Chapter 134 Choice
On the third day, everyone was ready to run another day.After all, compared with what happened two days ago, today's task can be imagined.

However, when everyone arrived at the entrance of Felianoer Church, they found that Constantine was already waiting here.

"I don't need to run today, and I will teach you the most critical lesson."

After finishing speaking, Constantine walked into the church, stood on the front podium, and waited for everyone to be seated.

"Today's lesson will be the most important turning point in your life. I will give you a month to think about it. After a month, tell me which path you choose."

Constantine's words were vague, so that the students didn't quite understand, and even Natasha didn't understand.But comparing what Constantine said before, Natasha may have guessed something.

"Dragon Academy was only established by Dean Obeck to imitate Biheim's magic academy, but it has more powerhouses and more types of spells than Biheim.

And it is difficult for a person to achieve so many spells in a lifetime, so you have to make a good choice and choose a path that you will study. "

After saying this, Constantine began to take out the books and scrolls one by one.

Some of the books are in dilapidated condition, and they look like they have been honed over the years.Some are hauntingly ominous at first glance.

Scrolls are much better looking, made of shimmering gold, made of leather, full of travel flavors, and even dotted with crystal gems.

"The scrolls and books in my hand are all treasures passed down from ancient times to the present. They represent the inheritance of different powerhouses, and even some of you can't meet the standards for learning these spells and spells. Wandering at the door.

Of course, it doesn't mean that basic spells are bad, like my original spell teacher Komicus, he likes to use the most basic spells.

Similarly, if you want to learn these more powerful forces, you will have to pay a corresponding price. "

Hearing the price, there was a commotion among the students. No one thought that there would be such a thing in learning magic.

Looking coldly at the guys whispering among them, Constantine immediately marked these people, wanting to gain power without paying, which is ridiculous.

"Even you have to pay tuition fees to go to school, and you even have to borrow money to go to college. Why do you want to go whoring for nothing when you arrive at Dragon Academy! If you have this kind of thinking, I advise you to leave early, no teacher will be willing to teach this Kind of guy."

The cold words woke up these guys who were trying to prostitute for nothing, and when everyone calmed down, Constantine introduced the items in his hands.

"This is Onuma's spell book, mainly about poison spells, but it is considered a heresy by orthodox spell masters, even the only ones who learn this spell in Dragon Academy are me and Tikkerus, and even Tikka Luce was once expelled from the ranks of apprentices by his teacher Comicus.

This is Kasas' spell book, a spell created by a group of brave and ruthless guys to strengthen themselves and destroy opponents' weapons and equipment for melee combat.

And after you have learned the basic spells, you can only choose these two directions for the time being.The rest of Izaris' spells are chaos spells, and the Gravekeeper's spells are dark spells. These are too dangerous for you, and even only one or two people can explain these spells to you. "

Listening to Constantine's introduction to the classification and danger of spells, the students copied every word he said on paper to avoid forgetting or memory errors. After all, it sounds like a dangerous learning process. But my own life.

"Anyone who has learned the spell must go to rebuild the undead settlement and rebuild everything there until the magician Comicus is satisfied. And when you can study the spell behind, I will tell you another condition."

Watching everyone write down what he said, Constantine pointed to the scroll and began to introduce.

"The Logan scroll, the book collected by the court magician of the capital of crime, can release spells with strong traceability, and anyone who learns it will go to guard the capital of crime and act as a jailer for a period of time.

The old man's scroll, learning spells with penetrating and strong fighting rhythm, the price of learning is to have two choices, either join the big library to organize the cursed books, or go to the Fortress of Faran to guard for a period of time.

The crystal scrolls and golden scrolls at the back are the same as the previous ones, they are advanced versions of these spells. You may learn one or two of the simplest golden magics, but the mystery of light magic is a price you can't afford. "

After introducing all the genres, Constantine put away all the books and scrolls, and left the rest of the time to them. After all, as someone said, "The path of life is like underwear, there is no one that I didn't choose."

Evening, restaurant.Constantine saw that these students were all restlessly grabbing food into their mouths, even Fitz was dragged into the restaurant by Simmons.

Simmons, who has no computer, can only use pen and paper to calculate all conceivable possibilities. Looking at the infinitely subdivided mind map on the paper, Constantine wants to say that he really deserves to be a researcher.

At night, when Constantine was thinking about whether to find Midel to fly around again tonight, there was a knock on the office door.

Wanda and Pietro came to Constantine again, and this time they brought gems with them again.

After handing the gem to Constantine, Wanda revealed their purpose.

"Teacher, which direction should we choose?"

Taking back the gem that he had given out, Constantine didn't answer Wanda's question right away, but said with some relief, "You guys finally know the use of this gem!"

However, Constantine's praise made Wanda a little shy, and she lowered her head and stared at her toes in embarrassment.

"Yes, it was Simmons who told me that it should be used at this time."

Wanda, who whispered the truth of the matter, explained how she knew the use of the gem.

In the dormitory, Simmons saw that Wanda was as confused as she was about her future choices, so she asked Wanda why she didn't go to Constantine with the gem. This is what this gem is for.

After Simmons woke up, Wanda found Pietro in a hurry, went to Constantine with him, and asked about the best choice for her.

Constantine couldn't help but worry about the IQ of the students he chose.

"Okay, I'll just tell you. First you, Pietro."

"Me? Sir, let's talk about Wanda first, she needs guidance the most."

Being pointed at by Constantine, Pietro was a little surprised. After all, his sister was in front of everything before, and he was willing to give the opportunity to his sister. According to Constantine, his sister's magic talent is better than his own. A star and a half.

