Chapter 582

As soon as Tang Sufan's words fell, Yang Qiaoer's delicate and charming face immediately became rosy as if congested with blood!

But he still heard Tang Sufan talking narcissistically to himself.

"Yes, that's right, that's the only way, everything makes sense, after all, it's justifiable to love me, and it's the only way, everything will come to light."

Alas, being handsome requires a lot of trouble~
no way~
"Shut up!"

Yang Qiaoer was like a cat with fury, and interrupted Tang Sufan's narcissistic words with an angry snort.

This is really hot to hear!
Father, mother!If it doesn't work, take your stupid son away!I really can't stand it!

When I was a child, how could I think this boy was so cute and silly? It was an illusion, it was definitely an illusion!
Seeing Yang Qiaoer's success, Tang Sufan put away his narcissistic look.

Sure enough, alas, the girl's mind really can't be broken, future generations of water friends will not deceive me.

But to be serious, it was because Yang Qiaoer was sincere for him and had been protecting him in secret that Tang Sufan was in a dilemma.

After Yang Qiaoer managed to sort out her thoughts, she said with a sweet face: "Even if you save me, I will find a way to leave!"

"Leave? That's not allowed. You assassinated the emperor and injured the empress. Your crime is unforgivable. If there is something wrong with the empress, to be honest, I will not let you go!"

After finishing speaking, thinking of the news this morning, Tang Sufan's eyes gradually became condensed, quite frightening!
If something really happened to the real sister, he didn't know what to do—

Both sides were people he cared about, Tang Sufan couldn't bear to hurt the other side, but Yang Qiaoer did something wrong, Tang Sufan didn't have the kindness to laugh it off.


We can only wait for the results to come out. At present, we have not heard any other news, so we are safe.

The first thing to do is to keep Yang Qiaoer by his side before he can rest assured.

It was also the first time for Yang Qiaoer to see Tang Sufan's expression like this. Her calm and icy disposition was actually a little panicked at this moment.

Until Tang Sufan's complexion gradually relaxed... Yang Qiaoer was inexplicably relieved.

Yang Qiaoer whispered as if unconvinced.

"Hmph, then I have my own way to leave!"

At this time, Tang Sufan smiled lightly: "Of course I believe you have a way to leave~"

Suddenly, Tang Sufan's expression changed!
Directly pointing to the direction behind the bed with a look of shock.

"Look, UFO!"

UFO?What flying saucer?
Regarding Tang Sufan's words, Yang Qiaoer didn't have the slightest doubt, she thought it was some hidden weapon! ! !
With a startled expression, he looked in the direction for a moment.


I feel my lips are moist...

"Cough cough cough..."

After a while, a rapid coughing sound came...

Yang Qiaoer managed to finish coughing, only to realize that she had just been fed something into her mouth by Tang Sufan, because she swallowed it in a hurry.

He looked at Tang Sufan in a panic.

He saw Tang Sufan take out another yellow pellet like a small pill with a strange expression on his face.

Such a small one, no wonder it was swallowed just now.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Sufan took out a whole bottle from his arms and dangled it in front of her.

In the transparent glazed vial, it is filled with this thing.

Yang Qiaoer frowned and asked.

"What is this?"

The corner of Tang Sufan's mouth curled up, and he said with a weird smile: "This is half-step insanity with a smile. It is a highly poisonous substance. No one in this world has an antidote for it except me."

"Sister Qiao'er, you know, I am a teacher from the immortal sect, tsk tsk tsk, it is reasonable to bring out some poisonous pills for self-defense, right?"

Tut tut, didn't it work?

He really thought that the flying saucer trick would not be able to coax these ancients~

Yang Qiao'er's face was startled, but she didn't show the slightest anger, but she frowned and asked, "Why?"

Tang Sufan said slowly with his hands on the pillow.

"I know that sister Qiao'er will naturally have a way to leave me. After all, I'm lazy and always take a nap, so don't I have to think of a way to keep you?"

Yang Qiaoer couldn't help frowning.

"What about the poison? Do you think a poison can keep me?"

Tang Sufan continued to speak slowly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, of course ordinary poisons don't dare to use an ax in your class, Sister Qiaoer, but well, I am a famous half-step maniac with a smile in history~"

"It is formulated with Jiujiu 81 strong poison, which is the superior quality of poison - colorless and tasteless. Just take this one dose, if you don't take it again within seven days, you will definitely get poisoned in seven steps, and you will die from laughter and powerlessness!"

Yang Qiaoer's heart skipped a beat, as if what this kid said was really not a fake...

After all, Yang Qiao'er is very familiar with poison in this life.

No matter how good the poisonous thing is, the poisonous pill will inevitably have a peculiar smell. Even if it is the head of all poisons, it must be mixed with other things to eat it as if it were nothing.

And the most refined poison is colorless and tasteless, after taking it, you don't notice it at all.

But now, she couldn't help savoring it carefully. It really didn't have the slightest smell, and it could enter the stomach without any disease. It was definitely a top-grade poison!

If someone else said this, Yang Qiaoer would still be skeptical.

But she knew that her younger brother couldn't be judged by common sense at all, not to mention the weird and weird methods, judging from the background of Su Fan's master coming from the immortal sect, this kind of poison came from his master's sect, it is appropriate and self-contained!
For a moment, Yang Qiaoer directly concluded that this kid might really be feeding high-grade poison!
Then, an "evil" smile appeared on Tang Sufan's face.

"Of course, this is just the aftertone of this 'smiling half-step madness'. Before the poison occurs, the whole body will be like a fire, making people unable to help undressing and dancing wildly, and even running around wildly. In the end, the poison will cause death."

"Of course, I don't think a beautiful woman like Sister Qiaoer wants to take off her clothes and run around, does she?"

At this moment, Tang Sufan's lazy smile seemed to be like a hooligan.

Strip and dance, run around?
As soon as the picture associated with Tang Sufan's words, Yang Qiaoer couldn't help but shivered solidly in her heart, whether it was the coldness she felt when she just woke up from a coma or the coldness on her back.

That complexion was as shy and bright red as jade for a while, and now it is paler than sickly white in a short while.

For Yang Qiaoer, life and death have long been out of the question. In short, death is not terrible, but when thinking of what Tang Sufan said, even Yang Qiaoer felt a chill in her heart and her face turned pale.

In the end, that paleness turned into actual anger.

Staring at Tang Sufan, his lips trembled with anger and said, "You! You! You..."

I thought that when Yang Qiaoer was really going to get angry and curse, in the end Yang Qiaoer just uttered the last few words tremblingly.

"You don't study well all day, and you bring some dirty things like this!!"

Tang Sufan spread his hands, with a look of 'helplessness': "This is not a dirty thing, isn't this a coincidence?"

Yang Qiaoer was so angry that she wanted to slap this kid, but found that she was so weak that she just wanted to get up.

But he lay back powerlessly.

In the end, a steady and powerful hand supported Yang Qiaoer's back and made her lie down slowly...


(End of this chapter)

(End of this chapter)

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