The salary king in the comics

Chapter 110 Fury Dealing with the Devil

Chapter 110 Fury Dealing with the Devil
Unexpectedly, the two guys, Fran Hammer and Rose, would join forces to put Ash together, no, and Sheffield next to him also joined in.

It's impossible for the two bigwigs in the military not to have seen the report in advance, and the silence of the two of them now is an acknowledgment of Ash's role in the report.

Comparing with Ash's outstanding performance on the frontline battlefield, he can definitely become the best candidate for the new head of the department.

Seeing Ash being tightly held by Ross, Attorney General Lasseter didn't say anything, but tapped the gavel to remind everyone to pay attention to his next speech.

"In view of General Fran Hammer's achievements and his gradually incompetent physical condition, Fran Hammer is specially approved to retire. Do you have any objections?"

Everyone is satisfied with this ending, and the military hopes to give Fran Hammer a happy ending.Others need Fran Hammer to vacate his seat so that his own people can be inserted in and take charge of a military team.

So there is no objection to this resolution.

Seeing a silent meeting table, Lasseter did not say anything, but continued to preside over the content of the controversy below.

"For the new draft of the Pentagon, create a separate department dedicated to supernatural affairs. Do you have any opinions?"

New departments, new budgets, new combat units, new spheres of influence.

Everyone present was full of desire for this department.Politicians want a new law enforcement force at home in addition to the CIA.The military believes that this is separated from the military's responsibilities and should continue to belong to the military.The S.H.I.E.L.D. hopes to obtain this functional department and return the scope of law enforcement to Ami's homeland.

So right from the start, the meeting was full of frenzied arguments and rowdy scenes.

The conference room instantly turned into a noisy vegetable market. Representatives of various forces shouted hoarsely, as if the louder they shouted, the more favor they could win for their own forces.

But Attorney General Lasseter hated this situation the most. He looked at the representatives who had started throwing documents at each other and were about to fight with a displeased face.


Lasseter struck the gavel vigorously, and the sound of the gavel gradually overshadowed the voices of those quarreling, and finally the quarrel gradually disappeared in the sound of the hammer.

"You are representatives of various law enforcement agencies, elites, not monkeys in the zoo. If anyone engages in such unnecessary disputes, I will ask him to go out and return to the monkeys in the zoo."

Under Lasseter's strong words, the delegates who had already ridden on the table rearranged their messy clothes and returned to their seats.

"I think our S.H.I.E.L.D. agency has enough experience and relevant processing personnel, and we are an agency that can act globally under the direct guidance of the Security Council."

Fury was the first to express his position, exaggerating the role of S.H.I.E.L.D., showing the five bosses behind him, and letting others retreat.

However, this remark just aroused the rebellious psychology of others.

You S.H.I.E.L.D. has no law enforcement authority in Ami, now you have a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man, and a pig's nose with a green onion to pretend to be two to five to eighty thousand.

Even Ross directly smiled and said to Sheffield: "Did you hear that, professional handlers. Let me think about it, is it the battlefield atmosphere group that was completely wiped out a few days ago? Oh, I remember wrong, it's not completely wiped out, they still have One captain survived and is still in hospital."

Although Ross was speaking to Sheffield, the voice of the speech was clearly heard by everyone else in the conference room.

Facing Rose's ridicule, Fury had no room to refute. After all, Brock Rumlow, who rushed to the street as soon as he appeared, appeared on all satellite images.

Even the law enforcement agencies across the sea regard Lang Mlow as a new learning model, no matter what action they take, they must show it again, how terrible the consequences of acting without listening to friendly intelligence are.

Fury touched the wound under his blindfold, used the pain to remind himself to calm down, and continued to explain: "SHIELD has the most complete source of intelligence, and we confirmed the source of the incident within two hours of the incident, And accurately report the level of danger."

"Hmph, indeed. At that time, the military had sent the report to all law enforcement agencies for notification. Of course, you can say that you found the information, but it was only a few 10 minutes later than the military's notification."

Sheffield didn't speak, and when he opened his mouth, he was lore, saying that the intelligence of SHIELD was the result of plagiarizing the military report.

Unexpectedly, Fury became wary of Sheffield's words, and continued: "Of course, we have to carefully screen out the omissions. It is a short period of time later than the military, but the data of the military comes from an alien Visitors, although you have supplemented the identity documents for this... Roland after the war, you still cannot conceal the fact that he is not from Earth."

Fury's defensive counterattack came quickly and fiercely, and in his mouth, he defined the help provided by Roland as the sophistry of outsiders.

Simply being a non-earthling is enough to make everyone present fearful.Everyone knows that people who are not of our race will have different hearts.

Especially as a person from Earth, but with the assistance of people from other worlds, everyone in the meeting room couldn't help but frown.

Fury was right. The facts cannot be tampered with. Even if the identity of Gunslinger Roland was processed after the war, all the people present would only need to make a few phone calls to understand this kind of thing, and they cannot be deceived.

Fury had the upper hand for a while, and the discussion in the conference room gradually turned towards S.H.I.E.L.D.

Attorney General Lasseter presided over the direction of the meeting. At this moment, he seemed to notice Ash, who hadn't been speaking since then, and Ash had been staring at Fury at the moment.

The sound of the gavel gradually calmed down the scene.Lasseter asked Ash: "This chaplain, what do you think? If not, the meeting agenda is over. You don't need to stare at the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. he won't cause you any harm. What harm."

However, Lasseter's words did not get the slightest reaction from Ash, and Ash still kept staring at Fury.

This made Attorney General Lasseter feel that he was being ignored, so he struck the gavel violently and made a louder sound to try to wake Ash.

This time the sound of the gavel had an impact on Ash, and Ash, who heard the sound of the gavel, shuddered and woke up.

"Chaplain Ash Solar, if you ignore me again, I will ask you out. Ask you again, what do you think of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s claims? And why are you staring at S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, ignore my inquiries."

Ash woke up from a dream and stood up in a panic and said, "Oh, SHIELD's claim is wrong, that report was confirmed by the defense contractor Tony Stark, after all Stark is the professional For a scientist, his confirmed manuscript is the standard."

"As for why I'm staring at the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., it's because he's a guy who makes deals with the devil."

(End of this chapter)

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