And Wanda is now the only one who calls Constantine a teacher without being ridiculed and reprimanded.Everyone knows Constantine's preference for Wanda.

"Wanda, I will make special arrangements for her later. Her path is different from all of you."

After listening to Constantine's words, Pietro was relieved.In Pietro's heart, there is only one gem and only one opportunity corresponding to it, and he is more willing to give the opportunity to his sister.

With Constantine's guarantee, Pietro was willing to accept Constantine's guidance.

"In the future, you will transform into a speedster. Do you know where the biggest flaw of this talent is?"

"I don't know. In your previous explanation, it seems that this ability can transcend light and time. I really can't think of any weaknesses."

Faced with such a question, Pietro couldn't think of an answer.

"It lies in the physical strength of all speedsters. Although they are fast and have the energy to protect their bodies from wind pressure and air obstruction while running, the bodies of all speedsters are at the level of ordinary people.

So, the spell you must learn in the future is Iron Body, which protects you from low-level physical damage.

And in view of your active personality, you must not like the corresponding gestures and casting postures required by ordinary spells. "

Constantine explained Pietro's character in one word, which made Pietro scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"The magic named after Fran is a representative of swiftness, so you still need to learn these spells, understand?"

Pietro playfully raised a Patton-style military salute and said, "Yes sir, I understand sir."

After explaining to Pietro, Constantine looked at Wanda.

"Wanda, your talent, as long as you find the corresponding energy source, even if it is pure energy projection, you will become the most powerful group of people on earth."

Such compliments made Wanda's face blush, and the girl felt a little embarrassed.

"However, energy projection is the lowest method of casting spells. It uses magic power to annihilate the opponent vigorously, without the slightest skill and technology in it. And excessive use of the demon god's dimensional energy will also accelerate the erosion, making you a puppet of the demon god .”

With such an explanation, Wanda, who was still shy just now, turned pale.This made Konstantin wonder if he frightened the little girl.

So Constantine continued: "Of course, don't worry about these. After all, I also chose a powerful king and use his energy as my source of spells."

This kind of statement and explanation is very useful for the little girl, after all, everyone would like to meet someone like themselves.

"Teacher, may I ask who you chose?"

"Londor's King of Wandering Souls is the person who was loyal to the mage with the stone shell on the day you came. He can provide me with a series of blessings. Such as incomparable luck, or solidified physical fitness."

Speaking of Constantine, he opened the clothes on his chest, allowing the Wanda brothers and sisters to see the ring of darkness on their chests.

"The purpose of my showing to you is not to recruit new subordinates for him, but to let you seriously think and learn first. If you really need to find a more powerful dimensional demon god to gain power, I also have more powerful characters to introduce Here you are, there's no need to stare at one person. Your talent deserves a better choice, understand?"

Such a detailed explanation and reassurance made the future Scarlet Witch nod her head seriously, expressing that she would do what Constantine said.

"So your task now is to train yourself hard and study hard in the following courses. Especially you Pietro, you now exercise twice as much as others every day, understand?"

Now everyone needs a day to complete a lap, but Pietro needs twice as much.Although he didn't want to do this, Pietro gritted his teeth and agreed at Constantine's request.

After finishing the life consultation for the two little guys, Constantine stood at the door, watched their distant figures disappear into the darkness, and then said to the bushes in front of him on the left: "Have you finished listening? Still not coming out?"

As soon as the words fell, Natasha came out from the darkness. If you ignore her danger, under the dim light at this moment, a lady with a graceful figure is slowly walking towards you enchantingly, that is really one of the most beautiful scenery .

"Uh, do you have to walk like this? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Such an ignorant response only got Natasha's eyes.

"You're so ignorant, no matter how we both live under the same roof for nearly a month, you eat mine and use mine, I don't have any credit but hard work, right?"

"You'd better not tell S.H.I.E.L.D. about those two children. Their future should not be limited to Earth."

Instead of responding to Natasha's complaining friendship, Constantine warned Natasha instead.

No one here dared to underestimate Constantine's warning, which annoyed him, and he didn't even know if he could get out of the Dragon Academy.

Instead of responding to Constantine's warning directly, Natasha talked about the conditions and said, "What can I get?"

Transactions are the core of negotiations. The first choice is for both parties to obtain what they need, and other things are easy to discuss.

"I'll let Kakerus teach you the spells of the poison system, which is the most suitable for you."

After getting the promise, Natasha turned around happily and left, even waving goodbye to Konstantin with her back.

However, no one saw Natasha's grief after turning around. Ever since she won the title of Black Widow in the Red House, the title of poisonous woman has been with her, and she really wants to forget her past.

However, today, Constantine put this 'most suitable' choice in front of her again, reminding her of the painful past.

'Am I right?Why is her soul breath disordered? '

Confused Constantine looked at Natasha's back with some doubts.But he adjusted quickly.

'I'll find Mibao to play for a while, the world is cold, only Mibao can bring me a little warmth. '

That night, everyone didn't sleep well. Some people were thinking about their future, some people were thinking about the past, and more people couldn't sleep because of the loud noise from the abyss.

The students didn't dare to express any opinions on this kind of thing. After all, they just came to the Dragon Academy, and the people were mild-mannered. Besides, before the first class, Constantine taught everyone not to do anything.

The current sound obviously came from deeper in the abyss and quagmire guarded by the Knights of Harland.So the students had to cover their heads with pillows to make their voices quieter.

The sound under the abyss continued, as if a large creature was jumping and jumping, causing the entire Ring City to vibrate.

Finally, someone couldn't take it anymore. From O'Beck's residence, a huge blue light appeared, projecting directly into the abyss like a comet, and then came the wailing sound of a person.

Finally, clean.

(End of this chapter)

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