen to send troops and horses to track the movement of the 1 horses. In addition, ask how the 1 horses of the Tang army came from Daizhou!"

I want to discuss how to deal with Tang Jun's strategy in the future.

There is really no way for misfortune or good fortune, only people call themselves.


Jie Li's tiger-like eyes froze suddenly.

"I order you to lead three thousand scouts to find out the details of the Tang army. You must not fight the Tang army. Tell the big tribes that you will never retreat in a deadly battle!"

Ashdev didn't respond and came out.

At this time, the think tank beside Xieli, Ashjie's long and narrow eyes darkened slightly, and reminded Xieli.

Even several major tribes, because the wool of the two tribes was sold to the Tang Dynasty, they changed regions for food and cloth without fighting each other!
He didn't pay attention to this matter last year, and even the matter between Xue Yantuo and Huihe was shelved because of the whole army's attack on Tang Dynasty.

The third wave of siege in the past three days has been announced to be suspended...

According to the past history, they were all Turkic barbarians, with crazy appearance, ferocious face, and bloodthirsty eyes, attacking the land of Tang Dynasty.

"Ashi Jiena, now you go and lead [-] soldiers and horses, go back to Turkash, and capture and destroy those [-] Tang troops. If those Tang troops are allowed to burn and loot food in our Turkic territory, we will be defeated without a fight!"

As the number one Turkic warrior, although he also desperately wanted to fight Li Jing, the military god of the Tang people.

All of them knew that every time they wanted to attack the city wall, it was an extra step towards the gate of hell.

Constantly attacking the Baizhang City Wall of Hulang Pass!

This sad messenger was directly killed just because he sent a letter.

Jie Li shouted angrily, and threw the messenger directly on the ground.

If that's the case, then it all makes sense.

If Turks want to prevent it, it will be even more difficult!
"Retreat! Retreat!!!"

Only the flames of war are left, and purgatory is everywhere, proving to the world the tragedy of the past few days...

"Remember, be fast!"

"Big Han, to the west of Daizhou is... the grassland of Xue Yantuo and Huihe... It has been said by other tribes before, and it may be that Xue Yantuo and Huihe have already returned to the enemy..."

On the contrary, the wool was transported to the territory of Datang wantonly, and even the surrounding tribes followed suit.

Just as Xieli took his seat in the tent, a personal guard outside the tent personally handed it to Xieli with a stamped letter from someone else.

"Is Yi Shiyi a pig! Ten thousand Tang troops, a whole ten thousand Tang troops, marched from Daizhou, did he have eyes for dogs? Ahh!!!"

Otherwise, how could they have come to the city so quickly?
"in addition……"

Jie Li's face was glaring, and there was also a sound of exclamation behind him.

He Jieli, the only way to defend the Great Tang and enter the Great Tang is to defend the Tiger-Wolf Pass right now.

It is true that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were fearless, and they were about to break through the Turkic Tiger and Wolf Pass!

Xue Yantuo, Huihe!
The whole group looked terrified!

That good guy didn't hesitate at all.

I need to be smart.

Big Khan is cruel by nature, if he cuts him down later, where can he justify it?

(End of this chapter)

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