The salary king in the comics

Chapter 137 You call this a driver?

Chapter 137 You call this a driver?

Clint nodded in understanding, and just as he was about to jump into the mud, Geralt grabbed him by the back of the collar and lifted Clint into the air.

Like a cat being held by the back of the neck, Geralt lifted him into the air. Clint's limbs hung down like noodles, and Geralt put him next to him.

Like a big cat scolding a kitten, Geralt scolded Clint: "If I miss a word, you can play yourself to death in this fortress, can you have some fun?"

Clint, who didn't know why, looked at the cesspit in front of him, except for the monster and the quagmire, there was no difference.

Geralt pointed at the bubbling quagmire, and said angrily: "With your current physical fitness, as long as you step into the quagmire, you will be poisoned to death immediately. Even the black knight just now, that kind of powerful existence, can't stand in the quagmire." how long."

Hearing such a powerful poison pool, Clint could not help shrinking his neck, took a step back, and hid behind Geralt.

"Look for the foothold in the quagmire. Although they are not easy to find, they can provide you with a temporary foothold in the quagmire."

As he spoke, Geralt jumped down towards a dark area.

Sure enough, this is the area formed by the protruding foundations in the quagmire. After being corroded by the toxicity of the quagmire, the color became darker.

Stepping on these relatively deep places, Geralt led Clint closer to the target step by step.

"Wait, throw a flame pot at that place."

Before the next step, Geralt stopped Clint and directed him to use the flame pot to attack.

In a dangerous environment, the most important thing is to obey the arrangement. Clint threw the flame pot towards the location Geralt instructed.

The flame pot shattered at the next foothold, and the contents of the pot spread out, and then spontaneously ignited, igniting the entire area, and the shock wave also appeared and spread on the surrounding quagmire.

The moment it was burned by the flames, the area began to churn, divided into more small parts and spread around, and a few squirmed and came to the two of them.

"This is silt, and it will only have a greater reaction to fire-type attacks, such as ordinary slashes or blunt hammers, which will hardly cause much damage to it."

As he said that, Geralt took out his long sword and slashed at the mud a few times. The entire edge of the sword penetrated into the mud and broke out.

But the silt just wriggled and recorded, and it returned to its original state.

"Another thing to note is that it has its own means of attack, like this..."

The silt that was attacked just now also started its own counterattack. I saw it trying to shrink itself, compressing its volume, and then released it violently, and clusters of spiral-shaped spikes appeared on Zero as it spit out. special front.

Slightly took two steps back, opened the distance, and the attack of the mud lost its target.

"Don't underestimate these sluggish guys. I have tested their spikes and they can pierce 20mm of homogeneous armor. What's more annoying is that they will attach to walls and roofs and fall when people pass by. Eat the heads of these hapless bastards."

Listening to the introduction, Clint imagined the scene Geralt described, thinking that his head would be eaten off by this slime-like creature, and the hairs on his whole body stood on end.

In this way, relying on the flame pot to clear the way along the way, the two finally arrived not far from the target building without any danger.

This place is not as peaceful as the edge of the Fortress of Fran, where the screams of various monsters and the wriggling of mud can be found everywhere.

Burning stakes were planted in the open ground in the mire, offering some light to the shady surroundings.

In the path that must be passed, with its back to the two of them, stood a tall, lanky monster with anti-knuckle legs and a head full of tumors.A few white hairs grow complicatedly around the head.

"That's Gulu, the unique monster of Faran Fortress. It used to be the descendant of the auxiliary priest of Faran Fortress. Although it doesn't have much intelligence, it still guards their tribe."

After briefly introducing Gollum, Geralt pointed to the stairs opposite the quagmire and said, "That's the way up, listen carefully, as long as I kill that Gollum first, the rest will attract attention, you take advantage of this Go up quickly."

"how about you?"

Hearing Clint's concern, Geralt said angrily: "Now you are my trouble, child, you are so weak that I have to take actions to protect you all the time."

Clint scratched his head in embarrassment, then calmed down completely, waiting for Geralt's signal.

Geralt, who was holding a long sword, slowly approached Gulu whose back was facing them. Holding the sword in both hands, he swung the sword in a circle, and with a powerful upward attack, he slashed from Gulu's buttocks to its back.

Gollum who was attacked turned around and let out a soul-stirring roar towards Geralt. The sound wave was transmitted in the air, and the white sound wave could be seen.

This roar was Clint's signal, and with all his strength, he rushed towards the stairs like an arrow from the string.

Gulu's roar also attracted more companions, and the small Gulu landed on all fours, galloping towards here like a wild beast.

Geralt cut off Gollum's legs, and before he had time to execute it, he turned around with his sword, blocked the rushing little Gollum, and kicked the little Gollum away.Turning around, he slashed and cut off Gulu's head.

And Clint avoided the mud in the quagmire, and rushed to the bottom of the stairs only to find that there was a pile of mud guarding here.

Throwing all his flame pots at the muck, Clint watched them disappear in a shower of flames.

When it was done, Clint yelled, "Geralt, it's all over here!"

"Come on up!"

Obeying Geralt's command, Clint climbed up the endless stairs with hands and feet.

After climbing up for a while, Clint subconsciously looked down, and found a huge Gollum whose stature exceeded tens of meters. This Gollum pulled up a big tree and walked towards Geralt.

"Geralt, a big guy is coming towards you!"

Clint loudly reported the situation on the battlefield to Geralt, unexpectedly, Clint's voice attracted the attention of the grunt elder.

I saw the elder Gulu waving the giant tree in his hand, and clusters of blood-brown magic balls appeared at the root of the giant tree.

"Climb up, keep moving, and never stop."

Geralt's warning reached Clint's ears along with Elder Gollum's spellcasting action.

Clint's strengthened body began to climb rapidly on the stairs, and he glanced down from the corner of his eye, and Clint's soul was almost frightened.

The magic ball summoned by Elder Gulu flew towards Clint one after another, and there was a skull with its mouth open and crackling in the magic ball.

These skull-shaped magic balls flew towards Clint, dragging a burning tail flame.

Fortunately, Clint listened to Geralt's warning and continued to climb without stopping. The magic ball just followed Clint's course of action and bombarded behind Clint.

Death was always one step slower. The bombardment of spells made Clint feel the impact no less than the impact of a 152mm grenade exploding around him, but the building did not tremble at all.

In the end, Clint, who had been climbing for an unknown amount of time, finally saw the top of the stairs.

Just when Clint was a step or two away from reaching the top, a hand reached down and gave Clint a pull.

"Oh, thanks, wait, Geralt, how did you get up? You're still down there?"

Standing on the balcony at the top, Clint realized that it was Geralt who pulled him.Unlike Clint, who was sweating profusely when he climbed up, Geralt didn't even get a little dirt on his body.

"Didn't I say that? I need to waste energy and time to protect you. Come on, the next road is not dangerous."

Without answering Clint directly, Geralt just led Clint up the stairs on the balcony.

Turning the corner of a staircase, Clint saw a flash of blue light.

For this reason, Clint asked: "Geralt, I saw a light like a crystal just now, where did I slip away?"

Geralt stroked his neatly trimmed beard and said, "Then you will be lucky. It is said that there is a gem crystal worm on the top floor. If you catch it and give it to those magicians, they will make a special one for you. A magic weapon. But let's get down to business now."

Entering the building from the left side, Clint saw a wolf lying on the sword at a glance. Although the wolf had only dark skin after death, without the previous bright fur, the indomitable momentum was still full of it. covering the entire space.

Geralt walked up to the old wolf, knelt down to the old wolf, and prayed in a low voice.

Just when Clint wanted to imitate Geralt and knelt down to pray, Geralt stopped him and said, "Don't be like this, Clint, you are not a formal hunter, and you can only join the Falan Undead Squad to protect the law." Only those who can prevent the abyss from spreading in the Fortress of Lan can pray to the Old Wolf of Faran. You should rest next to him for a while."

After speaking, Geralt lowered his head and said something in a low voice.Seeing this, Clint didn't bother to walk around the old wolf's hall.

The whole hall was empty and even a bit shabby, only on one side of the hall were the remains of the old wolf and various sacrifices brought by the priests, and beside the old wolf was another square area with a huge stone floor.

When Geralt finished praying and stood up, Clint's figure disappeared. Just as Geralt was about to go out to look for it, Clint held a gem crystal worm that was constantly twisting in his hands, Walked in from the outside.

"Look, Geralt, I've got him, the little one is strong."

The little six-legged beast has a blue gemstone on its back, and its whole body exudes a white and gray luster, which is very cute to look at.

Now Clint is holding the little guy, and his whole body is involuntarily being taken away from the normal posture.There were even a few times when the gem crystal worm broke free from his hands.

Geralt reached out to take it, and manipulated it on the back of the gem crystal worm. After a while, a gem emitting milky white light appeared in Geralt's hand.

Throwing the gemstone to Clint said: "This is a brilliant wedge, which can strengthen special weapons, but one can only be strengthened once. You can also replace it with other ordinary weapons in Dragon Academy, you decide."

Clint accepted the gem, and when he was still thinking about what weapon to exchange for, Geralt fed the gem worm something and released it.

Watching the gem crystal worm disappear into the corner with its tail twisted, Clint thought it was quite interesting.

"Come on, we should go up."

Clint didn't find the upward stairs after going around just now, and Clint didn't understand how to get there when Geralt said upwards.

Until they were standing on the square stone platform next to the old wolf, Geralt stepped on the ledge in the center of the platform.The entire platform began to rise slowly.

Clint couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "This is actually an elevator?"

Geralt's tone seemed to be perfunctory and he said, "Otherwise?"

The elevator slowly ascended until it reached the top. After stepping out of the elevator, there was a huge open-air balcony where you could see the whole Fortress of Fran.

Clint had never seen such a scene before. The warm sun swayed down from the sky and fell into the woods of Fort Faran. The continuous fortress walls in the distance surrounded the entire forest.

Under the sunlight, the city walls of the fortress also exude a warm radiance, forming a strong contrast between warmth and coldness, light and darkness, and the dark and silent forest.

But looking at the entire Farn Fortress, Clint noticed the difference.

Clint analyzed the layout of the entire fortress, and finally came to a surprising conclusion: "This fortress is not designed to prevent invasion from the outside, but to prevent the inside?"

"You can also see that the catacombs of Casas are under the Fortress of Faran. In order to prevent the abyss, this group of young people who swore to wolf blood voluntarily turned this place into a fortress and stayed here all their lives. "

Geralt explained the entire fortress, pointing to the three towering beacon towers in the fortress and said: "Those three beacon towers are the test for Frank to join the team. Meet the real Farn Guards - the Farn Undead Squad."

Geralt narrated the story about the Fortress of Farland. This fearless warrior who charged into the abyss always got the sympathy of other warriors.

Clint couldn't help but want to see the undead team that Geralt said.

But while Clint was still dreaming, Geralt's slap on his shoulder woke him up.

"Okay, stop dreaming. You are not even a hunter now. You can't eat a whole crab in one sitting. You can only be regarded as a weakling. The weaklings come with me."

With such a mockery, Clint couldn't think of anything to refute. After all, he was not a hunter now, and he couldn't finish eating a five-meter-high crab.

Go up the stairs next to the balcony, and you will come to the top of the entire Fortress of Fran.

But the higher he went, the more Clint could hear the dull slamming sound, as if a large creature was shuffling and pacing.

Sure enough, when he got to the top, a huge gray monster figure appeared in front of Clint. It held a huge hammer-like weapon in both hands and patrolled around the top.

Clint subconsciously took off the short bow on his shoulder, bent the bow and set an arrow, and aimed at the monster to shoot.

However, Geralt pressed Clint's bow and arrow, and asked a little depressed: "What are you doing?"

"I attack the enemy, can't you see such a big monster?"

"What kind of monster, don't make trouble, that is our driver, and we need to rely on it to go to Ring City!"

(End of this chapter)

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